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[Python] Leo 翻译 Some Outline Commands

Some outline commands

You can use Leo as fairly typical outliner. Click the expansion box of nodes to show and hide their children.

你可以将 Leo 完全作为一个普通的 outliner 。 点击节点的扩展盒子来显示隐藏它们的子节点。

Play around with some of the commands from the Outline menu or from the minibuffer. The keyboard shortcut and minibuffer key sequence appear in parentheses. Note: as usual, you can use tab completion in the minibuffer.

你可以从 outline 菜单或者 minibuffer 中玩弄一些命令。 键盘的快捷键和 minibuffer 按键总是成对出现。 注意 :和普通的一样,在 minibuffer 中你可以使用 tab 进行补全。

Edit Headline (Ctrl+H or <Alt-x>edit-headline<return>)

Begins editing of the headline text of a node. To end editing, hit <return> or <Ctrl-g>

开始编辑一个节点的 headline 文字。 要结束编辑,输入 <return> 或 <Ctrl-g>

Insert Node (Ctrl+I or <Alt-x>insert-node<return>)

Inserts a new headline into the outline.

往 outline 中插入一个新的 headline 。

Cut Node (Ctrl+Shift+X or <Alt-x>cut-node<return>)

Deletes a node and all its descendants, copying them to the clipboard.


Paste Node (Ctrl+Shift+V or <Alt-x>paste-node<return>)

Pastes a tree copied by the Cut Node command.


Copy Node (Ctrl+Shift+C or <Alt-x>copy-node<return>)

Copies a node and all its descendants to clipboard without deleting it from outline. You can copy a tree from one Leo outline to another using Copy Node and Paste Node.

复制一个节点及其所有子节点,但是并不将其删除。 你可以使用 Copy 和 Paste 将一棵树从一个 outline 到另一个 outline 。

Contract or Go Left (Alt-Left-Arrow or <Alt-x>contract-or-go-left<return)

Contracts a node if it is expanded, otherwise selects its parent.


Expand and Go Right (Alt-Right-Arrow or <Alt-x>expand-and-go-right<return>)

Select a node’s first child, expanding the original node if needed.


Goto Prev Visible (Alt-Up-Arrow or <Alt-x>goto-prev-visible<return>)

Select the previous visible node.


Goto Next Visible (Alt-Down-Arrow or <Alt-x>goto-next-visible<return>)

Select the next visible node.


Move Up (Ctrl+U or <Alt-x>move-outline-up<return>)

Moves a node up in the outline.


Move Down (Ctrl+D or <Alt-x>move-outline-down<return>)

Moves a node down.


Move Left (Ctrl+L or <Alt-x>move-outline-left<return>)

Moves a node left.


Move Right (Ctrl+R or <Alt-x>move-outline-right<return>)

Moves a node right.


Promote (Ctrl+} or <Alt-x>promote<return>)

Makes all the children of a node to be siblings of the node.


Demote (Ctrl+{ or <Alt-x>demote<return>)

Makes all following siblings of a node to be children of the headline.


Please experiment with Leo’s outline now. Move around the tree and expand/collapse nodes by pressing Alt + arrow keys. This also moves the focus to tree, so, after pressing Alt + arrow, you can move around by using arrow keys alone. Return the focus to the body control by pressing Enter.

请现在就试试 Leo 的 outline 。 通过 Alt + 箭头在树中上下移动,展开闭合节点。 这也移动了焦点,所以,在按了 Alt + 箭头后, 你可以直接用方向键了。 按 Enter 可以把焦点移回 body 中。

posted on 2012-02-03 12:54 mirguest 阅读(442) 评论(0)  编辑 收藏 引用 所属分类: Python

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