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Creating a Custom Installer for Mac (PackageMaker Package)

Posted on 2011-05-07 07:35 RTY 阅读(855) 评论(0)  编辑 收藏 引用 所属分类: PythonMac os
Creating a Custom Installer for Mac (PackageMaker Package)


Support Topics/Knowledge Base

Creating a Custom Installer for Mac (PackageMaker Package)

posted this on May-23 2010 02:38 pm


While Identity Finder is distributed from the website as a dmg, modification to the dmg or application bundle contained therein are not supported. Any organization using Identity Finder for Mac version 3.0 or later (which can take advantage of the management capabilities of Identity Finder Enterprise Console version 4.5 or later) must create and deploy a custom Installer Package that can include a custom plist, license file, and other supplementary files as well as configure the endpoint service application.

The only supported method for creating a custom Installer Package is to use the builds scripts referenced by and attached to this article. These build scripts require the PackageMaker application available with the Apple Developer Tools to be installed on the system used to create the package. Please refer to the Apple User Guide (external PDF link) for complete documentation.

Note: Configuring HTTPS/SSL is outside the scope of this article. If SSL is to be utilized, it is necessary to ensure that the required files and settings are available prior to building the package. For additional information, please refer to the article:

Note: This information only applies to Identity Finder for Mac v3.7 and later. For reference or configuring/troubleshooting an earlier installation package, refer to this KB:

This article contains the following sections:


Obtaining the Installation Files

To begin the process, download the build script, Identity Finder application, and client/console communication configuration file.

  1. Download the file containing the build scripts.
  2. Download the most recent version of IdentityFinderMacSetup.dmg.
  3. Download the plist with the client/console communication settings from the enterprise console.


Preparing the Installation Files

Before executing the script to build the package, it is necessary to organize the files that will be included in the package.

  1. Extract to the system that will be used to build the package. That system must have Apple Package Maker installed.
  2. Place the application dmg, IdentityFinderMacSetup.dmg, in the IdentityFinderPackageBuilder folder. The necessary files will be automatically extracted by the script. By default, the application will be installed to:
  3. If using a license file, place the license file - identityfinder.lic - in the IdentityFinderPackageBuilder/Resources folder. By default, this file will be installed to:
    /Library/Application Support/Identity Finder/identityfinder.lic
  4. If using an enterprise console, place the system plist obtained from the Console - com.identityfinder.macedition.plist - in the IdentityFinderPackageBuilder/Resources folder. By default, this file will be installed to:
  5. Optionally edit the system plist to add in other settings (not recommended)
  6. If using HTTPS/SSL:
    1. Edit the system plist to add the SSL settings. More information on SSL and the necessary settings, is available in the KB article Enabling SSL communication between Mac clients and the Enterprise Console.
    2. Place the certificate file - ca.Pem - in the IdentityFinderPackageBuilder/Resources folder. By default, this file will be installed to:
      /Library/Application Support/Identity Finder/ca.pem


Building the Installer Package

The process of building the pkg installer package is performed by executing the script at a command prompt, as follows:

  1. Open a Terminal window
  2. Change directory (cd) to the IdentityFinderPackageBuilder/Resources directory
    cd IdentityFinderPackageBuilder/Resources
  3. Verify that all the scripts are executable. If necessary, change the permissions for each script by executing chmod ugo+x. For example:
    chmod ugo+x preflight
    chmod ugo+x preinstall
  4. Change directory to the IdentityFinderPackageBuilder directory
    cd ..
  5. Verify that the script file is executable. If ncessary, change the permissions by executing chmod ugo+x. For example:
    chmod ugo+x
  6. Execute the script. The script requires one of the following two parameters:
    • -RootAuth: Root authorization will be required when the installer runs. This parameter should be used for the initial user-initiated install as root authorization must be obtained to allow the installation of the system resources.
    • -NoRootAuth: Root authorization will not be required when the installer runs. This parameter is used during subsequent automatic and silent upgrades where the installer will run with root permissions.
    To require root authorization, use the -RootAuth parameter:
    ./ -RootAuth
  7. Press the spacebar to scroll through the license agreement until the “Agree Y/N?” prompt is displayed
  8. Type 'y' at the prompt

The script will then run to completion and create IdentityFinder.pkg in the folder IdentityFinderPackageBuilder/Output. Once completed, test the package.


Testing the Package

After building the package, it is necessary to execute the package to verify that all of the components are properly installed and that the endpointservice is started.

  1. Open a Finder window to the location containing the newly created IdentityFinder.pkg file
  2. Run the installer. The install may be monitored for status by performing the following steps:
    • At the Welcome screen, select the Window menu and then select, “Installer Log”
    • In the Detail Level popup, select, "Show All Logs"
    • Example of a successful console log:
      Dec  8 11:52:40 Installer[51892]: @(#)PROGRAM:Install  PROJECT:Install-388
      Dec 8 11:52:40 Installer[51892]: @(#)PROGRAM:Installer PROJECT:Installer-281
      Dec 8 11:52:40 Installer[51892]: Hardware: MacBookPro5,2 @ 2.93 GHz (x 2), 8192 MB RAM
      Dec 8 11:52:40 Installer[51892]: Running OS Build: Mac OS X 10.5.8 (9L31a)
      Dec 8 11:52:40 Installer[51892]: Env: PATH=/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin
      Dec 8 11:52:40 Installer[51892]: Env: TMPDIR=/var/folders/ka/kaBzHl2IG6yXTTiPRDoALU+++TI/-Tmp-/
      Dec 8 11:52:40 Installer[51892]: Env: SHELL=/bin/bash
      Dec 8 11:52:40 Installer[51892]: Env: HOME=/Users/devuser
      Dec 8 11:52:40 Installer[51892]: Env: USER=devuser
      Dec 8 11:52:40 Installer[51892]: Env: LOGNAME=devuser
      Dec 8 11:52:40 Installer[51892]: Env: DISPLAY=/tmp/launch-3zJTAy/:0
      Dec 8 11:52:40 Installer[51892]: Env: SSH_AUTH_SOCK=/tmp/launch-aGzIG1/Listeners
      Dec 8 11:52:40 Installer[51892]: Env: Apple_PubSub_Socket_Render=/tmp/launch-yUzIST/Render
      Dec 8 11:52:40 Installer[51892]: Env: __CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING=0x1F5:0:0
      Dec 8 11:52:40 Installer[51892]: Env: SECURITYSESSIONID=965b9be0
      Dec 8 11:52:40 Installer[51892]: Env: COMMAND_MODE=unix2003
      Dec 8 11:52:40 Installer[51892]: Env: CVS_RSH=ssh
      Dec 8 11:52:40 Installer[51892]: Identity Finder Installation Log
      Dec 8 11:52:40 Installer[51892]: Opened from: /Users/devuser/Documents/workspace/IdfMacPublic/Installer/IdentityFinderPackageBuilder/IdentityFinder.pkg
      Dec 8 11:52:41 installdb[51894]: started (uid 96)
      Dec 8 11:52:41 installdb[51894]: Opened receipt database on '/' with schema 17.
      Dec 8 11:52:41 Installer[51892]: Found receipt (full match) for (identityfinder / com.identityfinder.pkg): (identityfinder / com.identityfinder.pkg)
      Dec 8 11:52:47 installdb[51894]: done. (0.004u + 0.003s)
      Dec 8 11:52:55 runner[51895]: Administrator authorization granted.
      Dec 8 11:52:55 Installer[51892]: ================================================================================
      Dec 8 11:52:55 Installer[51892]: User picked Standard Install
      Dec 8 11:52:55 Installer[51892]: Choices selected for installation:
      Dec 8 11:52:55 Installer[51892]: Upgrade: "Identity Finder"
      Dec 8 11:52:55 Installer[51892]: IdentityFinder.pkg : com.identityfinder.pkg :
      Dec 8 11:52:55 Installer[51892]: ================================================================================
      Dec 8 11:52:55 Installer[51892]: It took 0.00 seconds to summarize the package selections.
      Dec 8 11:52:55 Installer[51892]: -[IFPKGDerivedDocument sortedPackageLocations]: result = (\n file://localhost\n)
      Dec 8 11:52:55 Installer[51892]: -[IFDInstallController(Private) _buildInstallPlan]: location = file://localhost
      Dec 8 11:52:55 Installer[51892]: -[IFDInstallController(Private) _buildInstallPlan]: file://localhost/Users/devuser/Documents/workspace/IdfMacPublic/Installer/IdentityFinderPackageBuilder/IdentityFinder.pkg
      Dec 8 11:52:55 Installer[51892]: _installNextPackage of 1
      Dec 8 11:52:55 installdb[51896]: started (uid 96)
      Dec 8 11:52:55 installdb[51896]: Opened receipt database on '/' with schema 17.
      Dec 8 11:52:55 Installer[51892]: Found receipt (full match) for (identityfinder / com.identityfinder.pkg): (identityfinder / com.identityfinder.pkg)
      Dec 8 11:52:55 Installer[51892]: Starting installation:
      Dec 8 11:52:55 Installer[51892]: Preparing volume "Macintosh HD" for installation
      Dec 8 11:52:55 Installer[51892]: Configuring volume "Macintosh HD"
      Dec 8 11:52:56 Installer[51892]: Preparing disk for local booted install.
      Dec 8 11:52:56 Installer[51892]: Free space on "Macintosh HD": 49.3 GB (52892991488 bytes).
      Dec 8 11:52:56 Installer[51892]: Create temporary directory "/private/tmp/IdentityFinder.pkg.51892EztnrK"
      Dec 8 11:52:56 Installer[51892]: run preflight script for Identity Finder
      Dec 8 11:52:56 runner[51895]: preflight[51897]: Starting Identity Finder installer preflight script
      Dec 8 11:52:56 runner[51895]: preflight[51897]: Ending Identity Finder installer preflight script
      Dec 8 11:52:56 runner[51895]: preflight[51897]:
      Dec 8 11:52:56 Installer[51892]: Processing Identity Finder:
      Dec 8 11:52:56 Installer[51892]: Determining files to install
      Dec 8 11:52:56 Installer[51892]: It took 0.01 seconds to create the install plan for identityfinder.
      Dec 8 11:52:56 Installer[51892]: Removing previously installed languages
      Dec 8 11:52:56 Installer[51892]: Configuring deferred files
      Dec 8 11:52:56 Installer[51892]: Determining obsolete files
      Dec 8 11:52:56 Installer[51892]: Assembling temporary receipt
      Dec 8 11:52:57 Installer[51892]: Performing pre-extraction actions
      Dec 8 11:52:57 Installer[51892]: run preupgrade script for Identity Finder
      Dec 8 11:52:57 runner[51895]: preupgrade[51899]: Starting pre_upgrade script
      Dec 8 11:52:57 runner[51895]: preupgrade[51899]: End pre_upgrade script
      Dec 8 11:52:57 runner[51895]: preupgrade[51899]:
      Dec 8 11:52:57 Installer[51892]: Removing obsoleted files
      Dec 8 11:52:57 Installer[51892]: Creating destination path
      Dec 8 11:52:57 Installer[51892]: Validating package payload
      Dec 8 11:52:57 Installer[51892]: Starting file extraction
      Dec 8 11:52:57 pkgExtractor[51900]: Extracting...
      Dec 8 11:52:58 pkgExtractor[51900]: 265 of 265 files written in 1.41 seconds.
      Dec 8 11:52:58 pkgExtractor[51900]: 44500 kilobytes installed at 30.9 MB/s.
      Dec 8 11:52:58 Installer[51892]: run postupgrade script for Identity Finder
      Dec 8 11:52:58 runner[51895]: postupgrade[51903]: Starting Identity Finder installer /Users/devuser/Documents/workspace/IdfMacPublic/Installer/IdentityFinderPackageBuilder/IdentityFinder.pkg/Contents/Resources/postupgrade script
      Dec 8 11:52:58 runner[51895]: postupgrade[51903]: Copying EndpointService to /Library/Application Support/Identity Finder...
      Dec 8 11:52:59 runner[51895]: postupgrade[51903]: EndpointService successfully copied to /Library/Application Support/Identity Finder
      Dec 8 11:52:59 runner[51895]: postupgrade[51903]: Copying com.identityfinder.launchdaemon.plist to /Library/LaunchDaemons...
      Dec 8 11:52:59 runner[51895]: postupgrade[51903]: com.identityfinder.launchdaemon.plist cp result = 0
      Dec 8 11:52:59 runner[51895]: postupgrade[51903]: Loading com.identityfinder.launchdaemon.plist...
      Dec 8 11:52:59 runner[51895]: postupgrade[51903]: launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.identityfinder.launchdaemon.plist result = 0
      Dec 8 11:52:59 runner[51895]: postupgrade[51903]: Setting owner root:admin for /Applications/Identity
      Dec 8 11:52:59 runner[51895]: postupgrade[51903]: Setting file mode to 775 for /Applications/Identity
      Dec 8 11:52:59 runner[51895]: postupgrade[51903]: Ending Identity Finder installer /Users/devuser/Documents/workspace/IdfMacPublic/Installer/IdentityFinderPackageBuilder/IdentityFinder.pkg/Contents/Resources/postupgrade script
      Dec 8 11:52:59 Installer[51892]: Performing post-extraction actions
      Dec 8 11:52:59 Installer[51892]: Finishing receipt
      Dec 8 11:52:59 Installer[51892]: run postflight script for Identity Finder
      Dec 8 11:52:59 runner[51895]: postflight[51916]: Starting post_flight script
      Dec 8 11:52:59 runner[51895]: postflight[51916]: End post_flight script
      Dec 8 11:52:59 Installer[51892]: Removing temporary directory "/private/tmp/IdentityFinder.pkg.51892EztnrK"
      Dec 8 11:52:59 Installer[51892]: Finalize disk "Macintosh HD"
      Dec 8 11:52:59 Installer[51892]: Notifying system of updated components
      Dec 8 11:52:59 Installer[51892]: _installNextPackage of 0
      Dec 8 11:52:59 Installer[51892]:
      Dec 8 11:52:59 Installer[51892]: **** Summary Information ****
      Dec 8 11:52:59 Installer[51892]: Operation Elapsed time
      Dec 8 11:52:59 Installer[51892]: -----------------------------
      Dec 8 11:52:59 Installer[51892]: script 0.91 seconds
      Dec 8 11:52:59 Installer[51892]: zero 0.01 seconds
      Dec 8 11:52:59 Installer[51892]: install 2.79 seconds
      Dec 8 11:52:59 Installer[51892]: validate 0.00 seconds
      Dec 8 11:52:59 Installer[51892]: os 0.00 seconds
      Dec 8 11:52:59 Installer[51892]: extract 1.50 seconds
      Dec 8 11:52:59 Installer[51892]: receipt 0.41 seconds
      Dec 8 11:52:59 Installer[51892]: disk 1.01 seconds
      Dec 8 11:52:59 Installer[51892]: config 0.02 seconds
      Dec 8 11:52:59 Installer[51892]:
      Dec 8 11:53:00 Installer[51892]: Starting installation:
      Dec 8 11:53:00 Installer[51892]: Finalizing installation.
      Dec 8 11:53:00 Installer[51892]: Registering applications
      Dec 8 11:53:00 runner[51895]: Touched '/Applications/Identity'
      Dec 8 11:53:00 Installer[51892]: Registered /Applications/Identity
      Dec 8 11:53:00 runner[51895]: Touched '/Applications/./Identity'
      Dec 8 11:53:00 runner[51895]: Touched '/Applications/.'
      Dec 8 11:53:00 Installer[51892]: IFDInstallController 85DB40 state = 5
      Dec 8 11:53:00 Installer[51892]: Displaying 'Install Succeeded' UI.
      Dec 8 11:53:01 installdb[51896]: done. (0.004u + 0.003s)
  3. Verify that the application has been installed to /Applications (or the appropriate location if the script was modified).
  4. Verify that the license file, certificate file, and system plist were all installed to the specified locations. For example:
    /Library/Application Support/Identity Finder/identityfinder.lic
    /Library/Application Support/Identity Finder/ca.pem
  5. Verify that the launchdaemon, which automatically starts the endpoint service at system start-up, was installed to:
  6. Verify that the endpoint service binary was installed to:
    /Library/Application Support/Identity Finder/EndpointService
  7. Test the installed application to ensure that a search runs to completion and that the results appear in the console.


Removing files on upgrade

When executing an upgrade with a PackageMaker package, no files will be removed even if these files are not present in the new package. If it is necessary to remove files on upgrade, a Preflight script must be created and included in the new package by specifying its location on the Scripts tab within PackageMaker. For example, this script will delete a preexisting Identity Note: Be extremely careful when using this script as an error in any path may result in the deletion of all applications on the system. It is likely more desirable to move the old files to $HOME/.Trash and/or rename them.

A sample Uninstall script is attached to this article as



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