Posted on 2012-09-25 10:25
盛胜 阅读(369)
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Create | Creates a tool tip control and attaches it to a CToolTipCtrl object. |
CreateEx | Creates a tool tip control with the specified Windows extended styles and attaches it to a CToolTipCtrl object. |
CToolTipCtrl | Constructs a CToolTipCtrl object. |
GetBubbleSize | Retrieves the size of the tool tip. |
GetCurrentTool | Retrieves information, such as the size, position, and text, of the tooltip window that the current tooltip control displays. |
GetDelayTime | Retrieves the initial, pop-up, and reshow durations that are currently set for a tool tip control. |
GetMargin | Retrieves the top, left, bottom, and right margins that are set for a tool tip window. |
GetMaxTipWidth | Retrieves the maximum width for a tool tip window. |
GetText | Retrieves the text that a tool tip control maintains for a tool. |
GetTipBkColor | Retrieves the background color in a tool tip window. |
GetTipTextColor | Retrieves the text color in a tool tip window. |
GetTitle | Retrieves the title of the current tooltip control. |
GetToolCount | Retrieves a count of the tools maintained by a tool tip control. |
GetToolInfo | Retrieves the information that a tool tip control maintains about a tool. |
SetDelayTime | Sets the initial, pop-up, and reshow durations for a tool tip control. |
SetMargin | Sets the top, left, bottom, and right margins for a tool tip window. |
SetMaxTipWidth | Sets the maximum width for a tool tip window. |
SetTipBkColor | Sets the background color in a tool tip window. |
SetTipTextColor | Sets the text color in a tool tip window. |
SetToolInfo | Sets the information that a tool tip maintains for a tool. |
SetWindowTheme | Sets the visual style of the tool tip window. |
Activate | Activates and deactivates the tool tip control. |
AddTool | Registers a tool with the tool tip control. |
AdjustRect | Converts between a tool tip control's text display rectangle and its window rectangle. |
DelTool | Removes a tool from the tool tip control. |
HitTest | Tests a point to determine whether it is within the bounding rectangle of the given tool. If so, retrieves information about the tool. |
Pop | Removes a displayed tool tip window from view. |
Popup | Causes the current ToolTip control to display at the coordinates of the last mouse message. |
RelayEvent | Passes a mouse message to a tool tip control for processing. |
SetTitle | Adds a standard icon and title string to a tool tip. |
SetToolRect | Sets a new bounding rectangle for a tool. |
Update | Forces the current tool to be redrawn. |
UpdateTipText | Sets the tool tip text for a tool. |