I saw a post on a Delphi BBS, one is asking:" How do I develop a software acting like QQ, It can punching through the Gateway so that two different private net's users can exchange data through UDP trans? "
I was confused by the same problem at that time. I was developing a C/S software, and the Client will be behind the Gateway. How do the Server send data to the client behiding the Gateway?
I knew NAT then. Cone NAT and Symentric NAT.
In a few hours, I knew that It's easy to resolve the problem.
According to my comprehension. NAT does so:
NAT will use the same public IP for all private net users and will assign(binding or temporary.Here done in Cone NAT) different Ports for different sessions.
All the applications outside the private net dont know the private net users but they know this NAT's public IP and theses different Ports.
Meanwhile the NAT knows whom each port identified.
That's all.
A little complex for UDP. it has no connection. How the public IPs send UDP to the private net users? they dont konw them at all, they can only konw the NAT's public IP. It seems this is the focus point.
Chaos? But it's really easy if you know this truth: Only if a private client send UDP data to a public IP through the NAT, the NAT will identify the private client through assigning a random UDP port for this client in a certain period. Then in this period, if somebody outside the private net send data to this UDP port of the NAT's public IP, NAT will retransfer all the incoming data to the JUST user it identified according to this UDP port.
It's all for the so said "UDP punching hole". It's so easy, isn't it?
Of course, till now, we just resolve half problem of the question we mentioned most above. Now we know how the users ouside the private net send UDP data to the private net user. It all depends on such a resume: The outside user has konwn the NAT IP and the UDP port that NAT uses to identify the private net's client. How did he know the port? Of course the private net's user send UDP data first to tell him. WOWOWO wait! Here comes another problem?
No doult, If the outside user has a public IP, so the private net's client can easily send UDP data to the outside user, when the the user received the UDP data, surely it will know the UDP port the NAT assigned for the private net's client.
BUT WHAT if the outside user is also a private net's user? How did this private net's user send the first identity-comfirming UDP packet to another private net's user? It dont know THAT private net's NAT's IP and the UDP Port that NAT assigned to that private user. It seems like a circle, right?
I think you have dropped into a never ending circle: i want to touch you but you dont know me, and you want to touch me but i also dont know you. HOW SHOULD YOU DO NOW?
Always when people are in trouble, they prayed : "Oh God Bless." YUP, WHY NOT LET GOD HELP YOU?
If God can tell me your NAT's public IP and your NAT's port that your NAT used to identify you, Any thing is resolved right? And the same, If God can tell you my NAT's public IP and the UDP Port my NAT used to identify me, you can also touch me right?
But where is the God. My teach ever told me that God is created by people. I think maybe it's right now.
Let's Suppose, if A Server konws your NAT's public IP and the UDP Port your NAT used to identify you. And IT also knows my NAT's public IP and the UDP port that my NAT assigned for me. If it will tell you my NAT's infomation and also tell me your NAT's information. It will be the JUST GOD. right?
You cant touch me directly, but you can touch the GOD. How to do this, I has described at the beginning of the article. The only extra thing that the God will do is to tell you my infomation and tell me yours, then the Left things are ours, i know you now and you know me, too. i can send UDP data to your NAT's public IP and your NAT's UDP port it assigned for you, then you can received my data. So does you. God bless, the problem resolved.
Got it?
Demonstrate in Figures Below:
C/S Model:
Port:1818 for Private User1
Port:1822 for Private User(n)
| | |
Private User1 ... Private User(n)
Port: 2011 Port:1037
Private Peer to Private Peer Model:
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
NAT1 ...... NAT(n)
Port:1818 for Private User1 Port:60031 for Private Peer1
Port:1822 for Private User(n) Port:60033 for Private Peer(n)
| |
| |
| |
---------------------------- ----------------------------
| | | | | |
Private User1 ... Private User(n) Private Peer1 ... Private Peer(n)
Port: 2011 Port:1037 Port:1047 Port:1077
(Surely it does work for multi-layer NATs.)
Here is a Code snippet:
#define NC_UDP_PORT 54326
// Server:
saiLocal.sin_family = AF_INET;
saiLocal.sin_port = htons(NC_UDP_PORT);
saiLocal.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr = inet_addr(pszLocalAddr);
if (bind(m_socUDP,(SOCKADDR *)&saiLocal,sizeof(saiLocal))==SOCKET_ERROR) return NC_E_UDP_BIND|WSAGetLastError();
int fromlen=sizeof(SOCKADDR_IN);
BYTE *buf=(BYTE *)malloc(len);
if(buf==NULL) return NULL;
len=recvfrom(m_socUDP,(char *)buf,len,MSG_PEEK,(SOCKADDR *)&saiFrom,&fromlen);
if(len<0) { free(buf); return NULL; }
len=sendto(m_socUDP,(char *)buf,len,0,(SOCKADDR*)&saiFrom,&fromlen);
// Client:
saiLocal.sin_port = htons(0);
saiLocal.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr = inet_addr(pszLocalAddr);
int len=sizeof(saiLocal);
if (bind(m_socUDP, (SOCKADDR *)&saiLocal, len
== SOCKET_ERROR) return -1;
SOCKADDR_IN saiServer;
saiServer.sin_family = AF_INET;
saiServer.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr = inet_addr(pszServerAddr);
saiServer.sin_port = htons(NC_UDP_PORT);
sendto(pThis->m_socUDP,(const char*)buf,len,0,(SOCKADDR*)&saiServer,len);
saiFrom.sin_family = AF_INET;
nRet = recvfrom(pThis->m_socUDP,buf,len,0,(SOCKADDR*)&sai_From,&len);
以上是 UDP 穿透网关的说明,至于TCP如何穿透网关,如下所示。
posted on 2007-08-17 13:15
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net work