这题理解题意之后就是一简单的dfs,是每一个都相差不小于d。 首先选取一个起始点,然后对于这个点进行dfs寻找,当找到了或者不可能找到时返回,中间的相差不小于d可以把两个数换成二进制然后再比较不同的位置。实现也不算难 官方的如下,官方的就是先求出每两个数的二进制的位差,以免后面再重复求
官方 1There are only a few tools we need to solve this problem. First of all, we can use basic techniques to find the Nth bit of a number M: counting the least significant bit as bit 0, the next bit as bit 1, etc., we can find the value of that bit through the expression 2 3 int Nth_bit = (1 << N) & M; 4 5In other words, we are shifting the number 1 left by N spaces, and then performing a binary AND on the resulting number with our original number, which will leave either a 1 in the Nth bit or a 0. So the first thing we have to do is find out the distance between each pair of numbers within the set of all numbers with B bits (0..2B-1). 6We also know that 0 can be one of the numbers in the set, because if the minimum number in the set were N instead of 0, we could subtract N from each number in the set and they would still be the same distance apart. The limits on the problem are low enough that we can do a DFS, and as soon as we hit a solution we can output it and exit. 7 8#include <stdio.h> 9#include <stdlib.h> 10#include <iostream.h> 11#define MAX (1 << 8 + 1) 12#define NMAX 65 13#define BMAX 10 14#define DMAX 10 15 16int nums[NMAX], dist[MAX][MAX]; 17int N, B, D, maxval; 18FILE *in, *out; 19 20void findgroups(int cur, int start) { 21 int a, b, canuse; 22 char ch; 23 if (cur == N) { 24 for (a = 0; a < cur; a++) { 25 if (a % 10) 26 fprintf(out, " "); 27 fprintf(out, "%d", nums[a]); 28 if (a % 10 == 9 || a == cur-1) 29 fprintf(out, "\n"); 30 } 31 exit(0); 32 } 33 for (a = start; a < maxval; a++) { 34 canuse = 1; 35 for (b = 0; b < cur; b++) 36 if (dist[nums[b]][a] < D) { 37 canuse = 0; 38 break; 39 } 40 if (canuse) { 41 nums[cur] = a; 42 findgroups(cur+1, a+1); 43 } 44 } 45} 46 47int main() { 48 in = fopen("hamming.in", "r"); 49 out = fopen("hamming.out", "w"); 50 int a, b, c; 51 fscanf(in, "%d%d%d", &N, &B, &D); 52 maxval = (1 << B); 53 for (a = 0; a < maxval; a++) 54 for (b = 0; b < maxval; b++) { 55 dist[a][b] = 0; 56 for (c = 0; c < B; c++) 57 if (((1 << c) & a) != ((1 << c) & b)) 58 dist[a][b]++; 59 } 60 nums[0] = 0; 61 findgroups(1, 1); 62 return 0; 63} 64 65