天行健 君子当自强而不息

Working with Maps and Levels(13)

Creating the Auto Map Class

The auto map class I've developed for the book will load a cMesh object and compress
it into a flat version of the map. The flattened map is stored in a series of vertex
buffers. These vertex buffers use only the X-, Y-, and Z-coordinates of each
vertex plus a single diffuse color. This means that auto maps are compact and easy
to render. This also means that you can use alpha blending to overlay the map on
the screen without covering the crucial gaming action going on.

Each map section has an associated flag that defines whether it is visible. The class
allows you to enable or disable those visibility flags, and to make sure that the
player’s hard work is not in vain, save and load those visibility flags.

Enough talk; now check out the class declaration:

// The sVertex structure is a custom vertex structure than contains only the 3D coordinates.
// This is used to retrieve coordinate information from a mesh's vertex buffer.
typedef struct sVertex
    float x, y, z;
} *sVertexPtr;

typedef struct sMapVertex
float x, y, z;      // coordinate
    D3DCOLOR diffuse;   // map color
} *sMapVertexPtr;



class cAutoMap
long    m_num_sections;
bool*   m_visible;                          // visibility of sections
    DIRECT3DVERTEXBUFFER9_PTR*  m_map_vb;       // map vertex buffer array

    IDirect3DVertexBuffer9*     m_arrow_vb;     

    D3DVIEWPORT9                m_viewport;     
// area to draw map
    cCamera                     m_camera;       

float                       m_scale;        // scale used to draw map


        m_num_sections  = 0;
        m_visible      = NULL;
        m_map_vb       = NULL;
        m_arrow_vb     = NULL;
        m_camera.rotate(1.57f, 0.0f, 0.0f); 
// point camera down
        set_viewport(0, 0, 100, 100);

        m_scale = 1.0f;


void free()
for(long i = 0; i < m_num_sections; i++)

            delete[] m_map_vb;
            m_map_vb = NULL;           

        m_num_sections = 0;

        delete[] m_visible;
        m_visible = NULL;


long get_num_section()
return m_num_sections;

void set_viewport(long x_pos, long y_pos, long width, long height)
// define an area to draw the map

        m_viewport.X      = x_pos;
        m_viewport.Y      = y_pos;
        m_viewport.Width  = width;
        m_viewport.Height = height;
        m_viewport.MinZ   = 0.0f;
        m_viewport.MaxZ   = 1.0f;

void visible_section(long section)
// enable a map section's visibility flag

        m_visible[section] = 
void invisible_section(long section)
// disable a map section's visibility flag

        m_visible[section] = 


bool create(pcstr filename, long color);

bool load(pcstr filename);
bool save(pcstr filename);
void render(cCamera* old_camera,
float map_x_pos, float map_y_pos, float map_z_pos,
float num_arrows,
float* arrow_x_pos, float* arrow_z_pos, float* angle);
} *cAutoMapPtr;

From the start, you can see that I’ve defined two vertex structures. You use the first,
sVertex, to access the vertex coordinates from the source meshes. You use the
second vertex structure, sMapVertex, to store the map sections.

Following the vertex structures are a collage of variables. Notice the number of map sections in use, an array of vertex
buffers, an array of char variables used to mark sections of the map that are visible,
a viewport structure, a cCamera, a scaling factor variable, and a pointer vertex buffer.

You should be comfortable with everything except the pointer vertex buffer and the
scaling factor. To make things easier on you, a map being loaded is scaled down to a
workable size. When you render the auto map, you need to specify coordinates from
the large map scale, but the auto map class will scale them down to fit the small map.

For example, a map that is 1,024 units in width and depth is scaled down to 256
units in width and depth. In fact, all maps are scaled down to a size of 256 x 256,
regardless of their size in the .X file.

As for the pointer vertex buffer, I’ve added the capability to display an arrow
pointer that represents each character on the map. The arrow pointer points in the
direction each character is facing. This vertex buffer simply contains three points
and is rendered using a red diffuse color.

In addition to the class’s private variables, you must deal with the functions.

posted on 2007-12-10 15:31 lovedday 阅读(200) 评论(0)  编辑 收藏 引用

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