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【转】vs2005下的dirent.h  该方法同样适用于VS2008 及VS2010



static DIR *opendir (const char *dirname);
static struct dirent *readdir (DIR *dirp);
static int closedir (DIR *dirp);


typedef struct dirent {
  /* name of current directory entry (a multi-byte character string) */
  char d_name[MAX_PATH + 1];

  /* file attributes */
  WIN32_FIND_DATA data;
} dirent;

typedef struct DIR {
  /* current directory entry */
  dirent current;

  /* is there an un-processed entry in current? */
  int cached;

  /* file search handle */
  HANDLE search_handle;

  /* search pattern (3 = zero terminator + pattern "\\*") */
  TCHAR patt[MAX_PATH + 3];
} DIR;

static DIR *opendir (const char *dirname);
static struct dirent *readdir (DIR *dirp);
static int closedir (DIR *dirp);

/* use the new safe string functions introduced in Visual Studio 2005 */
#if defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER >= 1400
# define STRNCPY(dest,src,size) strncpy_s((dest),(size),(src),_TRUNCATE)
# define STRNCPY(dest,src,size) strncpy((dest),(src),(size))

 * Open directory stream DIRNAME for read and return a pointer to the
 * internal working area that is used to retrieve individual directory
 * entries.
static DIR*
    const char *dirname)
  DIR *dirp;
  assert (dirname != NULL);
  assert (strlen (dirname) < MAX_PATH);

  /* construct new DIR structure */
  dirp = (DIR*) malloc (sizeof (struct DIR));
  if (dirp != NULL) {
    TCHAR *p;
    /* prepare search pattern */
#ifdef _UNICODE

    /* convert directory name to wide character string */
        CP_ACP,                                /* code page */
        0,                                     /* conversion flags */
        dirname,                               /* mb-string to convert */
        -1,                                    /* length of mb-string */
        dirp->patt,                            /* wc-string to produce */
        MAX_PATH);                             /* max length of wc-string */
    dirp->patt[MAX_PATH] = '\0';
    /* append search pattern to directory name */
    p = wcschr (dirp->patt, '\0');
    if (dirp->patt < p  &&  *(p-1) != '\\'  &&  *(p-1) != ':') {
      *p++ = '\\';
    *p++ = '*';
    *p = '\0';

#else /* !_UNICODE */
    /* take directory name... */
    STRNCPY (dirp->patt, dirname, sizeof(dirp->patt));
    dirp->patt[MAX_PATH] = '\0';
    /* ... and append search pattern to it */
    p = strchr (dirp->patt, '\0');
    if (dirp->patt < p  &&  *(p-1) != '\\'  &&  *(p-1) != ':') {
      *p++ = '\\';
    *p++ = '*';
    *p = '\0';
#endif /* !_UNICODE */

    /* open stream and retrieve first file */
    dirp->search_handle = FindFirstFile (dirp->patt, &dirp->;
    if (dirp->search_handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
      /* invalid search pattern? */
      free (dirp);
      return NULL;

    /* there is an un-processed directory entry in memory now */
    dirp->cached = 1;
  return dirp;

 * Read a directory entry, and return a pointer to a dirent structure
 * containing the name of the entry in d_name field.  Individual directory
 * entries returned by this very function include regular files,
 * sub-directories, pseudo-directories "." and "..", but also volume labels,
 * hidden files and system files may be returned. 
static struct dirent *
    DIR *dirp)
  assert (dirp != NULL);

  if (dirp->search_handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
    /* directory stream was opened/rewound incorrectly or it ended normally */
    return NULL;

  /* get next directory entry */
  if (dirp->cached != 0) {
    /* a valid directory entry already in memory */
    dirp->cached = 0;
  } else {
    /* read next directory entry from disk */
    if (FindNextFile (dirp->search_handle, &dirp-> == FALSE) {
      /* the very last file has been processed or an error occured */
      FindClose (dirp->search_handle);
      dirp->search_handle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
      return NULL;

  /* copy directory entry to d_name */
#ifdef _UNICODE
  /* convert entry name to multibyte */
      CP_ACP,                                  /* code page */
      0,                                       /* conversion flags */
      dirp->,            /* wc-string to convert */
      -1,                                      /* length of wc-string */
      dirp->current.d_name,                    /* mb-string to produce */
      MAX_PATH,                                /* max length of mb-string */
      NULL,                                    /* use sys default character */
      NULL);                                   /* don't care  */
  dirp->current.d_name[MAX_PATH] = '\0';
#else /* !_UNICODE */

  /* copy as a multibyte character string */
  STRNCPY (dirp->current.d_name, dirp->, sizeof(dirp->current.d_name));
  dirp->current.d_name[MAX_PATH] = '\0';

#endif /* !_UNICODE */
  return &dirp->current;

 * Close directory stream opened by opendir() function.  Close of the
 * directory stream invalidates the DIR structure as well as any previously
 * read directory entry.
static int
    DIR *dirp)
  assert (dirp != NULL);
  /* release search handle */
  if (dirp->search_handle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
    FindClose (dirp->search_handle);
    dirp->search_handle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;

  /* release directory handle */
  free (dirp);
  return 0;

此文件可从下载得到,直接将它放在VS2005的include目录就OK 了!


posted @ 2012-04-28 06:42 RTY 阅读(9557) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

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Re: Find path of an application

  • SubjectRe: Find path of an application
  • From: Terry Lambert <email@hidden>
  • Date: Tue, 16 Dec 2008 02:01:54 -0800
  • Delivered-to: email@hidden
  • Delivered-to: email@hidden

On Dec 16, 2008, at 1:00 AM, Rakesh Singhal wrote:
I am done with finding the process is running or not. Thanks a lot. Still I am stuck with second issue to find the path to my application in my system. Actually there are 3 steps:

1. To know that application is running or not?  Now it is done. 2. If not then get the path of application where it was installed (user can change the path during installation). 3. Launch the application.

My code is standard C++ tool so I want to use only C and C++ APIs. Please suggest me. 

You said this was a GUI app that you didn't control the sources to. So control it anyway by renaming the binary in the bundle and putting a stub in there that will save off the id for you and then reexec the real binary:

--- example with no error checking --- #include <mach-o/dyld.h>	/* _NSGetExecutablePath */ #include <limits.h>		/* PATH_MAX */ #include <unistd.h>		/* execve */ #include <libgen.h>		/* dirname */ #include <string.h>		/* strcpy */

#define BINARYNAME	"myreal_executable"

int main(int ac, char *av[]) { 	char pathbuf[PATH_MAX + 1]; 	char real_executable[PATH_MAX + 1]; 	char *bundle_id; 	int  bufsize = sizeof(pathbuf);

	_NSGetExecutablePath( pathbuf, &bufsize);

	bundle_id = dirname(pathbuf);

	strcpy(real_executable, bundle_id); 	strcat(real_executable, "/"); 	strcat(real_executable, BINARYNAME);

	execv(real_executable, av); } --------------------

Then write the path into /var/run/program.<pid> before you do the execv call to give control to the real binary.

Then in your other program go looking for /var/run/program.*. When you find one, take the pid and do an atoi() on it to get the integer pid back. Then end it a kill(pid, 0).

This function will return one of three things:

(1) 0, indicating that the process exists and you have the right to send it signals

(2) -1, with errno set to EPERM, indicating that the process exists and you do not have rights to send it a signal

(3) -1, with errno set to ESRCH, indicating that the process does not (yet) exist


Ideally, all this would be unnecessary because you put your daemon and the program you want to give it a UI into the same bundle, which ,means either one of them can find the other by looking at the dirname() from their own call to _NSGetExecutablePath().

No grovelling around trying to find out where something came from, because it tells you.

-- Terry _______________________________________________ Do not post admin requests to the list. They will be ignored. Darwin-dev mailing list      (email@hidden) Help/Unsubscribe/Update your Subscription: This email sent to email@hidden  
 >Find path of an application (From: "Rakesh Singhal" <email@hidden>)
 >Re: Find path of an application (From: Jean-Daniel Dupas <email@hidden>)
 >Re: Find path of an application (From: "Rakesh Singhal" <email@hidden>)
 >Re: Find path of an application (From: Jean-Daniel Dupas <email@hidden>)
 >Re: Find path of an application (From: "Rakesh Singhal" <email@hidden>)

posted @ 2012-04-18 22:44 RTY 阅读(570) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

@executable path, @load path and @rpath

2010年11月6日 by Wincent Colaiuta

Note: this article is actually about the @executable_path, @load_path and @rpath install paths used by the linker on Mac OS X; wiki titles can't include underscores, however, because they are ambiguous with spaces.

Absolute paths

Useful for frameworks installed in shared locations. Example:

  • Install path: /Library/Frameworks/Foo.framework/Versions/A/Foo


Useful for frameworks embedded inside applications, because it allows you to specify the location of the framework relative to the application's executable:

  • Install path: @executable_path/../Frameworks/Foo.framework/Versions/A/Foo
  • Application location: /Applications/
  • Executable path: /Applications/
  • Framework location: /Applications/
  • Linker puts all this together to figure out that the framework binary can be found at: /Applications/


Available from Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger onwards; useful for frameworks embedded inside plug-ins, because it allows you to specify the location of the framework relative to the plug-in's code (remember, plug-ins may not actually know where they are going to be installed, relative to the application, so knowing @executable_path doesn't help us in this case):

  • Install path: @loader_path/../Frameworks/Foo.framework/Versions/A/Foo
  • Application location: /Applications/
  • Plug-in location: /Library/Application Support/Foo/Plug-Ins/Bar.bundle
  • Executable path: /Applications/
  • Loader path: /Library/Application Support/Foo/Plug-Ins/Bar.bundle/Contents/MacOS
  • Framework location: /Library/Application Support/Foo/Plug-Ins/Bar.bundle/Contents/Frameworks/Foo.framework
  • Linker puts all this together to figure out that the framework binary can be found at: /Library/Application Support/Foo/Plug-Ins/Bar.bundle/Contents/MacOS/../Frameworks/Foo.framework/Versions/A/Foo

Note that if the "loader" is an application rather than a plug-in, the @loader_path ends up being equivalent to @executable_path.


New in Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard is @rpath. Key points:

  • @rpath instructs the dynamic linker to search a list of paths in order to locate the framework
  • critically, this list is embedded in the loading application
  • this means that a single framework with @rpath/Foo.framework/Versions/A/Foo can be made to work in a number of different ways; that is, you are effectively no longer limited by the choice of specifying your "install path" using either @executable_path or @loader_path
  • the down side: you now have to pass additional linker flags when building the host application (eg. -rpath @executable_path/../Frameworks or /Library/Frameworks; note that specifying both will cause the dynamic linker to try looking in both locations)


posted @ 2012-04-18 06:14 RTY 阅读(1410) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

真的坑爹,今天才开始玩MAC OX,装了个最新版本的10.7.3,只能装XCODE 4.3 这个月刚发行的版本。

安装时发现没有install过程,直接双击就进入开发环境了。而且装完后没有gcc 等各种编译工具,在TERMINAL下各种命令不识别,想装ruby的各种开发工具,都不行了。



Apple announced Xcode 4.3 for OSX Lion and 4.4 for OSX Mountain Lion last week. The major difference is that Xcode no longer provide an installer which is good thing because you now could update Xcode with AppStore in the future, plus it is much easier to carry the development environment with you. However, there is a little problem with this new version of Xcode, is that all command line toolsets and compilers are not visible in terminal. 

A simple fix is to update your PATH env:

export PATH=/Applications/$PATH

Please be noted that clang does not reside in /Developer/usr/bin, it is now in /Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin

Now you could access to gcc, g++, git or any toolsets bundled with Xcode. For your convenience, it is recommended to include it in your .bash_profile.


You can install these additional tools directly in Xcode :
Preferences > Downloads > Command Line Tools > Install

SO. What a fUUUcking day!

posted @ 2012-04-07 21:50 RTY 阅读(708) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


10月12日全新的IOS 5系统可供下载后,Mac OS也升级到了10.7.2,10.7.2支持iCloud 全套云服务,用户可以将自己的数据自动存储到iCloud中并推送到所有设备。另外本次更新主要包括常规性修复,增强了稳定性、兼容性和安全性等。
原因就是:升级后AppleLSIFusionMPT.kext 出了问题,这个可以在升级补丁前备份AppleLSIFusionMPT.kext,完了后AppleLSIFusionMPT.kext备份到之前的文件夹。
1、首先正常启动虚拟机后,进入Mac OS X 10.7.1操作系统内。


VMware虚拟机从Mac <wbr>OS <wbr>Lion <wbr>10.7.1更新到Mac <wbr>OS <wbr>Lion <wbr>10.7.2后无法正常启动解决方案

VMware虚拟机从Mac <wbr>OS <wbr>Lion <wbr>10.7.1更新到Mac <wbr>OS <wbr>Lion <wbr>10.7.2后无法正常启动解决方案

“cp -rv /System/Library/Extensions/AppleLSIFusionMPT.kext  .“
VMware虚拟机从Mac <wbr>OS <wbr>Lion <wbr>10.7.1更新到Mac <wbr>OS <wbr>Lion <wbr>10.7.2后无法正常启动解决方案

”sudo rm -rfv /System/Library/Extensions/AppleLSIFusionMPT.kext“
 VMware虚拟机从Mac <wbr>OS <wbr>Lion <wbr>10.7.1更新到Mac <wbr>OS <wbr>Lion <wbr>10.7.2后无法正常启动解决方案

再输入引号内命令(意思是将升级前备份在当前目录下的AppleLSIFusionMPT.kext文件,是Lion 10.7.1版本的,重新拷贝到原系统中)
”sudo cp -rv AppleLSIFusionMPT.kext /System/Library/Extensions“

VMware虚拟机从Mac <wbr>OS <wbr>Lion <wbr>10.7.1更新到Mac <wbr>OS <wbr>Lion <wbr>10.7.2后无法正常启动解决方案

7、正常重启,大功告成!看到版本已经变成10.7.2了。版本号为:Mac OS X Lion (11C74)
 VMware虚拟机从Mac <wbr>OS <wbr>Lion <wbr>10.7.1更新到Mac <wbr>OS <wbr>Lion <wbr>10.7.2后无法正常启动解决方案

VMware虚拟机从Mac <wbr>OS <wbr>Lion <wbr>10.7.1更新到Mac <wbr>OS <wbr>Lion <wbr>10.7.2后无法正常启动解决方案

VMware虚拟机从Mac <wbr>OS <wbr>Lion <wbr>10.7.1更新到Mac <wbr>OS <wbr>Lion <wbr>10.7.2后无法正常启动解决方案
    Lion 10.7.2的主要功能之一,iCloud出来了。

假如已经升级了,显然是无法启动的,那么可以用笔者以下的解决方案来解决。实现原理就是使用Windows PE盘进入系统,然后利用Transmac工具(至于为什么不用Macdrive,因为它不能在PE下使用,而且还不免费)打开系统盘/System/Library/Extensions/,将AppleLSIFusionMPT.kext替换,可能需要两次才能生效,但是此教程是一定能够成功的。图文教程如下;(当然也是从insanelymac学来的),我直接把重要的地方粘贴过来了(部分加上了细节)
 VMware虚拟机从Mac <wbr>OS <wbr>Lion <wbr>10.7.1更新到Mac <wbr>OS <wbr>Lion <wbr>10.7.2后无法正常启动解决方案

VMware虚拟机从Mac <wbr>OS <wbr>Lion <wbr>10.7.1更新到Mac <wbr>OS <wbr>Lion <wbr>10.7.2后无法正常启动解决方案
VMware虚拟机从Mac <wbr>OS <wbr>Lion <wbr>10.7.1更新到Mac <wbr>OS <wbr>Lion <wbr>10.7.2后无法正常启动解决方案

 VMware虚拟机从Mac <wbr>OS <wbr>Lion <wbr>10.7.1更新到Mac <wbr>OS <wbr>Lion <wbr>10.7.2后无法正常启动解决方案

 VMware虚拟机从Mac <wbr>OS <wbr>Lion <wbr>10.7.1更新到Mac <wbr>OS <wbr>Lion <wbr>10.7.2后无法正常启动解决方案

 VMware虚拟机从Mac <wbr>OS <wbr>Lion <wbr>10.7.1更新到Mac <wbr>OS <wbr>Lion <wbr>10.7.2后无法正常启动解决方案

VMware虚拟机从Mac <wbr>OS <wbr>Lion <wbr>10.7.1更新到Mac <wbr>OS <wbr>Lion <wbr>10.7.2后无法正常启动解决方案


VMware虚拟机从Mac <wbr>OS <wbr>Lion <wbr>10.7.1更新到Mac <wbr>OS <wbr>Lion <wbr>10.7.2后无法正常启动解决方案

VMware虚拟机从Mac <wbr>OS <wbr>Lion <wbr>10.7.1更新到Mac <wbr>OS <wbr>Lion <wbr>10.7.2后无法正常启动解决方案

 VMware虚拟机从Mac <wbr>OS <wbr>Lion <wbr>10.7.1更新到Mac <wbr>OS <wbr>Lion <wbr>10.7.2后无法正常启动解决方案

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posted @ 2012-04-07 14:24 RTY 阅读(1412) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

     摘要: 原文:灵感来了的时候,挡也挡不住,这个是真的!昨晚一个很偶然的机会下,我使用Vmware 8 安装成功了Mac OS X 10.7(Lion)系统,实在是让人非常兴奋。再三申明,本人的电脑就是那种装黑苹果被判了死刑的电脑。关于死——乔布斯是这么说的“没有人愿意死,即使想上天堂...  阅读全文

posted @ 2012-04-07 07:45 RTY 阅读(3228) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

     摘要: 原文:楼主我之前发过的Vmware 8和VirtualBOX 安装Lion的教程。1、全民吃苹果,首发VirtualBOX安装Mac OS X 10.7正式版_可完美升级,无bug、踏破铁鞋,Vmware 8完...  阅读全文

posted @ 2012-04-07 07:32 RTY 阅读(835) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

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