天行健 君子当自强而不息

Working with Maps and Levels(1)

Placing Characters on the Map

While going through the examples, I placed characters on the map in
a direct, hard-coded manner. However, remember that hard-coding game data is a
no-no. You need to have as much flexibility as possible when designing your maps,
and this includes placement of characters in a level.

Two methods for placing characters in maps that provide the flexibility you want
involve character map lists and scripts.


Character Map Lists

In numerous chapters, “Implementing Scripts,” I use external
data files that store a list of numbers and text. Those data files are loaded and
parsed into some useful information to the engine loading the data. Action templates,
for example, contain the action text plus the entry data for each action, all
in one easy-to-read-and-edit file.

To adhere to the simple nature of using text data files, you can create lists of characters
to place within a map when the map is loaded. Because players are placed in
a map using only a set of coordinates and a direction to face, this data file might
look something like the following:

0 100.0 0.0 450.0 0.0
21 0.0 0.0 -82.0 1.57
18 640.0 10.0 0.0 3.14

At first appearance, the preceding three lines of numbers are just that—a list of
numbers—but the trained eye sees that each number represents something. Starting
with the first number on each line, you have the following:

■ The character’s type (for example: 0=Main Character, 21=Ogre, 18=Child)
■ The X-coordinate, Y-coordinate, and Z-coordinate
■ The angle that the character is facing (in radians)

Now knowing what each number means, you can see that I defined three characters
and placed them through the map at their respective locations and pointed
them in a certain direction. This data is compact, easy to edit, and can be loaded
and processed quickly.


Loading Character Map Lists

To process the data files as just described, you need only two functions.
These functions are as follows:

long get_next_long_2(FILE* fp)
char buf[1024];
long pos = 0;    
int c = fgetc(fp);

if(c == EOF || c == '\n' || (c == ' ' && pos) || pos == sizeof(buf)-1)

if((c >= '0' && c <= '9') || c == '.' || c == '-')
            buf[pos++] = (

if(pos == 0)  // if there is no long value in file
        return -1;

    buf[pos] = 0;

return atol(buf);


float get_next_float_2(FILE* fp)
char buf[1024];
long pos = 0;    

int c = fgetc(fp);

if(c == EOF || c == '\n' || (c == ' ' && pos) || pos == sizeof(buf)-1)

if((c >= '0' && c <= '9') || c == '.' || c == '-')
            buf[pos++] = (

    buf[pos] = 0;

return (float)atof(buf);

Both functions take a file pointer (fp) as an argument and return the next long type
number or float type number found in the specified file. You arrange the character
map list data file so that the first number (the character type) is a long, although
the remaining numbers are float.

Using get_next_long_2 and get_next_float_2, you can parse an entire character map list as follows:

// fp = file pointer to open character map data file
long Type; // Character type to load
float XPos, YPos, ZPos, Direction;
long NumCharactersLoaded = 0; // # characters loaded

  // Break if no more characters to process
  if((Type = get_next_long_2 (fp)) == -1)

  // Get coordinates and angle
  XPos = get_next_float_2(fp);
  YPos = get_next_float_2(fp);
  ZPos = get_next_float_2(fp);
  Direction = get_next_float_2(fp);

  // Do something with data - insert a character
  NumCharactersLoaded++; // Increase # characters loaded

// Done loading NumCharactersLoaded # of characters


posted on 2007-12-09 13:42 lovedday 阅读(196) 评论(0)  编辑 收藏 引用

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