Posted on 2011-09-20 14:22
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08 游戏SDK
IEntity* GraphicalWorld::pickEntity(const Ray& ray, uint32 mask)
WS_ASSERT( msCore );
// const unsigned long mask = 0xFFFFFFFF;
Ogre::Ray ogreRay( VEC_WS2OGRE(ray.getOrigin()), VEC_WS2OGRE(ray.getDirection()) );
if (!mpRaySceneQuery)
mpRaySceneQuery = msCore->getSceneMgr()->createRayQuery( ogreRay, mask );
mpRaySceneQuery->setRay(ogreRay );
Ogre::Real closest_distance = 99999.0f;
Ogre::RaySceneQueryResult &query_result = mpRaySceneQuery->execute();
Ogre::MovableObject* movable;
IEntity* pEntity = NULL;
for (size_t qr_idx = 0; qr_idx < query_result.size(); qr_idx++)
// stop checking if we have found a raycast hit that is closer
// than all remaining entities
if ((closest_distance >= 0.0f) && (closest_distance < query_result[qr_idx].distance))
// only check this result if its a hit against an entity
movable = query_result[qr_idx].movable;
if (( movable != NULL) && (movable->getMovableType().compare("Entity") == 0) && movable->isVisible())
EntityMap::const_iterator itFind = mEntityMap.find( static_cast<Ogre::Entity*>(movable));
if (itFind == mEntityMap.end())
// get the entity to check
Ogre::Entity *pentity = static_cast<Ogre::Entity*>(movable);
// mesh data to retrieve
size_t vertex_count;
size_t index_count;
// get the mesh information
GetMeshInformation(pentity, vertex_count, index_count,
// test for hitting individual triangles on the mesh
bool new_closest_found = false;
for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(index_count); i += 3)
assert(mIndexBuffer[i] < vertex_count);
assert(mIndexBuffer[i + 1] < vertex_count);
assert(mIndexBuffer[i + 2] < vertex_count);
// check for a hit against this triangle
std::pair<bool, Ogre::Real> hit = Ogre::Math::intersects(ogreRay, mVertexBuffer[mIndexBuffer[i]],
mVertexBuffer[mIndexBuffer[i+1]], mVertexBuffer[mIndexBuffer[i+2]], true, false);
// if it was a hit check if its the closest
if (hit.first)
if ((closest_distance < 0.0f) || (hit.second < closest_distance))
// this is the closest so far, save it off
closest_distance = hit.second;
new_closest_found = true;
// if we found a new closest raycast for this object, update the
// closest_result before moving on to the next object.
if (new_closest_found)
pEntity = itFind->second;
// Ogre::RaySceneQueryResult &result = mpRaySceneQuery->execute();
// Ogre::RaySceneQueryResult::iterator it = result.begin();
// if (it != result.end())
// {
// //it->distance
// //if (it->worldFragment)
// if (it->movable)
// {
// //Ogre::UserDefinedObject* udo = Ogre::MovableObject::getUserObject();
// if (it->movable->getMovableType() == "Entity")
// {
// EntityMap::const_iterator itFind = mEntityMap.find( static_cast<Ogre::Entity*>( it->movable ) );
// if (itFind != mEntityMap.end())
// return itFind->second;
// }
// }
// }
return pEntity;
void GetMeshInformation(const Entity *entity,
size_t &vertex_count,
Ogre::Vector3* &vertices,
size_t &index_count,
unsigned long* &indices,
const Ogre::Vector3 &position,
const Ogre::Quaternion &orient,
const Ogre::Vector3 &scale)
bool added_shared = false;
size_t current_offset = 0;
size_t shared_offset = 0;
size_t next_offset = 0;
size_t index_offset = 0;
vertex_count = index_count = 0;
Ogre::MeshPtr mesh = entity->getMesh();
bool useSoftwareBlendingVertices = entity->hasSkeleton();
if (useSoftwareBlendingVertices)
// Calculate how many vertices and indices we're going to need
for (unsigned short i = 0; i < mesh->getNumSubMeshes(); ++i)
Ogre::SubMesh* submesh = mesh->getSubMesh( i );
// We only need to add the shared vertices once
if( !added_shared )
vertex_count += mesh->sharedVertexData->vertexCount;
added_shared = true;
vertex_count += submesh->vertexData->vertexCount;
// Add the indices
index_count += submesh->indexData->indexCount;
// Allocate space for the vertices and indices
vertices = new Ogre::Vector3[vertex_count];
indices = new unsigned long[index_count];
added_shared = false;
// Run through the submeshes again, adding the data into the arrays
for ( unsigned short i = 0; i < mesh->getNumSubMeshes(); ++i)
Ogre::SubMesh* submesh = mesh->getSubMesh(i);
//Ogre::VertexData* vertex_data = submesh->useSharedVertices ? mesh->sharedVertexData : submesh->vertexData;
Ogre::VertexData* vertex_data;
//When there is animation:
vertex_data = submesh->useSharedVertices ? entity->_getSharedBlendedVertexData() : entity->getSubEntity(i)->_getBlendedVertexData();
vertex_data = submesh->useSharedVertices ? entity->_getSkelAnimVertexData() : entity->getSubEntity(i)->_getSkelAnimVertexData();
vertex_data = submesh->useSharedVertices ? mesh->sharedVertexData : submesh->vertexData;
if((!submesh->useSharedVertices)||(submesh->useSharedVertices && !added_shared))
added_shared = true;
shared_offset = current_offset;
const Ogre::VertexElement* posElem =
Ogre::HardwareVertexBufferSharedPtr vbuf =
unsigned char* vertex =
static_cast<unsigned char*>(vbuf->lock(Ogre::HardwareBuffer::HBL_READ_ONLY));
// There is _no_ baseVertexPointerToElement() which takes an Ogre::Real or a double
// as second argument. So make it float, to avoid trouble when Ogre::Real will
// be comiled/typedefed as double:
// Ogre::Real* pReal;
float* pReal;
for( size_t j = 0; j < vertex_data->vertexCount; ++j, vertex += vbuf->getVertexSize())
posElem->baseVertexPointerToElement(vertex, &pReal);
Ogre::Vector3 pt(pReal[0], pReal[1], pReal[2]);
vertices[current_offset + j] = (orient * (pt * scale)) + position;
next_offset += vertex_data->vertexCount;
Ogre::IndexData* index_data = submesh->indexData;
size_t numTris = index_data->indexCount / 3;
Ogre::HardwareIndexBufferSharedPtr ibuf = index_data->indexBuffer;
bool use32bitindexes = (ibuf->getType() == Ogre::HardwareIndexBuffer::IT_32BIT);
unsigned long* pLong = static_cast<unsigned long*>(ibuf->lock(Ogre::HardwareBuffer::HBL_READ_ONLY));
unsigned short* pShort = reinterpret_cast<unsigned short*>(pLong);
size_t offset = (submesh->useSharedVertices)? shared_offset : current_offset;
size_t index_start = index_data->indexStart;
size_t last_index = numTris*3 + index_start;
if (use32bitindexes)
for (size_t k = index_start; k < last_index; ++k)
indices[index_offset++] = pLong[k] + static_cast<unsigned long>( offset );
for (size_t k = index_start; k < last_index; ++k)
indices[ index_offset++ ] = static_cast<unsigned long>( pShort[k] ) +
static_cast<unsigned long>( offset );
current_offset = next_offset;