
http://mha.cs.umn.edu/index.html——(Monitoring human  Activity )
The problem of using computer vision to track and understand the behavior of human beings is a very important one. It has applications in the areas of human-computer interaction, user interface design, robot learning, and surveillance, among others. At its highest level, this problem addresses recognizing human behavior and understanding intent and motive from observations alone. This is a difficult task, even for humans to perform, and misinterpretations are common. We are studying this problem in the areas of human motion recognition, surveillance, tracking, and activity detection.

In the area of surveillance, automated systems to observe pedestrian traffic areas and detect dangerous action are becoming important. Many such areas currently have surveillance cameras in place. However, all of the image understanding and risk detection is left to human security personnel. This type of observation task is not well suited to humans, as it requires careful concentration over long periods of time. Therefore, there is clear motivation to develop automated, intelligent, vision-based monitoring systems that can aid a human user in the process of risk detection and analysis.


E. Ribnick, S. Atev, and N. Papanikolopoulos. "Estimating 3D Positions and Velocities of Projectiles from Monocular Views." IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (PAMI), to appear 2009.

E. Ribnick and N. Papanikolopoulos. "Estimating 3D Trajectories of Periodic Motions from Stationary Monocular Views." In Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), 2008.

P. Kilambi, E. Ribnick, A. Joshi, O. Masoud, and N. Papanikolopoulos. "Estimating Pedestrian Counts in Groups." Computer Vision and Image Understanding (CVIU), 2008.

Ajay J. Joshi and Nikolaos Papanikolopoulos. "Learning of moving cast shadows for dynamic environments." In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2008.

Ajay J. Joshi and Nikolaos Papanikolopoulos. "Learning to detect moving shadows in dynamic environments." In IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, volume 30, no. 11, pages 2055-2063, 2008.

S. Atev and N. Papanikolopoulos, "Multi-View 3D Vehicle Tracking with a Constrained Filter", In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2008), pp. 2277-2282, May 2008.

K. A Patwardhan, G. Sapiro, and V. Morellas, "Robust Foreground Detection In Video Using Pixel Layers". IEEE Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, PAMI(30), No. 4, April 2008, pp. 746-751.

Ajay J. Joshi, Stefan Atev, Osama Masoud, and Nikolaos Papanikolopoulos. "Moving shadow detection with low- and mid-level reasoning." In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2007.

E. Ribnick, S. Atev, O. Masoud, N. Papanikolopoulos, and R. Voyles. "Detection of Thrown Objects in Indoor and Outdoor Scenes." IEEE/RSJ Int'l Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2007.

K. A Patwardhan, G. Sapiro, and V. Morellas, "A Graph-based Foreground Representation and its Application in Example Based People Matching in Video". IEEE Intl. Conference on Image Processing, ICIP (5) 2007: pp. 37-40.

H. Veeraraghavan, N. Bird, S. Atev, and N. Papanikolopoulos, "Classifiers for driver activity monitoring," Transportation Research Part C, vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 51-67, Feb. 2007.

E. Ribnick, S. Atev, O. Masoud, N. Papanikolopoulos, and R. Voyles. "Real-Time Detection of Camera Tampering." Proceedings of the IEEE Int'l Conf. on Advanced Video and Signal Based Surveillance (AVSS), 2006.

S. Atev, O. Masoud, and N. Papanikolopoulos, "Learning Traffic Patterns at Intersections by Spectral Clustering of Motion Trajectories", In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2006), pp. 4851-4856, Oct. 2006.

N. Bird, S. Atev, N. Caramelli, R. Martin, O. Masoud, and N. Papanikolopoulos, "Real time, online detection of abandoned objects in public areas," in Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, pp. 3775-3780, May 2006.

S. Atev, H. Arumugam, O. Massoud, R. Janardan, and N. Papanikolopoulos, "A Vision-Based Approach to Collision Prediction at Traffic Intersections", IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 416-423, Dec. 2005.

H. Veeraraghavan, S Atev, N. Bird, P. Schrater, and N. Papanikolopoulos, "Driver Activity Monitoring through Supervised and Unsupervised Learning", In Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC 2005), pp. 895-900, Sep. 2005.

S. Atev, O. Masoud, R. Janardan, and N. Papanikolopoulos, "A Collision Prediction System for Traffic Intersections", In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2005), pp. 2844-2849, Aug. 2005.

N. Bird, O. Masoud, N. Pananikolopoulos, and A. Isaacs, "Detection of loitering individuals in public transportation areas," IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 167-177, June 2005.

S. Atev, O. Masoud, and N. Papanikolopoulos, "Practical Mixtures of Gaussians with Brightness Monitoring", In Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC 2004), pp. 423-428, Oct. 2004.

G. Gasser, N. Bird, O. Masoud, and N. Papanikolopoulos, "Human activities monitoring and bus stops," in Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, vol. 1, pp. 90-95, Apr. 2004.

V. Morellas, I. Pavlidis and P. Tsiamyrtzis, "DETER: Detection of Events for Threat Evaluation and Recognition". Machine Vision and Applications, 15:29-45, 2003.

I. Pavlidis, V. Morellas, P. Tsiamyrtzis, and S. Harp, "Urban Surveillance Systems: From the Laboratory to the Commercial World". IEEE Proceedings, 89(10), pp. 1478-1497, October, 2001.

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