Consider the sequence of digits from 1 through N (where N=9) in increasing order: 1 2 3 ... N.
Now insert either a `+' for addition or a `-' for subtraction or a ` ' [blank] to run the digits together between each pair of digits (not in front of the first digit). Calculate the result that of the expression and see if you get zero.
Write a program that will find all sequences of length N that produce a zero sum.
1+2-3+4-5-6+7 1+2-3-4+5+6-7 1-2 3+4+5+6+7 1-2 3-4 5+6 7 1-2+3+4-5+6-7 1-2-3-4-5+6+7
This problem is a very simple DFS problem. Thanks to the little limitation, we are easy to search all of the situations because we only need to search 3^8=6561 situations. So,just search.
Code /**//*ID:braytay1PROG:zerosumLANG:C++*/#include <iostream>#include <fstream>#include <string>using namespace std;ofstream fout("zerosum.out");ifstream fin("");string oper[3]={" ","+","-"};string equt;int N;int cal(string s){ string tmp; for(int i=0;i<s.size();i++){ if (s[i]!=' ') {tmp.push_back(s[i]);} } int ls=1,sum=0; char op=' '; for (int i=1;i<tmp.size();i++){ if (tmp[i]>='1'&&tmp[i]<='9') { ls=10*ls+(tmp[i]-48); } else { if (op=='+') {sum+=ls;op=tmp[i];ls=0;continue;} if (op=='-') {sum-=ls;op=tmp[i];ls=0;continue;} else{sum+=ls;op=tmp[i];ls=0;} } } switch (op){ case '+':sum+=ls;break; case '-':sum-=ls;break; default: sum=-1; } return sum;}void DFS(int step){ if (step>N-1){ if (cal(equt)==0) {fout<<equt<<endl;return;} else return; } for (int i=0;i<3;i++){ equt+=oper[i]; equt.push_back(step+1+48); DFS(step+1); equt.erase(equt.end()-2,equt.end()); }}int main(){ fin>>N; equt+="1"; DFS(1); return 0;}
posted on 2008-08-12 00:45 幻浪天空领主 阅读(218) 评论(0) 编辑 收藏 引用 所属分类: USACO
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