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Game Graphics Programming Books(2)

Realistic Image Synthesis Using Photon Mapping
by Henrik Wann Jensen
Published July 2001
Your Amazon.com Price: $39.00
Average rating:
Amazon Sales Rank: 134,028

The creation of realistic three-dimensional images is central to computer graphics. Photon mapping, an extension of ray tracing, makes it possible to efficiently simulate global illumination in complex scenes. Photon mapping can simulate caustics (focused light, such as shimmering waves at the bottom of a swimming pool), diffuse inter-reflections (e.g., the bleeding of colored light from a red wall onto a white floor, giving the floor a reddish tint), and participating media (e.g., clouds or smoke).

This book is a practical guide to photon mapping; it provides both the theory and the practical insight necessary to implement photon mapping and simulate all types of direct and indirect illumination efficiently.


Real-time 3D Character Animation with Visual C++
by Nik Lever
Published January 2002
List Price: $64.95, Your Amazon.com Price: $40.92
Average rating:
Amazon Sales Rank: 469,315

Takes you through the journey from the basics of 3D manipulation all the way to morph objects and sub-division surfaces.


Texturing and Modeling, 3rd ed.
by David S. Ebert, F., Kenton Musgrave, Darwyn Peachey, Ken Perlin (Editor), Steven Worley
Published December 2002
Your Amazon.com Price: $79.95
Average rating:
Amazon Sales Rank: 438,225

Tutorial-reference on procedural approaches to texturing & modeling in computer graphics. Guide for anyone involved in creating computer graphics & animation.


Advanced Animation and Rendering Techniques : Theory and Practice
by Alan Watt
Published November 1992
List Price: $67.99, Your Amazon.com Price: $55.07
Addison-Wesley Price: $50.99
Average rating:
Amazon Sales Rank: 304,998

An exposition of state-of-the-art techniques in rendering and animation. This book provides a unique synthesis of techniques and theory. Each technique is illustrated with a series of full-color frames showing the development of the example.


Focus on 3D Models
by Evan Pipho
Published December 2002
Your Amazon.com Price: $29.99
Course PTR Price: $23.99
Average rating:
Amazon Sales Rank: 524,999

Acts as a reference for novice to intermediate game programmers on the various formats of 3D models.

posted on 2007-11-29 00:19 lovedday 阅读(535) 评论(0)  编辑 收藏 引用 所属分类: ■ Game Program

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