#ifndef MATRIX_4X3_H
#define MATRIX_4X3_H
class cVector3;
class cEulerAngles;
class cQuaternion;
class cRotationMatrix;
#define SHERE_AROUND_X 1
#define SHERE_AROUND_Y 2
#define SHERE_AROUND_Z 3
// Implement a 4x3 transformation matrix. This class can represent
// any 3D affine transformation.
class cMatrix4x3
// The values of the matrix. Basically the upper 3x3 portion contains a linear transformation,
// and the last row is the translation portion.
float m11, m12, m13;
float m21, m22, m23;
float m31, m32, m33;
float tx, ty, tz;
void identity();
// access the translation portion of the matrix directly
void zero_translation();
void set_translation(const cVector3& d);
void setup_translation(const cVector3& d);
// Setup the matrix to perform a specific transforms from parent <->
// local space, assuming the local space is in the specified position
// and orientation within the parent space. The orientation may be
// specified using either Euler angles, or a rotation matrix.
void setup_local_to_parent(const cVector3& pos, const cEulerAngles& orient);
void setup_local_to_parent(const cVector3& pos, const cRotationMatrix& orient);
void setup_parent_to_local(const cVector3& pos, const cEulerAngles& orient);
void setup_parent_to_local(const cVector3& pos, const cRotationMatrix& orient);
// setup the matrix to perform a rotation about a cardinal axis
void setup_rotate(int axis, float theta);
// setup the matrix to perform a rotation about ab arbitrary axis
void setup_rotate(const cVector3& axis, float theta);
// Setup the matrix to perform a rotation, given the angular displacement in quaternion form.
void from_quat(const cQuaternion& q);
// setup the matrix to perform scale on each axis
void setup_scale(const cVector3& s);
// setup the matrix to perform scale along an arbitrary axis
void setup_scale_along_axis(const cVector3& axis, float k);
// setup the matrix to perform a shear
void setup_shear(int axis, float s, float t);
// Setup the matrix to perform a projection onto a plane passing through the origin
void setup_project(const cVector3& n);
// Setup the matrix to perform a reflection about a plane parallel to a cardinal plane
void setup_reflect(int axis, float k);
// Setup the matrix to perform a reflection about an arbitrary plane through the origin
void setup_reflect(const cVector3& n);
// Operator* is used to transforms a point, and also concatenate matrices.
// The order of multiplications from left to right is the same as the order of transformations.
cVector3 operator *(const cVector3& p, const cMatrix4x3& m);
cMatrix4x3 operator *(const cMatrix4x3& a, const cMatrix4x3& b);
// operator *= for conformance to c++ standards
cVector3& operator *=(cVector3& p, const cMatrix4x3& m);
cMatrix4x3& operator *=(const cMatrix4x3& a, const cMatrix4x3& m);
// compute the determinant of the 3x3 portion of the matrix
float determinant(const cMatrix4x3& m);
// compute the inverse of a matrix
cMatrix4x3 inverse(const cMatrix4x3& m);
// extract the translaltion portion of the matrix
cVector3 get_translation(const cMatrix4x3& m);
// Extract the position/orientation from a local->parent matrix, or a parent->local matrix.
cVector3 get_position_from_parent_to_local_matrix(const cMatrix4x3& m);
cVector3 get_position_from_local_to_parent_matrix(const cMatrix4x3& m);
(2)zero_translation()通过将最后一行设为[0, 0, 0]来取消矩阵的平移部分,线性变换部分(3x3部分)不受影响。
(3)set_translation() 将矩阵的平移部分设为指定值,不改变3x3部分。setup_translation()设置矩阵来执行平移,上面的3x3部分设为单位矩阵,平移部分设为指定向量。
determinant()函数计算矩阵的行列式。实际只使用了3x3部分,如果假设最后一列总为[0, 0, 0, 1]T,那么最后一行(平移部分)会被最后一列的0消去。
inverse()计算并返回矩阵的逆,理论上不可能对4x3矩阵求逆,只有方阵才能求逆。所以再声明一次,假设的最后一列[0, 0, 0, 1]T保证了合法性。
#include <assert.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "Vector3.h"
#include "EulerAngles.h"
#include "Quaternion.h"
#include "RotationMatrix.h"
#include "Matrix4x3.h"
#include "MathUtil.h"
// The purpose of this class is so that a user might perform transformations
// without fiddling with plus or minus signs or transposing the matrix
// until the output "looks right." But of course, the specifics of the
// internal representation is important. Not only for the implementation
// in this file to be correct, but occasionally direct access to the
// matrix variables is necessary, or beneficial for optimization. Thus,
// we document our matrix conventions here.
// We use row vectors, so multiplying by our matrix looks like this:
// | m11 m12 m13 |
// [ x y z ] | m21 m22 m23 | = [ x' y' z' ]
// | m31 m32 m33 |
// | tx ty tz |
// Strict adherance to linear algebra rules dictates that this
// multiplication is actually undefined. To circumvent this, we can
// consider the input and output vectors as having an assumed fourth
// coordinate of 1. Also, since we cannot technically invert a 4x3 matrix
// according to linear algebra rules, we will also assume a rightmost
// column of [ 0 0 0 1 ]. This is shown below:
// | m11 m12 m13 0 |
// [ x y z 1 ] | m21 m22 m23 0 | = [ x' y' z' 1 ]
// | m31 m32 m33 0 |
// | tx ty tz 1 |
// Set the matrix to identity
void cMatrix4x3::identity()
m11 = 1.0f; m12 = 0.0f; m13 = 0.0f;
m21 = 0.0f; m22 = 1.0f; m23 = 0.0f;
m31 = 0.0f; m32 = 0.0f; m33 = 1.0f;
tx = 0.0f; ty = 0.0f; tz = 1.0f;
// Zero the 4th row of the matrix, which contains the translation portion.
void cMatrix4x3::zero_translation()
tx = ty = tz = 0.0f;
// Sets the translation portion of the matrix in vector form.
void cMatrix4x3::set_translation(const cVector3& d)
tx = d.x; ty = d.y; tz = d.z;
// Sets the translation portion of the matrix in vector form.
void cMatrix4x3::setup_translation(const cVector3& d)
// Set the linear transformation portion to identity
m11 = 1.0f; m12 = 0.0f; m13 = 0.0f;
m21 = 0.0f; m22 = 1.0f; m23 = 0.0f;
m31 = 0.0f; m32 = 0.0f; m33 = 1.0f;
// Set the translation portion
tx = d.x; ty = d.y; tz = d.z;
// Setup the matrix to perform a local -> parent transformation, given
// the position and orientation of the local reference frame within the
// parent reference frame.
// A very common use of this will be to construct a object -> world matrix.
// As an example, the transformation in this case is straightforward. We
// first rotate from object space into inertial space, then we translate
// into world space.
// We allow the orientation to be specified using either euler angles,
// or a cRotationMatrix.
void cMatrix4x3::setup_local_to_parent(const cVector3& pos, const cEulerAngles& orient)
// create a rotation matrix
cRotationMatrix orient_matrix;
// Setup the 4x3 matrix. Note: if we were really concerned with speed, we could
// create the matrix directly into these variables, without using the temporary
// cRotationMatrix object. This would save us a function call and a few copy operations.
setup_local_to_parent(pos, orient_matrix);
void cMatrix4x3::setup_local_to_parent(const cVector3& pos, const cRotationMatrix& orient)
// Copy the rotation portion of the matrix. According to the comments in RotationMatrix.cpp,
// the rotation matrix is "normally" an inertial->object matrix, which is parent->local.
// We want a local->parent rotation, so we must transpose while copying.
m11 = orient.m11; m12 = orient.m21; m13 = orient.m31;
m21 = orient.m12; m22 = orient.m22; m23 = orient.m32;
m31 = orient.m13; m32 = orient.m23; m33 = orient.m33;
// Now set the translation portion. Translation happens "after" the 3x3 portion,
// so we can simply copy the position field directly.
tx = pos.x; ty = pos.y; tz = pos.z;
// Setup the matrix to perform a parent -> local transformation, given
// the position and orientation of the local reference frame within the
// parent reference frame.
// A very common use of this will be to construct a world -> object matrix.
// To perform this transformation, we would normally FIRST transform
// from world to inertial space, and then rotate from inertial space into
// object space. However, our 4x3 matrix always translates last. So
// we think about creating two matrices T and R, and then concatenating M = TR.
// We allow the orientation to be specified using either euler angles,
// or a RotationMatrix.
void cMatrix4x3::setup_parent_to_local(const cVector3& pos, const cEulerAngles& orient)
// create a rotation matrix
cRotationMatrix orient_matrix;
// setup the 4x3 matrix
setup_parent_to_local(pos, orient_matrix);
void cMatrix4x3::setup_parent_to_local(const cVector3& pos, const cRotationMatrix& orient)
// Copy the rotation portion of the matrix. We can copy the elements directly
// (without transposing) according to the layout as commented in RotationMatrix.cpp.
m11 = orient.m11; m12 = orient.m12; m13 = orient.m13;
m21 = orient.m21; m22 = orient.m22; m23 = orient.m23;
m31 = orient.m31; m32 = orient.m32; m33 = orient.m33;
// Now set the translation portion. Normally, we would translate by the negative of
// the position to translate from world to inertial space. However, we must correct
// for the fact that the rotation occurs "first." So we must rotate the translation portion.
// This is the same as create a translation matrix T to translate by -pos,
// and a rotation matrix R, and then creating the matrix as the concatenation of TR.
tx = -(pos.x * m11 + pos.y * m21 + pos.z * m31);
ty = -(pos.x * m12 + pos.y * m22 + pos.z * m32);
tz = -(pos.x * m13 + pos.y * m23 + pos.z * m33);
// Setup the matrix to perform a rotation about a cardinal axis.
// theta is the amount of rotation, in radians. The left-hand rule is used to
// define "positive" rotation.
// The translation portion is reset.
// Rotate around x axis:
// | 1 0 0 |
// R(a) = | 0 cosa sina |
// | 0 -sina cosa |
// Rotate around y axis:
// | cosa 0 -sina |
// R(a) = | 0 1 0 |
// | sina 0 cosa |
// Rotate around z axis:
// | cosa sina 0 |
// R(a) = | -sina cosa 0 |
// | 0 0 1 |
void cMatrix4x3::setup_rotate(int axis, float theta)
// get sin and cosine of rotation angle
float s, c;
sin_cos(&s, &c, theta);
// check which axis they are rotating about
m11 = 1.0f; m12 = 0.0f; m13 = 0.0f;
m21 = 0.0f; m22 = c; m23 = s;
m31 = 0.0f; m32 = -s; m33 = c;
m11 = c; m12 = 0.0f; m13 = -s;
m21 = 0.0f; m22 = 1.0f; m23 = 0.0f;
m31 = s; m32 = 0.0f; m33 = c;
m11 = c; m12 = s; m13 = 0.0f;
m21 = -s; m22 = c; m23 = 0.0f;
m31 = 0.0f; m32 = 0.0f; m33 = 1.0f;
default: // bogus axis index
// Reset the translation portion
tx = ty = tz = 0.0f;
// Setup the matrix to perform a rotation about an arbitrary axis.
// The axis of rotation must pass through the origin.
// axis defines the axis of rotation, and must be a unit vector.
// theta is the amount of rotation, in radians. The left-hand rule is
// used to define "positive" rotation.
// The translation portion is reset.
// | x^2(1-cosa) + cosa xy(1-cosa) + zsina xz(1-cosa) - ysina |
// R(n, a) = | xy(1-cosa) - zsina y^2(1-cosa) + cosa yz(1-cosa) + xsina |
// | xz(1-cosa) + ysina yz(1-cosa) - xsina z^2(1-cosa) + cosa |
void cMatrix4x3::setup_rotate(const cVector3& axis, float theta)
// Quick sanity check to make sure they passed in a unit vector to specify the axis
assert(fabs(axis * axis - 1.0f) < 0.01f);
// Get sin and cosine of rotation angle
float s, c;
sin_cos(&s, &c, theta);
// Compute 1 - cos(theta) and some common subexpressions
float a = 1.0f - c;
float ax = a * axis.x;
float ay = a * axis.y;
float az = a * axis.z;
// Set the matrix elements. There is still a little more opportunity for optimization
// due to the many common subexpressions. We'll let the compiler handle that
m11 = ax * axis.x + c;
m12 = ax * axis.y + axis.z * s;
m13 = ax * axis.z - axis.y * s;
m21 = ay * axis.x - axis.z * s;
m22 = ay * axis.y + c;
m23 = ay * axis.z + axis.x * s;
m31 = az * axis.x + axis.y * s;
m32 = az * axis.y - axis.x * s;
m33 = az * axis.z + c;
// Reset the translation portion
tx = ty = tz = 0.0f;
// Setup the matrix to perform a rotation, given the angular displacement
// in quaternion form.
// The translation portion is reset.
// | 1 - 2(y^2 + z^2) 2(xy + wz) 2(xz - wy) |
// M = | 2(xy - wz) 1 - 2(x^2 + z^2) 2(yz + wx) |
// | 2(xz + wy) 2(yz - wx) 1 - 2(x^2 + y^2) |
void cMatrix4x3::from_quat(const cQuaternion& q)
// Compute a few values to optimize common subexpressions
float double_w = 2.0f * q.w;
float double_x = 2.0f * q.x;
float double_y = 2.0f * q.y;
float double_z = 2.0f * q.z;
// Set the matrix elements. There is still a little more opportunity for optimization
// due to the many common subexpressions. We'll let the compiler handle that
m11 = 1.0f - double_y * q.y - double_z * q.z;
m12 = double_x * q.y + double_w * q.z;
m13 = double_x * q.z - double_w * q.x;
m21 = double_x * q.y - double_w * q.z;
m22 = 1.0f - double_x * q.x - double_z * q.z;
m23 = double_y * q.z + double_w * q.x;
m31 = double_x * q.z + double_w * q.y;
m32 = double_y * q.z - double_w * q.x;
m33 = 1.0f - double_x * q.x - double_y * q.y;
// Reset the translation portion
tx = ty = tz = 0.0f;
// Setup the matrix to perform scale on each axis. For uniform scale by k,
// use a vector of the form Vector3(k,k,k)
// The translation portion is reset.
void cMatrix4x3::setup_scale(const cVector3& s)
// Set the matrix elements. Pretty straightforward
m11 = s.x; m12 = 0.0f; m13 = 0.0f;
m21 = 0.0f; m22 = s.y; m23 = 0.0f;
m31 = 0.0f; m32 = 0.0f; m33 = s.z;
// Reset the translation portion
tx = ty = tz = 0.0f;
// Setup the matrix to perform scale along an arbitrary axis.
// The axis is specified using a unit vector, the translation portion is reset.
// | 1 + (k-1)x^2 (k-1)xy (k-1)xz |
// S(n, k) = | (k-1)xy 1 + (k-1)y^2 (k-1)yz |
// | (k-1)xz (k-1)yz 1 + (k-1)z^2 |
void cMatrix4x3::setup_scale_along_axis(const cVector3& axis, float k)
// Quick sanity check to make sure they passed in a unit vector to specify the axis.
assert(fabs(axis * axis - 1.0f) < 0.01f);
// Compute k-1 and some common subexpressions
float a = k - 1.0f;
float ax = a * axis.x;
float ay = a * axis.y;
float az = a * axis.z;
// Fill in the matrix elements. We'll do the common subexpression optimization
// ourselves here, since diagonally opposite matrix elements are equal.
m11 = ax * axis.x + 1.0f;
m22 = ay * axis.y + 1.0f;
m32 = az * axis.z + 1.0f;
m12 = m21 = ax * axis.y;
m13 = m31 = ax * axis.z;
m23 = m32 = ay * axis.z;
// Reset the translation portion
tx = ty = tz = 0.0f;
// Setup the matrix to perform a reflection about a plane parallel to a
// cardinal plane.
// axis is a 1-based index which specifies the plane to project about:
// REFLECT_ABOUT_X => reflect about the plane x=k
// REFLECT_ABOUT_Y => reflect about the plane y=k
// REFLECT_ABOUT_Z => reflect about the plane z=k
// The translation is set appropriately, since translation must occur if k != 0
// Reflect about x = 0:
// | -1.0f 0.0f 0.0f |
// M = | 0.0f 1.0f 0.0f |
// | 0.0f 0.0f 1.0f |
// Reflect about y = 0:
// | 1.0f 0.0f 0.0f |
// M = | 0.0f -1.0f 0.0f |
// | 0.0f 0.0f 1.0f |
// Reflect about z = 0:
// | 1.0f 0.0f 0.0f |
// M = | 0.0f 1.0f 0.0f |
// | 0.0f 0.0f -1.0f |
void cMatrix4x3::setup_shear(int axis, float s, float t)
// Check which type of shear they want
switch (axis)
case SHERE_AROUND_X: // Shear y and z using x
m11 = 1.0f; m12 = s; m13 = t;
m21 = 0.0f; m22 = 1.0f; m23 = 0.0f;
m31 = 0.0f; m32 = 0.0f; m33 = 1.0f;
case SHERE_AROUND_Y: // Shear x and z using y
m11 = 1.0f; m12 = 0.0f; m13 = 0.0f;
m21 = s; m22 = 1.0f; m23 = t;
m31 = 0.0f; m32 = 0.0f; m33 = 1.0f;
case SHERE_AROUND_Z: // Shear x and y using z
m11 = 1.0f; m12 = 0.0f; m13 = 0.0f;
m21 = 0.0f; m22 = 1.0f; m23 = 0.0f;
m31 = s; m32 = t; m33 = 1.0f;
// bogus axis index
// Reset the translation portion
tx = ty = tz = 0.0f;
// Setup the matrix to perform a projection onto a plane passing
// through the origin. The plane is perpendicular to the unit vector n.
// | 1-x^2 -xy -xz |
// P(n) = |-xy 1-y^2 -yz |
// |-xz -zy 1-z^2 |
void cMatrix4x3::setup_project(const cVector3& n)
// Quick sanity check to make sure they passed in a unit vector to specify the axis
assert(fabs(n * n - 1.0f) < 0.01f);
// Fill in the matrix elements. We'll do the common subexpression optimization
// ourselves here, since diagonally opposite matrix elements are equal.
m11 = 1.0f - n.x * n.x;
m22 = 1.0f - n.y * n.y;
m33 = 1.0f - n.z * n.z;
m12 = m21 = -n.x * n.y;
m13 = m31 = -n.x * n.z;
m23 = m32 = -n.y * n.z;
// Reset the translation portion
tx = ty = tz = 0.0f;
// Setup the matrix to perform a reflection about a plane parallel to a
// cardinal plane.
// axis is a 1-based index which specifies the plane to project about:
// REFLECT_ABOUT_X => reflect about the plane x=k
// REFLECT_ABOUT_Y => reflect about the plane y=k
// REFLECT_ABOUT_Z => reflect about the plane z=k
// The translation is set appropriately, since translation must occur if k != 0
// Reflect about x = 0:
// | -1.0f 0.0f 0.0f |
// M = | 0.0f 1.0f 0.0f |
// | 0.0f 0.0f 1.0f |
// Reflect about y = 0:
// | 1.0f 0.0f 0.0f |
// M = | 0.0f -1.0f 0.0f |
// | 0.0f 0.0f 1.0f |
// Reflect about z = 0:
// | 1.0f 0.0f 0.0f |
// M = | 0.0f 1.0f 0.0f |
// | 0.0f 0.0f -1.0f |
void cMatrix4x3::setup_reflect(int axis, float k)
// Check which plane they want to reflect about
switch (axis)
case REFLECT_ABOUT_X: // Reflect about the plane x=k
m11 = -1.0f; m12 = 0.0f; m13 = 0.0f;
m21 = 0.0f; m22 = 1.0f; m23 = 0.0f;
m31 = 0.0f; m32 = 0.0f; m33 = 1.0f;
tx = 2.0f * k;
ty = 0.0f;
tz = 0.0f;
case REFLECT_ABOUT_Y: // Reflect about the plane y=k
m11 = 1.0f; m12 = 0.0f; m13 = 0.0f;
m21 = 0.0f; m22 = -1.0f; m23 = 0.0f;
m31 = 0.0f; m32 = 0.0f; m33 = 1.0f;
tx = 0.0f;
ty = 2.0f * k;
tz = 0.0f;
case REFLECT_ABOUT_Z: // Reflect about the plane z=k
m11 = 1.0f; m12 = 0.0f; m13 = 0.0f;
m21 = 0.0f; m22 = 1.0f; m23 = 0.0f;
m31 = 0.0f; m32 = 0.0f; m33 = -1.0f;
tx = 0.0f;
ty = 0.0f;
tz = 2.0f * k;
// bogus axis index
// Setup the matrix to perform a reflection about an arbitrary plane
// through the origin. The unit vector n is perpendicular to the plane.
// The translation portion is reset.
// | 1 - 2x^2 -2xy -2xz |
// P(n) = S(n, -1) = | -2xy 1 - 2y^2 -2yz |
// | -2xz -2zy 1 - 2z^2 |
void cMatrix4x3::setup_reflect(const cVector3& n)
// Quick sanity check to make sure they passed in a unit vector to specify the axis
assert(fabs(n * n - 1.0f) < 0.01f);
// Compute common subexpressions
float ax = -2.0f * n.x;
float ay = -2.0f * n.y;
float az = -2.0f * n.z;
// Fill in the matrix elements. We'll do the common subexpression optimization ourselves
// here, since diagonally opposite matrix elements are equal.
m11 = 1.0f + ax * n.x;
m22 = 1.0f + ay * n.y;
m33 = 1.0f + az * n.z;
m12 = m21 = ax * n.y;
m13 = m31 = ax * n.z;
m23 = m32 = ay * n.z;
// Reset the translation portion
tx = ty = tz = 0.0f;
// Transform the point. This makes using the vector class look like it
// does with linear algebra notation on paper.
// We also provide a *= operator, as per C convention.
cVector3 operator *(const cVector3& p, const cMatrix4x3& m)
// Grind through the linear algebra.
return cVector3(p.x * m.m11 + p.y * m.m21 + p.z * m.m31 + m.tx,
p.x * m.m12 + p.y * m.m22 + p.z * m.m32 + m.ty,
p.x * m.m13 + p.y * m.m23 + p.z * m.m33 +;
cVector3& operator *=(cVector3& p, const cMatrix4x3& m)
p = p * m;
return p;
// Matrix concatenation. This makes using the vector class look like it
// does with linear algebra notation on paper.
// We also provide a *= operator, as per C convention.
cMatrix4x3 operator *(const cMatrix4x3& a, const cMatrix4x3& b)
cMatrix4x3 r;
// Compute the upper 3x3 (linear transformation) portion
r.m11 = a.m11 * b.m11 + a.m12 * b.m21 + a.m13 * b.m31;
r.m12 = a.m11 * b.m12 + a.m12 * b.m22 + a.m13 * b.m32;
r.m13 = a.m11 * b.m13 + a.m12 * b.m23 + a.m13 * b.m33;
r.m21 = a.m21 * b.m11 + a.m22 * b.m21 + a.m23 * b.m31;
r.m22 = a.m21 * b.m12 + a.m22 * b.m22 + a.m23 * b.m32;
r.m23 = a.m21 * b.m13 + a.m22 * b.m23 + a.m23 * b.m33;
r.m31 = a.m31 * b.m11 + a.m32 * b.m21 + a.m33 * b.m31;
r.m32 = a.m31 * b.m12 + a.m32 * b.m22 + a.m33 * b.m32;
r.m33 = a.m31 * b.m13 + a.m32 * b.m23 + a.m33 * b.m33;
// Compute the translation portion
r.tx = a.tx * b.m11 + a.ty * b.m21 + * b.m31 + b.tx;
r.ty = a.tx * b.m12 + a.ty * b.m22 + * b.m32 + b.ty; = a.tx * b.m13 + a.ty * b.m23 + * b.m33 +;
// Return it. Ouch - involves a copy constructor call. If speed
// is critical, we may need a seperate function which places the
// result where we want it
return r;
cMatrix4x3& operator *=(cMatrix4x3& a, const cMatrix4x3& b)
a = a * b;
return a;
// Compute the determinant of the 3x3 portion of the matrix.
float determinant(const cMatrix4x3& m)
float result = m.m11 * (m.m22 * m.m33 - m.m23 * m.m32) +
m.m12 * (m.m23 * m.m31 - m.m21 * m.m33) +
m.m13 * (m.m21 * m.m32 - m.m22 * m.m31);
return result;
// Compute the inverse of a matrix. We use the classical adjoint divided
// by the determinant method.
cMatrix4x3 inverse(const cMatrix4x3& m)
float det = determinant(m);
// If we're singular, then the determinant is zero and there's no inverse.
assert(fabs(det) > 0.000001f);
// Compute one over the determinant, so we divide once and can multiply per element.
float one_over_det = 1.0f / det;
// Compute the 3x3 portion of the inverse, by dividing the adjoint by the determinant.
cMatrix4x3 r;
r.m11 = (m.m22 * m.m33 - m.m23 * m.m32) * one_over_det;
r.m12 = (m.m13 * m.m32 - m.m12 * m.m33) * one_over_det;
r.m13 = (m.m12 * m.m23 - m.m13 * m.m22) * one_over_det;
r.m21 = (m.m23 * m.m31 - m.m21 * m.m33) * one_over_det;
r.m22 = (m.m11 * m.m33 - m.m13 * m.m31) * one_over_det;
r.m23 = (m.m13 * m.m21 - m.m11 * m.m23) * one_over_det;
r.m31 = (m.m21 * m.m32 - m.m22 * m.m31) * one_over_det;
r.m32 = (m.m12 * m.m31 - m.m11 * m.m32) * one_over_det;
r.m33 = (m.m11 * m.m22 - m.m12 * m.m21) * one_over_det;
// Compute the translation portion of the inverse
r.tx = -(m.tx * r.m11 + m.ty * r.m21 + * r.m31);
r.ty = -(m.tx * r.m12 + m.ty * r.m22 + * r.m32); = -(m.tx * r.m13 + m.ty * r.m23 + * r.m33);
// Return it. Ouch - involves a copy constructor call. If speed is critical,
// we may need a seperate function which places the result where we want it
return r;
// Return the translation row of the matrix in vector form
cVector3 get_translation(const cMatrix4x3& m)
return cVector3(m.tx, m.ty,;
// Extract the position of an object given a parent -> local transformation
// matrix (such as a world -> object matrix).
// We assume that the matrix represents a rigid transformation. (No scale,
// skew, or mirroring).
cVector3 get_position_from_parent_to_local_matrix(const cMatrix4x3& m)
// Multiply negative translation value by the transpose of the 3x3 portion.
// By using the transpose, we assume that the matrix is orthogonal.
// (This function doesn't really make sense for non-rigid transformations
return cVector3(-(m.tx * m.m11 + m.ty * m.m12 + * m.m13),
-(m.tx * m.m21 + m.ty * m.m22 + * m.m23),
-(m.tx * m.m31 + m.ty * m.m32 + * m.m33));
// Extract the position of an object given a local -> parent transformation
// matrix (such as an object -> world matrix).
cVector3 get_position_from_local_to_parent_matrix(const cMatrix4x3& m)
// Position is simply the translation portion
return cVector3(m.tx, m.ty,;