stack segment para stack 'stack' db 256 dup(0) stack ends ; data segment para public 'data' buffer db 16h dup(0) bufpt1 dw 0 bufpt2 dw 0 kbflag db 0
prompt db '---kbd_io program begin ---',13,10,'$' scantab db 0,0,'1234567890-=',0,0 db 'qwertyuiop[]',0dh,0 db 'asdfghjkl;',0,0,0,0 db 'zxcvbnm,./',0,0,0 db ' ',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 db '789-456+1230.' even shiftab db 0,0,'!@#$%^&*()_+',0,0 db 'QWERTYUIOP{}',0dh,0 db 'ASDFGHJKL:"',0,0,0 db 'ZXCVBNM<>?',0,0,0 db ' ',26 dup(0) even oldcs9 dw ? oldip9 dw ? data ends ; code segment para public 'code' start proc far assume cs:code,ds:data push ds mov ax,0 push ax mov ax,data mov ds,ax
cli mov al,09 mov ah,35h int 21h mov oldcs9,es mov oldip9,bx ;保存中断 push ds mov dx,offset kbint mov ax,seg kbint mov ds,ax mov al,09 mov ah,25h int 21h pop ds ;设置中断
in al,21h and al,0fdh out 21h,al
mov dx,offset prompt mov ah,09 int 21h sti forever: call kbget test kbflag,80h jnz endint push ax call dispchar pop ax cmp al,0dh jnz forever mov al,0ah call dispchar jmp forever endint: mov dx,oldip9 mov ax,oldcs9 mov ds,ax mov al,09h mov ah,25h int 21h
ret start endp kbget proc near push bx cli mov bx,bufpt1 cmp bx,bufpt2 jnz kbget2 cmp kbflag,80h jz kbget3 sti pop bx jmp kbget kbget2: mov al,[buffer+bx] inc bx cmp bx,16 jc kbget3 mov bx,0 kbget3: mov bufpt1,bx pop bx ret kbget endp ;------------------------------------------------------------ kbint proc far push bx push ax ; in al,60h push ax in al,61h or al,80h out 61h,al and al,7fh out 61h,al ; pop ax test al,80h jnz kbint5 cmp al,42 jz left_shif cmp al,54 jz right_shif test kbflag,03h ;判断shif键是否按住 jnz press_shif mov bx,offset scantab xlat scantab cmp al,0 jnz kbint4 mov kbflag,80h jmp kbint2
left_shif: or kbflag,01h jmp kbint2 right_shif: or kbflag,02h jmp kbint2
press_shif: mov bx,offset shiftab xlat shiftab cmp al,0 jnz kbint4 mov kbflag,80h jmp kbint2 kbint4: mov bx,bufpt2 mov [buffer+bx],al inc bx cmp bx,16 jc kbint3 mov bx,0 kbint3: cmp bx,bufpt1 jz kbint2 mov bufpt2,bx kbint5: cmp al,0aah jz kbint1 cmp al,0b6h jz kbint1 jmp kbint2 kbint1: mov kbflag,0 kbint2: cli mov al,20h out 20h,al pop ax pop bx sti iret kbint endp ; dispchar proc near push bx mov bx,0 mov ah,0eh int 10h pop bx ret dispchar endp ; code ends end start
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;在本次试验中需要注意基址寄存器BX的移动方法,对以字为单位的数组,BX的移动方式 ;是每移动一次加2或者减2 ;另外函数调用的过程中需要小心PUSH和pop的调用是否安全,例如在name_sort中pop CX的 ;时候没有先Push CX,导致了name_sort函数不可以调用 ;此程序使用比较高效的方法只是对号码单的首地址进行排序,为此开辟了一个地址数组 ;AdTable,类似C语言中的指针数组 ;在每个名字的前面存有每个名字的长度,有利于对名字进行比较,体现了空间换时间 ;程序调试难度较大,费时2天长度,长度349行 ;12月7日于海韵 ;================================================================== DateArea segment TemplateName db 20,?,20 dup(?) TemplateNumber db 9,?,9 dup(?) PhoneTable db 50 dup ( 21 dup (?), 8 dup (?) ,'$')
AdTable dw 50 dup (?)
FindedAdress dw 1 dup (?) InputNamePrint db 13,10,'Input name:','$' InputNumPrint db 13,10,'Input a telephone number:','$' AskForNumPrint db 13,10,'Do you want a telepment numbre:(Y/N)','$' NamePrint db 13,10,'name?','$' AnswerFindedPrint db 13,10,'name',16 dup (20h),'tel.',13,10,'$'
AnswerNoFindPrint db 13,10,'NO SUCH NAME!','$' DateArea ends ;===================================================================== CodeArea segment assume cs:CodeArea ,ds:DateArea ,es:DateArea ;----------------------------- main proc far
push ds sub ax,ax push ax mov ax,DateArea mov ds,ax mov es,ax ; mov bx,0 lea si,PhoneTable Start: lea dx , InputNamePrint mov ah,09h int 21h ; lea di,AdTable mov AdTable[bx],si call input_name;该函数还要返回输入字母为终止时候的提示, ;可以返回一个寄存器的状态来表示 jz Search call stor_name ; lea dx, InputNumPrint mov ah ,09h int 21h ; call inphone ; add si,30 add bx ,2 jmp Start
Search: ;lea dx, AskForNumPrint ;mov ah,09h ;int 21h call name_sort lea dx, AskForNumPrint mov ah,09h int 21h ; mov ah,1 int 21h sub al,4Eh ; jz Exit ; lea dx,NamePrint mov ah,09h int 21h ; call input_name ; call name_search ; call printline ; jmp Search Exit: ret main endp ;------------------------------ input_name proc near push ax push bx push cx push dx push si push di ; lea dx,TemplateName mov ah,0ah int 21h lea di ,TemplateName add di,1 mov al,[di] cmp al,0 ; pop di pop si pop dx pop cx pop bx pop ax ; ret input_name endp ;------------------------------ stor_name proc near push ax push bx push cx push dx push si push di ; mov di,AdTable[bx] lea si,TemplateName add si,1 mov dx,21 mov cl,[si] mov al,cl cbw mov cx,ax inc cx sub dx,cx cld repnz movsb mov cx,dx cld mov al ,20h repnz stosb ; pop di pop si pop dx pop cx pop bx pop ax ; ret ; stor_name endp ;------------------------------ inphone proc near push ax push bx push cx push dx push si push di ; lea dx,TemplateNumber mov ah,0ah int 21h ; mov di,AdTable[bx] add di,21 lea si,TemplateNumber add si,1 mov cl,[si] mov al,cl cbw mov cx,ax add si,1 cld repnz movsb ; pop di pop si pop dx pop cx pop bx pop ax ; ret inphone endp ;------------------------------ name_sort proc near push ax push bx push cx push dx push si push di lea dx, AskForNumPrint mov ah,09h int 21h mov cx,bx OuterSort: mov bx,0 InnerSort: mov si,AdTable[bx] add bx,2 mov di ,AdTable[bx] mov al,[si] mov dl,[di] cmp al,dl push cx jg AxGrBx mov al,dl cbw mov cx,ax jmp PassAGB AxGrBx: cbw mov cx,ax PassAGB: add si ,1 add di ,1 cld
repz cmpsb pop cx jb Belower mov ax,AdTable[bx] sub bx,2 mov dx,AdTable[bx] xchg ax,dx mov AdTable[bx],dx add bx,2 mov AdTable[bx],ax Belower: mov ax,bx add ax,2 cmp ax,cx jnz InnerSort sub cx,2 cmp cx,2 jnz OuterSort pop di pop si pop dx pop cx pop bx pop ax ret name_sort endp ;------------------------------ name_search proc near push ax push bx push cx push dx push si push di mov ax,bx mov bx ,0 mLoop: lea si,TemplateName+1 mov cl,[si] push ax mov al,cl cbw mov cx,ax add cx,1 pop ax mov di,AdTable[bx] cld repz cmpsb jz FindOutNum add bx, 2 cmp bx ,ax jz FindNoNum jmp mLoop FindNoNum: pop di pop si pop dx pop cx pop bx pop ax ret FindOutNum: mov dx,AdTable[bx] add dx,1 mov FindedAdress,dx ;mov ah,09h ; int 21h pop di pop si pop dx pop cx pop bx pop ax ret name_search endp ;------------------------------ printline proc near push ax push bx push cx push dx push si push di jz NoFind lea dx,AnswerFindedPrint mov ah,09 int 21h mov dx,[FindedAdress] mov ah,09h int 21h JMP RetPlace NoFind: lea dx,AnswerNoFindPrint mov ah,09h int 21h RetPlace: pop di pop si pop dx pop cx pop bx pop ax
ret printline endp ;------------------------------
CodeArea ends end main
摘要: Code highlighting produced by Actipro CodeHighlighter (freeware)http://www.CodeHighlighter.com/-->#include <cstdlib>#include <iostream>#include <conio.h>#define &... 阅读全文
/* 07.11.20 于海韵 */ #include "sys/times.h" #include "apue.h" #include "fcntl.h" clock_t times(struct tms *buf);
static void pr_times(clock_t real ,struct tms *tmsstart, struct tms *tmsend);
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct tms tmsstart,tmsend; clock_t start,end; off_t excursion; if((excursion=lseek(0,0,SEEK_END))==-1)printf("can not seek!\n"); char buf[excursion]; /*printf("excutsion ==#%d\n",excursion);*/ int outfile_fd;/*out file descrite tag */ lseek(0,0,SEEK_SET);/*it is very importent to go back to the beginning of input file!*/ if(read(0,buf,excursion)==0)printf("read OK!\n"); /* buf[excursion]='\0';*/ if(argc==3 && strcmp(argv[2],"sync")==0) { if(( outfile_fd=open(argv[1],O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_SYNC,0666))<0)err_sys("creat error");} else if(argc==2) {if (( outfile_fd=open(argv[1],O_RDWR|O_CREAT,0666))<0)err_sys("creat error");} else{printf("para error!\n");exit(1);} long size=1024; fflush(stdin); printf("BUFFSIZE USER CPU SYSTEM CPU REAL TIMES CIRCLE TIMES\n"); int n; int t; char *p=buf; long redo_count;/*re do copy times*/
do{ if((start=times(&tmsstart))==-1)err_sys("times error"); redo_count=0;/*it is very import to set the counter zero at every circle */ t=1;/*it is use in the inside while */ while((n=write(outfile_fd,p,size))==size) { p+=size;/*the begin buf must increase every time*/ redo_count++;/*count how many times circle do*/ t=size*redo_count;/*one tag to count how many charaters we have travered*/ /* printf("excursion==%d t==%d excursion-t==%d size==%d\n",excursion,t,excursion-t,size);*/ if((excursion-t)<size)break; } if(excursion-t>0) if(write(outfile_fd,p,excursion-t)!=(excursion-t))err_sys("read error"); if((end=times(&tmsend))==-1)err_sys("times error"); printf("%7ld",size); pr_times(end-start,&tmsstart,&tmsend); printf("%7ld\n",redo_count); lseek(outfile_fd,0,SEEK_SET);/*let the outfile pointer go back to the beginning of outfile!*/ p=buf;/*let p return to the beginning of buf;*/ /* printf("size=%d excursion=%d\n",size,excursion);*/ } while((size*=2)<=excursion); return 0; } static void pr_times(clock_t real ,struct tms *tmsstart,struct tms *tmsend) {static long clktck=0; if(clktck==0) if((clktck=sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK))<0) printf("sysconf error");
printf(" %2.5f",(tmsend->tms_utime-tmsstart->tms_utime)/(double)clktck); printf(" %2.5f",(tmsend->tms_stime-tmsstart->tms_stime)/(double)clktck); printf(" %2.5f ",real/(double)clktck); }
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刚来海韵,对这个新鲜的环境满怀好奇!想到处去逛逛,看看厦门这边的风土人情,但是接下去是越来越沉重的课业负担,根本就没有办法让自己停下来,停下来的时候已经算是放任自己,堕落自己,有时候还会感叹自己真是没用,但这又能怎样?换来的只是气馁与伤心,我只能不断的告诉自己,坚持住! 有几同学都认为我是研究性的,我看看自己有时候确实有点象,但可怜的是有时候头难受的让人无法继续思考,真是矛盾我是否该走研究的道路。。。。。