Posted on 2016-11-08 21:18
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Compiling the Input
翻译:kun 2014.12.4
The input compile step involves gathering together all the resources needed to build the navigation mesh. This may be as simple as compiling the source geometry into the correct format, or it may be very complex, such as gathering off-mesh connections, mapping triangle type to area, gathering custom processors, etc.
The results of this step are the InputGeometry, ProcessorSet, and ConnectionSet objects. (Though finalization of the connection set can be delayed to a later step.)
这一步完成之后,会得到如下的对象: InputGeometry, ProcessorSet, ConnectionSet. (ConnectionSet只是生成NavigationMesh的中间数据,最终数据里不会包含这个对象,但是会包含其信息, 其本身会在之后的步骤里被释放掉)。
There is no standard implementation for compiling the input since the process is specific to the design environment. In Unity the input is gathered from various project assets and scene objects, such as mesh filters. In other environments it might be gathered directly from Maya or 3DSMax data.
编译输入数据是没有标准实现的,这个步骤依赖于特定的平台和环境。在Unity3D里,输入数据来自assets和gameObject,比如mesh filters组件。在其他环境中,可能输入数据直接从Maya或3DSMax模型文件里获取(或者写这些软件的插件)。
Input Geometry
The InputGeometry object consists of standard triangle mesh data (vertices and indices) with additional triangle area assignment. It is derived from the source geometry.
The InputGeometryCompiler and InputGeometryBuilder classes are used to create the input geometry object.
InputGeometryCompiler 和 InputGeometryBuidler 这两个工具类用来生成 Input Geometry对象。
Each triangle in the input geometry is assigned an area based on surface type. Usually, triangles are assigned a default area, such as MaxArea, then special triangles are assigned special areas as needed. For example, 'meadow' and 'sidewalk' triangles may be the default area, while 'water' and 'swamp' triangles are assigned to other areas. Assigning areas during the build process ensures that polygons are properly formed for each type of surface.
// Example: Creating a simple input geometry object.
// 例子: 创建一个简单的InputGeometry对象.
// Where 'mesh' is a TriangleMesh object containing all of the input triangles.
// 'mesh'对象是指一个作为原始输入的三角形网格对象.(3)
// Create an area buffer that assigns the default area id to all triangles.
// 创建一个区域buffer,长度为三角形的数量,每一个三角形都会被设置为默认区域。
byte[] areas = NMGen.CreateDefaultAreaBuffer(mesh.triCount);
// Create the builder.
// All triangles with a slope over 45.5f will be re-assigned to NMGen.NullArea.
// 创建builder.
// 所有与xz平面夹角超过45.5度的三角面都会视为不可达,会被设置为 NMGen.NullArea.
InputGeometryBuilder gbuilder = InputGeometryBuilder.Create(mesh, areas, 45.5f);
// Build in a single step.
// Build操作.
// Get the result.
// 获取结果,为之后的步骤做准备.
InputGeometry geom = gbuilder.Result;
The InputGeometryCompiler class can be used to combine multiple triangle meshes into a single triangle mesh, including area assignment.
InputGeometryCompiler 类可以用来合并多个三角形网格,并且区域信息也会自动合并.
The ProcessorSet contains INMGenProcessor objects used to add special behavior to the main build step. A processor may do something simple, such as applying default flags to all polygons (ApplyPolygonFlags), or something complex such as evaluating heightfield intermediates in order to auto-generate off-mesh connections.
// Example: Creating a processor set.
// 例子:创建一个ProcessorSet.
// There is a standard set of processors needed for almost every build.
// 系统已经提供了一套标准的processors,可以满足大多数的生成.
// You can also add other processors, including custom processors of your own.
// 当然你可以添加一些自己的Processor.
// Create the set.
// 创建ProcessorSet.
ProcessorSet processors = ProcessorSet.Create(myProcessorList.ToArray());
How these processors are used is described further in The Incremental Builder topic.
如何使用这些processor会在Incremental Builder章节里进行介绍.
The ConnectionSet defines the off-mesh connections that will be added to the navigation mesh. In some cases they are fully defined during the input build process. In other cases they are generated by custom processor's later in the build process.
The ConnectionSetCompiler can be used to dynamically compile connections for eventual inclusion in the connection set.