天行健 君子当自强而不息








You can use an enumerator value to represent the categories in the sItem structure:





enum {
  SELLABLE = 0, // Bit 0
  CANDROP, // Bit 1
  USEONCE, // Bit 2
  UNKNOWN // Bit 3

#define SetItemFlag(v,f) (v |= (1 << f))
#define ClearItemFlag(v,f) (v &= ~(1 << f))
#define CheckItemFlag(v,f) (v & (1 << f))

// Example using macros and flags
long ItemFlags = 0;

// Set item flags to sellable and item can be dropped
SetItemFlag(ItemFlags, SELLABLE);
SetItemFlag(ItemFlags, CANDROP);

// Check if the item is dropable and display a message
if(CheckItemFlag(ItemFlags, CANDROP))
  MessageBox(NULL, “Can Drop Item”, “Item”, MB_OK);

ClearItemFlag(ItemFlags, SELLABLE); // Clear sellable flag





A character class is a classification or grouping of characters based on their race or profession. For example,
all humans belong to the same class, but to be more specific, human fighters are considered a
separate class from human wizards (or just fighters and wizards—who says they all have to be human).

To represent the usage restrictions of an item, another variable is introduced to the
sItem structure, one that tracks 32 bits of information. Each bit represents a single
class, which means that you can track up to 32 classes. If an item is usable by a certain
class, that respective bit is set; if an item is restricted in use by the character’s
class, the appropriate bit is cleared.

Here’s the addition to the sItem structure, which handles usage restrictions:

long Usage; // Usage restrictions
// ... other sItem data

To make setting, clearing, and retrieving a usage restriction class bit easier, you can
use the following macros (v represents the flag variable, and c is the class number
ranging from 0 to 31):

#define SetUsageBit(v,c) (v |= (1 << c))
#define ClearUsageBit(v,c) (v &= ((~(1 << c))
#define CheckUsageBit(v,c) (v & (1 << c))

// Examples using macros
long Flags = 0;

SetUsageBit(Flags, 5); // Set class 5 bit

if(CheckUsageBit(Flags, 5)) // Check class 5 bit
      MessageBox(NULL, “Usage Set”, “Bit”, MB_OK);

ClearUsageBit(Flags, 5); // Clear class 5 bit

Using the preceding macros (SetUsageBit, ClearUsageBit, and CheckUsageBit), you can
quickly check whether a character is allowed to use or equip the item based on his
character class. For example, this game places wizards in class 1 and fighters in
class 2. When the wizard tries to equip a broadsword (one that has the class 1 bit
clear), the game engine informs the player that the wizard cannot use the item.



enum ItemCategories
    MONEY = 0,

#define set_bit(v, c)   ((v) |= (1 << (c)))
#define clear_bit(v, c) ((v) &= ~(1 << (c)))
#define check_bit(v, c) ((v) & (1 << (c)))

    SELLABLE = 0,   
// bit 0
    CANDROP,        // bit 1
    USEONCE,        // bit 2
    UNKNOWN         // bit 3

struct sItem
char    name[32];               // a short name for the item
    char    desc[128];              // a desciption of item
    float   weight;                 // weight (in lbs.)
    float   size;                   // size (in cubic feet)
    long    category;               // category of item
    long    value;                  // modifier, health increase, etc.
    long    price;                  // buying price of item
    long    flags;                  // item bit flags
    long    usage;                  // usage restrictions

char    script_filename[16];    // .mls script filename
    char    mesh_filename[16];      // .x mesh filename
    char    image_filename[16];     // .bmp image filename
} *sItemPtr;


With the complete sItem structure in place, it’s time to get back to building the
sword item. Say that the sword item uses a +10 modifier on damage (which means
that you add 10 to the damage factor in combat). The sword normally sells for 200
monetary units in the game, and only fighter classes (class two) can use it:

// Character class definitions
#define WIZARD 1
#define WARRIOR 2

sItem Sword = {
  “Sword”, “A big heavy sword”, // name and description
    5.0f, 4.0f, // weight and size
    WEAPON, 200, SELLABLE | CANDROP, // category, price, and flags
   (1 << WARRIOR), // usage class 2 (warrior)
 “”, “Sword.x”, “Sword.bmp” // Script, mesh, image files

Now that the sword item is defined, you can use it in the game. But what good is a single
item? Your game world is going to be packed with items! How can you possibly deal with all
those objects?



游戏中的每个物件都需要被定义,同时为了使事情保持简洁,需要在主物件列表(master item list,MIL)中记录所有物件的描述。可以将MIL想象成一个物件的目录,如下图所示,每个物件都进行编号以便引用,同时每种物件仅显示一个。




The following code bit creates a small item structure that contains the item’s name,
weight, and size. You will use this structure to construct a simple MIL:

typedef struct sItem
    char Name[32]; // Name of item
    float Weight; // Weight (in lbs.)
    float Size; // Size (in cubic ft.)

From here, say that you want to store five items in the MIL, all represented in an
array of sItem structures:

sItem Items[5] = {
   { “Big Sword”, 5.0f, 4.0f },
   { “Small Sword”, 2.0f, 2.0f },
   { “Magic Wand”, 0.5f, 1.0f },
   { “Rock”, 1.0f, 0.5f },
   { “Potion”, 0.5f, 0.5f }

Now that you have defined your MIL (using an array of sItem structures), you may want
to save the list out to a file for later retrieval. Such is the case if you are using a separate
program that creates the MIL file for you, much like the program you’ll see in the
upcoming section, “Using the MIL Editor.” As for here, take a look at the following bit
of code that will create a file (called items.mil) and save the Items array to the file:

FILE *fp=fopen(“items.mil”, “wb”);

for(short i=0;i<5;i++)
fwrite(&Items[i], 1, sizeof(sItem), fp);



Although short and to the point, the preceding example for creating a MIL file
is wholly unusable in a real-world application such as a role-playing game. Item
descriptions need to contain much more information, and you could theoretically
work with thousands of items. Doing all that by hand is a waste of time. What you
need is an item editor to help you create and maintain the MIL . . . and, so, behold
the MIL Editor.

posted on 2007-11-06 00:34 lovedday 阅读(883) 评论(0)  编辑 收藏 引用

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