天行健 君子当自强而不息

Putting Together a Full Game(15)


Handling Bartering

Previously you read about how the barter_frame state is used to render the bartering
scene in which the player can buy items from a character.

How does that state know what items to sell? The only way the game initiates the
bartering state is when a script triggers it via the Barter-with-Character script action.
That action, in turn, calls cApp::setup_barter, which configures the information
needed for the barter_frame function. This information includes the character that is
selling the items, as well as the filename of the character inventory control system
(ICS) item file:

void cApp::setup_barter(const char* ics_file)
    strcpy(g_barter_ics_file, ics_file);


The barter_frame state function scans the ICS that was loaded, displaying every item
contained with the character’s inventory list on the screen. If the player clicks an
item and the player has the appropriate amount of money, that item is bought.
Once the player finishes dealing with the shopkeeper, the barter state is popped
from the state stack, and game-play returns.


Playing Sounds and Music

Music and other sounds are played during the game. Those game sounds, although
somewhat cheesy (as you can tell, I’m no recording artist!), are played by a call to
play_sound. The only argument to play_sound is an index number to an array of sound
files that you declare at the beginning of the application code:

To play one of the valid sounds, you use the following function:

void cApp::play_sound(long index)
if(index >= 0 && index < array_num(g_sound_files))

            m_sound_channel.play(&m_sound_data, 100, 1);

The play_sound function needs to load the sound to play, using the cSoundData object.
From there, the sound is played from memory. In much the same way that you call
the play_sound function, you can play different songs using the play_music function.

The play_music function also takes an index number into an array of song filenames.

No need for tracking the number of songs here (we're living on the wild side!), so
you can jump right into the play_music function:

void cApp::play_music(long index)
// do not botther changing song if same already playing
    if(g_cur_music == index)


// Fade music out, giving DirectMusic enough time to finish up last song or else new song doesn't play correctly.  
    // The 700 is based on play volume of music, so adjust ahead.

    DWORD timer = timeGetTime() + 700;

while(timeGetTime() < timer)
        DWORD level = (timer - timeGetTime()) / 10;

// load and play new song
    m_music_channel.play(70, 0);

    g_cur_music = index;

Before continuing, you want to check whether a song is currently playing. A global
variable keeps track of which song was last played, and if that song is still playing,
you don’t need to start playing the same song again (the current song continues to
play). If a new song is to be played, fade out the volume, free the current song,
load the new song, and start playing the music playing.


Other functions:

int PASCAL WinMain(HINSTANCE inst, HINSTANCE, LPSTR cmd_line, int cmd_show)
    DWORD pos_x = (get_screen_width()  - CLIENT_WIDTH) / 2;
    DWORD pos_y = (get_screen_height() - CLIENT_HEIGHT) / 4;

    build_window(inst, "GameClass", g_title_name, 
                 pos_x, pos_y, CLIENT_WIDTH, CLIENT_HEIGHT);

    cApp app;

return 0;

void cGameSpells::play_spell_sound(long index)


void cApp::win_game()

    g_menu_options = MENU_LOAD;

void cApp::start_of_combat()
    m_combat_exp   = 0;
    m_combat_money = 0;

// trigger start of combat script

char filename[MAX_PATH];
    sprintf(filename, "..\\Data\\SOC%lu.mls", m_scene_index);

void cApp::end_of_combat()
    g_player->char_def.money += m_combat_money;
    g_player->char_def.exp   += m_combat_exp;

    m_text_header.set_text("Victory!", COLOR_WHITE);
    m_text_window.set_text("", COLOR_WHITE);

char window_text[2000], gained[128];

// start constructing the main window text

    strcpy(window_text, "\r\n\n");

        sprintf(gained, "Gained %lu gold!\r\n", m_combat_money);
        strcat(window_text, gained);

    sprintf(gained, "Gained %lu experience!\r\n", m_combat_exp);
    strcat(window_text, gained);    

// process level up
    for(int i = 0; i < array_num(g_level_up_exp); i++)
if(g_player->char_def.exp >= g_level_up_exp[i] && g_player->char_def.level < i+2)
            g_player->char_def.level = i+2;
            strcat(window_text, "Level up!\r\n");

// add bonuses for leveling up

            g_player->char_def.health_points += 10;
            g_player->char_def.mana_points   += 10;
            g_player->char_def.attack        += 4;
            g_player->char_def.defense       += 2;
            g_player->char_def.agility       += 2;
            g_player->char_def.resistance    += 2;
            g_player->char_def.mental        += 2;
            g_player->char_def.to_hit        += 10;

            strcat(window_text, "Stats up!\r\n");

// learn spells
            if(g_player->char_def.level < SPELL_LEARN_TOP_LEVEL)
                g_player->char_def.magic_spell[0] |= (1 << i);
                sprintf(gained, "Learned spell %s\r\n", m_game_spells.get_spell(i)->name);
                strcat(window_text, gained);

// max health and mana to match definition
            g_player->health_points = g_player->char_def.health_points;
            g_player->mana_points   = g_player->char_def.mana_points;

// lock the keyboard and mouse
    m_keyboard.m_locks[KEY_SPACE] = true;
    m_mouse.m_locks[MOUSE_LBUTTON] = 

// render the scene while waiting for key press or button press
// break when space pressed



// break when left mouse button pressed



// render the scene and text window




        m_text_window.render(window_text, COLOR_WHITE);
        m_text_header.render(NULL, COLOR_WHITE);



// trigger end of combat script

char filename[MAX_PATH];
    sprintf(filename, "..\\Data\\EOC%lu.mls", m_scene_index);


bool cApp::last_point_reached(sCharacter* character)
if(character == NULL || character->ai != CHAR_ROUTE)
return false;

long last_index = character->num_points - 1;
    sRoutePoint* last_point = &character->route[last_index];

// determine if character has reached point

float x_diff = fabs(character->pos_x - last_point->pos_x);
float y_diff = fabs(character->pos_y - last_point->pos_y);
float z_diff = fabs(character->pos_z - last_point->pos_z);

float dist = x_diff * x_diff + y_diff * y_diff + z_diff * z_diff;
float radius = m_game_chars.get_xz_radius(character) * 0.25f;

// return true if point being touched
    return (dist < radius * radius);

posted on 2007-12-30 14:26 lovedday 阅读(322) 评论(0)  编辑 收藏 引用

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