天行健 君子当自强而不息

     摘要: 学习的目的是学了有用,可能马上就有用,也可能以后有用,这个用可能是物质上的也可能是精神上的,反正就是会对你有点用处。学,以致用,要不然绝对不要学,纯粹是浪费资源,包括时间,精力,财力,物力,人力!学以致用,不同的“用”决定学的深度和侧重。  阅读全文
posted @ 2008-04-25 22:04 lovedday 阅读(313) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏
     摘要: You would normally use a series of pre−calculated key−framed animations in your game projects. You create these animations using 3D modeling programs such as discreet's 3DStudio Max or Caligari's trueSpace. Although they served their purpose quite nicely, those pre−created animation sequences did lack one major aspect uniqueness. Once an animation, always an animation meaning that the animations are the same, regardless of how many times you play them.   阅读全文
posted @ 2008-04-25 21:14 lovedday 阅读(352) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏
     摘要: Although this chapter only has one demo to tout, it sure is a whopper! Demonstrating the technique of blended animation, the SkeletalAnimBlend demo program (see Figure 6.3) shows off Microsoft's Tiny character in all her blended glory!  阅读全文
posted @ 2008-04-25 21:11 lovedday 阅读(576) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏
     摘要: Now that you've seen how simple it is to blend multiple skeletal animations, why not take this new knowledge and add on to the skeletal animation objects? Sounds like a great idea; by adding a single function to the cAnimationCollection class, you can be on your way to blending animations like the pros.

In fact, rather than messing with the code from cAnimationCollection, just derive a new class that handles blended animations. This new derived class, cBlendedAnimationCollection, is def  阅读全文
posted @ 2008-04-25 19:35 lovedday 阅读(360) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏
     摘要: You would normally use a series of pre−calculated key−framed animations in your game projects. You create these animations using 3D modeling programs such as discreet's 3DStudio Max or Caligari's trueSpace. Although they served their purpose quite nicely, those pre−created animation sequences did lack one major aspect uniqueness. Once an animation, always an animation meaning that the animations are the same, regardless of how many times you play them.  阅读全文
posted @ 2008-04-25 18:57 lovedday 阅读(683) | 评论 (1)编辑 收藏
     摘要: If you have explored the DirectX SDK samples, you might have come across a little demo called SkinnedMesh, which shows you how to use a pre−calculated key−frame animation stored in an .X file to animate an on−screen character. The problem is, that sample's code is so convoluted and hard to understand that it'll make your head spin. With no real documentation of how to use .X file animation data, the skinned mesh animation sample remains full of mystery.   阅读全文
posted @ 2008-04-25 13:46 lovedday 阅读(356) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏
     摘要: In this chapter, you learned how to load animation sets and use that data to animate your on−screen meshes. To better demonstrate these animation concepts, I have created a program (SkeletalAnim) that shows your favorite lady of skeletal−based animation, Microsoft's Tiny (from the DirectX SDK samples), doing what she does best walking around! When you run the demo application, you'll be greeted with a scene like the one shown in Figure 5.3.  阅读全文
posted @ 2008-04-25 13:43 lovedday 阅读(607) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏
     摘要: After you've loaded the animation data, you need to map the animation classes to their respective bones in the bone hierarchy. Mapping the hierarchies is important because whenever an animation is updated, you need a quick way to access the bone's transformations. By mapping, you create an easier method of accessing the bones.  阅读全文
posted @ 2008-04-25 13:13 lovedday 阅读(277) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏
     摘要: Assuming you want more than one animation set loaded at once, you can even create a class that contains an array (or rather, a linked list) of cAnimationSet classes, which means that you can access a whole slew of animations with one interface! This class, called cAnimationCollection, is also derived from the cXParser class, so you can parse .X files directly from the class in which you'll be storing the animations.  阅读全文
posted @ 2008-04-24 19:27 lovedday 阅读(281) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏
     摘要: Currently, there are four types of keys you can use in your animation sets, each signified by a value ranging from 0 to 4 that is listed in the .X file following the frame reference inside an AnimationKey template. These four keys and their respective values are:  阅读全文
posted @ 2008-04-24 18:50 lovedday 阅读(477) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏
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