These days' games are coming alive! The latest graphic technologies can make what you see so realistic that your monitor becomes a window to another world! Unfortunately that's where the realism ends because many gamers are missing out on the most important aspect of any experience whether it's gaming or even music or movies; the audio! People spend thousands on their home music and movie systems and will go to a cinema to watch a movie. Why? Because they want the best audio experience possible. Great audio can turn an average moment in a movie into a thrilling or chilling experience and can make the hairs on the back of your neck stand up straight! Try it yourself. Play your favourite movie scene and turn the volume off or down and it loses all its appeal. The best game developers know this and they hire the best game audio engineers in the world to make sure you get the maximum enjoyment from their game. And More and more game developers use EAX ADVANCED HD to raise the gaming realism bar to an entirely new level. Hear what they have to say about EAX ADVANCED HD.
Developer Interviews:// 阿来点评:哎呀,这么多大作都用EAX啊?那《巨人》还有什么理由拒绝呢?我为什么不给她赋予这个动人之处呢?
// 从现在起,挤时间出来学这个!
Exploring the Sounds of World of WarcraftDiscover how EAX® ADVANCED HD™ brings the enormous lands of Azeroth to life.Interviewee: Shane Dabiri, Blizzard Entertainment
Interviewer: Liam Byrne, Creative Labs
Developer: Blizzard Entertainment
Publisher: Blizzard Entertainment
Game Title: World of Warcraft®

Q1. What was Blizzard's sound team's goal for audio in World of Warcraft?
Our goal was to create an epic aural experience. With the world so vast, detailed, and beautiful, it was the sound team's job to make sure the audio matched what the players were seeing on screen. By creating rich ambient loops and having beautiful composed symphonic music, we believe that goal was achieved.
Q2. How important is audio to the World of Warcraft experience?
Since World of Warcraft is almost completely based on random encounters, audio becomes extremely important for letting players know when they are being attacked. Each monster in World of Warcraft was carefully designed to have an identifiable sound that occurs when it attacks. Musical cues also warn players if they are entering a dangerous area. Audio plays a great deal of importance during the overall experience in World of Warcraft.
Q3. There are a ton of different sounds and music tracks in World of Warcraft, did you create all the content internally at Blizzard?
We are proud to say all of our music was created in-house.

Q4. Are there any certain creature sounds or effects that are your favorite?
I would say the Dragon and the Murloc are among the two favorites in the office. Among the World of Warcraft community, the Murlocs have become the star sound byte used by many of our fan sites. As for the Dragon, we recorded a fellow co-worker and processed the sound to create one of our best-sounding creatures in the game.
Stealthy Sounds in Thief: Deadly Shadows™Discover how EAX® 4.0 ADVANCED HD™ helped create the cutting edge stealth experience in Thief: Deadly Shadows.Interviewees:Todd Simmons & Mark Lampert, Audio Designers at Ion Storm
Developer: Ion Storm
Publisher: Eidos
Game Title: Thief:Deadly Shadows™
Q1. What other games have you worked on in the past and what was your role in Thief: Deadly Shadows?
Mark: Deus Ex: Invisible War (2003)
--My part on Thief: Deadly Shadows involved sound design and music for several cinematics, as well as creating a small portion of the in-game sounds. I also recorded and edited several of the voice actors, for both in-game and cinematic voices. Late in the project I assisted in assigning fellow sound designer Todd Simmons' EAX reverb presets to the levels.
Todd: Deus Ex: Invisible War
-- I provided additional audio support at the beginning and end of the project.I created sound effects and music for several cinematics, created a small number of in-game sound effects, and edited a number of voice files.Also, I created the EAX reverb presets and applied them to half the game maps.
Q2. How important is audio to Thief: Deadly Shadows and how does it factor into the game?
Mark: Audio in Thief: Deadly Shadows and the Thief series is an absolutely critical part of both game play and player immersion, as opposed to being more of a post-production aesthetic concern as might be typical elsewhere. This is true both for world sound effects and NPCs, as well as the speech of those NPCs. For example, the player must take care to move and act silently so as to attract little or no attention from the characters populating each level, which typically will be hostile towards you (seeing as how you're most likely there to steal something of theirs!).

Most players will find that they start to use their ears as a sort of radar to detect the sound of a guard's footsteps approaching from down a corridor, the movement of creatures, and especially to eavesdrop on NPC conversations in order to potentially gain some piece of useful information. Should the player step too loudly, knock over an object or use a loud weapon (e.g. a fire arrow) at an inopportune moment, guards or other hostile NPCs will detect this through the audio engine's propagation system, and will localize on the sound.
Primary sound designer and composer Eric Brosius (who fans will recognize as the man behind Thief's audio legacy with his work on Thief: The Dark Project, and Thief: The Metal Age) brings the player into the world of Thief with excellent sound effects and a rich bed of moody, ambient music. It's a game that makes its players turn off all the lights, crank the volume, lean towards the screen and get completely sucked into the experience.
Q3. The previous versions of Thief had a very advanced sound system. What is new in Thief: Deadly Shadows and what features were brought over to this version?
Mark: There are three main points in regard to audio engine enhancements and additions: First, the sound propagation system is far more robust, and by the player's experience will seem more accurate and true-to-life when listening for sounds or trying to maintain a low profile and not alert hostiles to their presence. Second, the use of Creative EAX 4.0 ADVANCED HD's multiple environments. Thief: Deadly Shadows provides a useful world for this technology in that the player often finds themselves hiding in a small passageway or around a corner while listening in to a conversation or monitoring other sounds from another room. Last, and possibly the most significant, is the addition of sound effects linked with the Havok physics system. Throwing objects to distract or mislead hostiles, knocking objects over (perhaps unintentionally!) and unexpected emergent situations all add to the sense of realism and player immersion.
Q4.What is your favorite sound effect in the game?
Mark: Speaking personally, my favorite sound effect is still the sound of Garrett drawing his bow. It's a sound that you tend to hear a great deal of and that is familiar to fans of the series, but it's the simplicity and implication of the sound that draws me to it (pun possibly intended). Typically it preceeds Garrett taking some thief-like action - extinguishing a torch with a water arrow, firing a noisemaker arrow down a hallway to attract guards away from an area that he must infiltrate, or for those who choose to use their freedom to do so, killing those guards with a good old-fashioned arrow through the head. To me, it's one of the signature sounds that let the player know, "I have the advantage of stealth, mastery of the situation, and the all-important element of surprise."
Todd: My favorite class of sound effects are the creepy ambiences.One that stands out in particular is hull creeking on the zombie ship.
posted on 2006-11-13 04:27
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Game Music & Sound