Game Engine Anatomy 101
May 17, 2002
Game Engine Anatomy 101, Part VI
By Jake Simpson
Sound and music in games are becoming increasingly important in recent years due to both advances in the game genres people are playing (where sound is an actual game play feature, such as the aural cues in Thief and other games of that ilk), and in technology. Four speaker surround systems are now both affordable and commonplace in the gamer's arsenal. Given spatialization of sound, obstruction and occlusion of noise, and the dynamic music many games employ these days to heighten the emotional responses of the player, it's no wonder that more care is being given to this area.
Right now in the PC arena, there is really only one card of choice for gamers – the Sound Blaster Live!. From old time PC sound card manufacturer Creative Labs. Creative has provided their EAX sound extensions for DirectX for a number of years now, and they are a founder of the new
(Open Audio Library) initiative. OpenAL, as it sounds, is an API for sound systems in the same way that OpenGL is a graphical API. OpenAL is designed to support a number of features that are mostly common across sound cards, and provide a software alternative if a specific hardware feature is not available.
For a better definition of OpenAL, I asked Garin Hiebert of Creative Labs for a definition:
"Borrowing from our "OpenAL Specification and Reference" here's a definition:
OpenAL is a software interface to audio hardware, providing a programmer with the ability to produce high-quality multi-channel output. OpenAL is foremost a means to generate audio in a simulated three-dimensional environment. It is intended to be cross-platform and easy to use, resembling the OpenGL API in style and conventions. Any programmer who is already familiar with OpenGL will find OpenAL to be very familiar.
The OpenAL API can easily be extended to accommodate add-on technologies. Creative Labs has already added EAX support to the API, which programmers can use to add sophisticated reverberation, occlusion, and obstruction effects to their audio environment. "
Soldier of Fortune II features this new system, as does Jedi Knight II: Outcast, along with the Eagle world/sound properties editor. What is Eagle? Before we get into that, let's discuss a couple of other systems, and define some sound terms.
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Miles Sound System
Another system out there is the Miles Sound System. Miles is a company that produces a plug-in to your own code that will handle all the necessary talking to specific sound cards (like the Sound Blaster Live! series, or an older A3D card for example) while getting the most of each card. It's very much like an API front end, with extra features bundled in. Miles gives you access to things like MP3 decompression amongst other things. It's a nice one-stop solution, but like everything, it costs money as well as being one extra layer between your code and the hardware. For fast sound system production though, it's very useful, and they've been around for a while, so they do know their stuff.
Sound Terms
Let's start with obstruction and occlusion. They sound the same, but are not. Occlusion means basically that the listener has some encompassing obstacle between them and a sound being played.
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Let's say you hear bad guys inside the house in this screenshot from NOLF 2. You can hear them, but their sounds are pretty muffled and muted. Obstruction is similar, but the obstacle between you and the sound is not encompassing. A good example of this is having a pillar between you and the sound source. You are still hearing the sound due to echoes in the room, but it isn't the same as the sound coming directly to your ears. Of course this does rely on knowing what is in a direct line between your ears and the sound source. And the required processing can get pretty time consuming depending on the size of the room, the distance of the sound source from you, and so on. We will talk about traces later-- suffice to say it can often be the reason for slower frame rates. The A3D code inside of Quake III does this stuff, and frame rates can often be improved by turning these options off. Tribes 2 is another sufferer from this malady. Turn off the 3D Sound options and your frame rates instantly get better, which makes sense when you consider how big the Tribes worlds are, and how far you can see.
Next are sound material properties. Most sound cards give you the capability to modify sounds being played by using definable filters to act on that sound. For instance, there is a big difference between hearing a sound underwater, or in a cloth-covered room, or in a long corridor, or an opera house. It's pretty cool to be able to change the way you hear a sound depending on the environment you are in.
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Back to Eagle… This is an editor that allows most first-person shooter map designers to import their maps into the tool, and then construct simplified geometry that creates a sound map for EAX code in the actual game engine. The idea is you don't need the complex geometry of a real graphical map to simulate sound environments. You can also assign sound materials to the resulting simplified map so sound environments can change dynamically. I was witness to a demonstration of this on Soldier of Fortune and Unreal Tournament and it really is quite striking. Hearing all the sounds change when you plunge into water is a very immersive experience.
OK, let's move on.
For the consoles, you are more limited in your possibilities because of static hardware – although both on the PlayStation 2 and the Xbox this hardware is pretty damn cool. When I say limited, I only mean in expansion, not in what it's capable of doing. I wouldn't be the least bit surprised to see games with Dolby Digital 5.1 output very shortly from these consoles. Xbox, with its MCP audio processor can encode any game's audio into 5.1, and the game doesn't need to be specially coded to take advantage of this feature. Dolby has brought ProLogic II to the PS2, and has teamed up with Factor 5 to enable ProLogic II for GameCube games. On Xbox, game titles Halo, Madden 2002 and Project Gotham Racing all have 5.1 Dolby Digital audio content. DTS also recently unveiled an SDK for PS2 game developers to bring a reduced bit-rate version of DTS audio to games on that platform.
Positional Sound--It's a Complex World
Now there are some issues with sound spatialization that not many have dealt with. I speak of putting sound in a real 3D world. Having four speakers around you is a great start, but it is still only in two dimensions. Without speakers above you and below you, you really aren't getting 3D sound. There are some sound modulation filters that attempt to address this, but really there is no substitute for the real deal. Of course most games are really only played in two dimensions for the most part anyway, so it's not such a big deal. Yet.
One of the most important features of any sound system is actually the mixing of the sounds together. Once you've decided what sounds you can actually hear based on where you are located, where the sounds are in space, and what the volume is for each sound, then you have to mix the sounds. Usually the sound card itself handles this, which is the primary reason for the existence of the card in the first place. However, some engines out there decide to do a 'premix' in software first. That doesn't make much sense really, until you look at a bit of history.
When sound cards first came out there where many different approaches to mixing. Some cards could mix 8 sounds together, some 16, some 32, and so on. If you always want to hear 16 possible sounds, but you don't know if the card can handle it, then you fall back to the tried and tested route-- that of doing the mixing yourself in software. This is actually how the Quake III sound system works, but begs the question: "Quake III was released into a world of A3D and Sound Blaster Live! Cards, which are more standardized than ever, so why do this?" That's a good question. The sound system for Quake III is actually almost line-for-line the same sound system that was in Quake II. And Quake I, and even Doom. When you think about it, up until A3D cards and the SB Live! Card, sound systems hadn't really changed in requirements for years. Two speakers, two dimensions, and a simple volume drop off for distance. From Doom through Quake III not much has changed. And in the games industry, if it ain't broke, don't fix it.
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Miles Sound System
Usually you would just use DirectSound to do your mixing for you, since it would
the sound hardware available, or fall back to software, much as DirectX does for 3D cards. In 90% of sound cases, a software fall back doesn't really make that much difference to your frame rate. But the Doom engine was created when Direct Sound wasn't even a glimmer in some mad coder's eye. It never got updated because it never really needed to.
Of course, you could use some of the clever features of the SoundBlaster Live! Card, such as a room's echoic characteristics: a rock room, or an auditorium, a cavern, a football stadium, etc. And you really should use the mixer provided by the hardware, after all, that's what it is there for. One drawback of this approach is that often the result of the mix isn't available to the program itself, as it's being done inside the card rather than in main memory. If you need to look at the resulting volumes for any reason, you are out of luck.