摘要: 在project->Options->Compiler中点击Release,
在project->Options->Packages中取消Builder with runtime packages的对钩
在project->Options->Linker中取消Use dynamic RTL前的对钩
还有个有趣的问题: 如果你的机子是双屏的,你生成exe的时候form是在第二个屏幕上的话,在只有一个屏幕的机子上就看不到界面,只能在任务栏上看到,呵呵
posted @
2007-12-24 23:38 七星重剑 阅读(3290) |
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摘要: 转载的介绍signal/slot机制的文章
* what signals and slots are;
* how you might arrive at them from first principles;
* a comparison of the implementations in Qt and Boost;
* how to use Qt Signals and Slots and Boost.Signals together.
posted @
2007-12-24 11:38 七星重剑 阅读(510) |
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摘要: %QTDIR%\examples\widgets\styles\
posted @
2007-12-24 11:35 七星重剑 阅读(1366) |
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