| Programming 3D Sound With OpenAL Introduces OpenAL, and explains how to use its various features. Sample code is included. | Dan Ricart | 08/06/2003
OpenAL Lesson 1: Simple Static Sound
The simplest OpenAL program involving only one non-moving source. |
Jesse Maurais
OpenAL Lesson 2: Looping and Fadeaway
Movement of an emiting source. |
Jesse Maurais
14/06/2003 |
OpenAL Lesson 3: Multiple Sources
Create an audio scene with more than one source. |
Jesse Maurais
14/06/2003 |
OpenAL Lesson 4: The ALC
A closer look at ALC and creating multiple contexts. |
Jesse Maurais
14/06/2003 |
OpenAL Lesson 5: Sources Sharing Buffers
This tutorial shows a method of having buffers shared among many sources. |
Jesse Maurais
14/06/2003 |
OpenAL Lesson 6: Advanced Loading and Error Handles
Shows how to retrieve error information and ways for error-handling. |
Jesse Maurais
OpenAL Lesson 7: The Doppler Effect
Talks about the doppler effect in OpenAL. |
Jesse Maurais
OpenAL Lesson 8: OggVorbis Streaming Using The Source Queue
This tutorial explains about OggVorbis files and how to read them. How to code a simple OggVorbis player will also be shown. Sample source code is also included. |
Jesse Maurais
14/07/2003 |
Loading OggVorbis Files From Memory
Based on Lesson 8 of the OpenAL series, this tutorial demonstrates how to load an OggVorbis from files into memory. Sample source code is included. |
posted on 2006-11-20 01:18
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Game Music & Sound