Computer Graphics Related Journals
- ACM Computer Graphics(SIGGRAPH)
- Communications of the ACM
- ACM Transactions on Graphics
- IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics
- IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications
- Graphical Models
- Computer Aided Design
- Computer Aided Geometric Design
- Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds
- Presence: Teleoperators & Virtual Environments
- The Visual Computer
- Computer Graphics Forum
- Computers & Graphics
- Computational Geometry-Theory and Applications
- International Journal of Computational Geometry and Applications
- Journal of Visualization
- Design Studies
- Engineering with Computers
- Computer Graphics World
- ACM Computers in Entertainment
- journal of graphics tools
- The International Journal of Visual Computing
- Virtual Reality
- International Journal of Shape Modeling
- International Journal of Virtual Reality
- Virtual Reality: Research Development and Applications
- Machine Graphics and Vision
- International Journal of Image and Graphics
- International Journal of CAD/CAM
Image Processing Journals Perhaps Related to Computer Graphics
- IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence
- IEEE Transactions on Image Processing
- Computer Vision and Image Understanding
- Image and Vision Computing
- Pattern Recognition
- Pattern Recognition Letters
- Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation
- Real Time Imaging