天行健 君子当自强而不息

Getting Online with Multiplayer Gaming(14)


Updating Players

In order to synchronize itself with clients, the server needs to maintain a simplified
version of the game running internally. This version of the game doesn’t include
graphics, sound, or any other fancy features; it only needs to track player’s actions.

The server tracks those actions by updating the player’s actions every 33ms (just as
the client application will do). Those actions include walking and waiting for other
specific states to clear (such as sword swinging and being hurt).

The cApp::update_players function is responsible for updating all players:

void cApp::update_players()
    sStateChangeMsg change_msg;

// loop through all players
    for(int i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
// only update connected players
        if(! m_players[i].connected)

long elapsed = timeGetTime() - m_players[i].last_update_time;

if(m_players[i].last_state == STATE_MOVE)
// calculate amount of movement by time passed
            float speed  = elapsed / 1000.0f * m_players[i].speed;
float x_move = sin(m_players[i].direction) * speed;
float z_move = cos(m_players[i].direction) * speed;

// check for movement collision - can not walk past anything blocking path
                m_players[i].x_pos,          m_players[i].y_pos + 16.0f, m_players[i].z_pos,
                m_players[i].x_pos + x_move, m_players[i].y_pos + 16.0f, m_players[i].z_pos + z_move))
                x_move = z_move = 0.0f;

// update player coordinates
            m_players[i].x_pos += x_move;
            m_players[i].y_pos  = 0.0f;     
// stay on ground
            m_players[i].z_pos += z_move;

            m_players[i].last_update_time = timeGetTime();
else if(m_players[i].last_state == STATE_SWING && elapsed > 1000)   // clear swing status after 1 second
            m_players[i].last_state = STATE_IDLE;

// send network message to player to clear
            change_msg.header.type      = MSG_STATE_CHANGE;
            change_msg.header.size      = 
            change_msg.header.player_id = m_players[i].player_id;
            change_msg.x_pos            = m_players[i].x_pos;
            change_msg.y_pos            = m_players[i].y_pos;
            change_msg.z_pos            = m_players[i].z_pos;
            change_msg.direction        = m_players[i].direction;
            change_msg.speed            = m_players[i].speed;
            change_msg.state            = m_players[i].last_state;

            send_network_msg(&change_msg, DPNSEND_NOLOOPBACK, ALL_CLIENT_PLAYERS);
else if(m_players[i].last_state == STATE_HURT && elapsed > 1000)    // clear hurt status after 1 second
            m_players[i].last_state = STATE_IDLE;

// send network message to player to clear
            change_msg.header.type      = MSG_STATE_CHANGE;
            change_msg.header.size      = 
            change_msg.header.player_id = m_players[i].player_id;
            change_msg.x_pos            = m_players[i].x_pos;
            change_msg.y_pos            = m_players[i].y_pos;
            change_msg.z_pos            = m_players[i].z_pos;
            change_msg.direction        = m_players[i].direction;
            change_msg.speed            = m_players[i].speed;
            change_msg.state            = m_players[i].last_state;

            send_network_msg(&change_msg, DPNSEND_NOLOOPBACK, ALL_CLIENT_PLAYERS);

As the server scans the list of players, it determines which players are connected
and calculates the time since the last server update for all connected players. Next,
if a player’s state is set to STATE_MOVE, the elapsed time is used to move the player.

Next, the server deals with the STATE_SWING and STATE_HURT states. Those states are
cleared only after one second has passed (as determined by the elapsed time).

Surprisingly, that’s it for cApp::update_players! Remember that the update_players function
is called every 33ms, so keeping the function quick and to the point is crucial.
Once all players are updated, you need to notify other players.


Updating the Network Clients

Throughout earlier sections in this chapter, I mentioned periodic server updates
that are sent to the client in order to synchronize game-play. That’s the purpose of
the cApp::update_network function. The update_network function is quick and to the
point, sending out the current state of all connected clients every 100ms.

void cApp::update_network()
// send all player updates
    for(long i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
if(m_players[i].connected)  // only send data about connected players
            sStateChangeMsg change_msg;

            change_msg.header.type      = MSG_STATE_CHANGE;
            change_msg.header.size      = 
            change_msg.header.player_id = m_players[i].player_id;
            change_msg.x_pos            = m_players[i].x_pos;
            change_msg.y_pos            = m_players[i].y_pos;
            change_msg.z_pos            = m_players[i].z_pos;
            change_msg.direction        = m_players[i].direction;
            change_msg.speed            = m_players[i].speed;
            change_msg.state            = m_players[i].last_state;
            change_msg.latency          = m_players[i].latency;

            send_network_msg(&change_msg, DPNSEND_NOLOOPBACK, ALL_CLIENT_PLAYERS);


Calculating Latency

The server periodically calculates the time it takes a message to be received from a
client and uses the latency in the timed calculations to update clients, all of which
is crucial to maintaining the synchronization of the game. The function that calculates
the latency is update_latency, and it is called every 10 seconds from the main
application loop (cApp::frame).

void cApp::update_latency()
// go through all players
    for(long i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
if(m_players[i].connected)  // only process connected players
            DPN_CONNECTION_INFO connect_info;

// request player connection settings
            if(SUCCEEDED(m_server.get_server()->GetConnectionInfo(m_players[i].player_id, &connect_info, 0)))
                m_players[i].latency = connect_info.dwRoundTripLatencyMS / 2;

// bounds latency to 1 second
                if(m_players[i].latency > 1000)
                    m_players[i].latency = 1000;
                m_players[i].latency = 0;

To calculate the latency, the server queries DirectPlay for the connection statistics
via the IDirectPlay8Server::GetConnectInfo function. That function call takes a structure
(DPN_CONNECTION_INFO) as an argument, and inside the structure is a variable that
represents the roundtrip latency time in milliseconds. The server divides that
latency value in half and stores it in each player’s data structure.


Other function:

int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE inst, HINSTANCE, LPSTR cmd_line, int cmd_show)
const char* class_name = "ServerClass";

    WNDCLASSEX win_class;

// create window class and register it

    win_class.cbSize        = 
    win_class.style         = CS_CLASSDC;
    win_class.lpfnWndProc   = window_proc;
    win_class.cbClsExtra    = 0;
    win_class.cbWndExtra    = 0;
    win_class.hInstance     = inst;
    win_class.hIcon         = LoadIcon(NULL, IDI_APPLICATION);
    win_class.hCursor       = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW);
    win_class.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH) GetStockObject(LTGRAY_BRUSH);;
    win_class.lpszMenuName  = NULL;
    win_class.lpszClassName = class_name;
    win_class.hIconSm       = LoadIcon(NULL, IDI_APPLICATION);

if(! RegisterClassEx(&win_class))
return false;


    DWORD pos_x = (get_screen_width()  - CLIENT_WIDTH) / 2;
    DWORD pos_y = (get_screen_height() - CLIENT_HEIGHT) / 4;
    g_hwnd = CreateWindow(class_name, "Network Server Demo", style, pos_x, pos_y, 
                          CLIENT_WIDTH, CLIENT_HEIGHT, NULL, NULL, inst, NULL);

if(g_hwnd == NULL)
return -1;

    ShowWindow(g_hwnd, SW_NORMAL);

    resize_window(g_hwnd, CLIENT_WIDTH, CLIENT_HEIGHT);

    cApp app;

return 0;


BOOL CALLBACK config_dlg_proc(HWND dlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
static HWND adapter_wnd;

        adapter_wnd = GetDlgItem(dlg, IDC_ADAPTERS);

// add adapter names to list
        for(long i = 0; i < g_adapter->get_num_adapters(); i++)
char text[256];
            g_adapter->get_name(i, text);

            insert_string_to_combo(adapter_wnd, i, text);

// select first adapter in list
        set_combo_cur_sel(adapter_wnd, 0);

return TRUE;

case IDC_OK:
int sel = (int) get_combo_cur_sel(adapter_wnd);  

// make sure an adapter was selected
            if(sel == LB_ERR)


            EndDialog(dlg, TRUE);
return TRUE;

            EndDialog(dlg, FALSE);
return TRUE;

return FALSE;


bool cApp::init()
// select a network adapter to use (or quit if selected)
    if(! select_adapter())
return false;


// intialize the game, set display mode, load level mesh.
    if(! init_game())
false, "Unable to initialize game.");
return false;

// begin hosting the game session
    if(! host_game())
false, "Unable to host network server.");
return false;

return true;


bool cApp::frame()
static DWORD player_counter  = timeGetTime();
static DWORD network_counter = timeGetTime();
static DWORD latency_counter = timeGetTime();


// update players every 33ms (30 times a second)
    if(timeGetTime() > player_counter + 33)
        player_counter = timeGetTime();
// send out network update every 100ms (10 times a second)
    if(timeGetTime() > network_counter + 100)
        network_counter = timeGetTime();

// update player latency values every 10 seconds
    if(timeGetTime() > latency_counter + 10000)
        latency_counter = timeGetTime();

return true;


void cApp::shutdown()
    delete[] m_msgs;
    m_msgs = NULL;

    delete[] m_players;
    m_players = NULL;


bool cApp::select_adapter()
    ShowWindow(g_hwnd, SW_HIDE);    
// hide main window

return (bool) DialogBox(get_window_inst(), MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_CONFIG), g_hwnd, config_dlg_proc);


void cApp::setup_app_window()
// window to hold host IP address
    m_controls[CONTROL_SERVER_IP] = CreateWindow("STATIC", "", WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, 4, 4, 312, 18,
                                                 g_hwnd, NULL, get_window_inst(), NULL);

// window to hold number of connected players
    m_controls[CONTROL_PLAYER_NUM] = CreateWindow("STATIC", "No Connected Players",  WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE,
                                                  4, 26, 312, 18, g_hwnd, NULL, get_window_inst(), NULL);

// list box to display connect player's names
                                                   4, 48, 312, 154, g_hwnd, NULL, get_window_inst(), NULL);

// show main window
    ShowWindow(g_hwnd, SW_SHOW);


bool cApp::init_game()
    create_display(g_hwnd, CLIENT_WIDTH, CLIENT_HEIGHT, 16, 

// load the level mesh for collision checking
    if(! m_level_mesh.load("..\\Data\\ArenaCM.x", "..\\Data\\"))
return false;

    m_msgs = 
    m_msg_head = m_msg_tail = 0;

    m_players = 
new sPlayer[MAX_PLAYERS];
    m_connected_player_num = 0;

return true;


bool cApp::host_game()
// configure server and begin hosting


if(! m_server.host(m_adapter_guid, 9123, "RPGGAME", NULL, MAX_PLAYERS))
return false;

char text[33], ip[16];

// get server ip address and display in application window
    m_server.get_ip(ip, 0);
    sprintf(text, "Host IP Address: %s", ip);
    SetWindowText(m_controls[CONTROL_SERVER_IP], text);

return true;

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