
努力、努力、再努力! 没有什么能阻止我对知识的渴望。


"C++Templates The Complete Guide"读书笔记----Chapter 7

Basic Template Terminology
1. "Class Template" or "Template Class"?
class template: the class is a template.
template class: a synonym(同义词) for class template; to refer to classes generated from templates(由模板产生(实例化)的类). to refer to classes with a name that is a template-id.
Because of this imprecision, template class is avoided in this book.

2. Instantiation and specialzation
Instantiation: 实例化. The process of creating a regular class, function, or member function from a template by substituting actual values for its arguments is called template instantiation.
Specialzation:特例,在Chapter 3中有描述

3. Declarations vs Definitions
declaration is a C++ construct that introduces or reintroduceds a name into  a C++ scope.
class C; // a declaration of C as a class
void f(int p); // a declaration of f() as a function and p as a named parameter
extern int v; // a declaration of v as a variable

Declarations become definitions when the details of their structure are made known or, in the case of variables, when storage space must be allocated.
class C{}// definition(and declaration) of class C
void f(int p)// defini
   std::cout<< p << std::endl;

extern int v = 1;  // an initializer makes this a definition for v

int w;   // global variable declaration not preceded by extern are also definitions
By extension, the declaration of a class template or function template is called a definition if it has a body, Hence,
template <typename T>
void func(T);
is a declaration that is not a definition, whereas
template <typename T>
class S{};
is in fact a definition

posted @ 2006-12-03 15:02 ningfangli 阅读(109) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

"C++Templates The Complete Guide"读书笔记----Chapter 6

Using Templates in Practice

1. Templates challenge the classic compiler-plus-linker model. Therefore there are different approaches to organize template code: the inclusion model, explicit instantiation, and the separation model
Most C and C++ programmers organize their nontemplate code largely as follows:
1) Classes and other types are entirely placed in header files.
2) For global variables and (noninline) functions, only a declaration is put in a header file, and the definition goes into a so-called dot-C file.
The works well: It makes the needed type definition easily available throughout the program and avoids duplicate definition errors on variables and functions from the linker.
With the convention in mind, we declare the template in a header file:

// declaration of template
template <typename T> 
void print_typeof (T const&);

#endif // MYFIRST_HPP
The implementation of the function is placed in a dot-C file:
#include <iostream>

// implementation/definition of template
template <typename T>
void print_typeof (T const& x)
<< typeid(x).name() << std::endl;
Finally, we use the template in another dot-C file, into which our template declaration is #include:
#include "myfirst.hpp"

// use of the template
int main()
double ice = 3.0;
// call function template for type double

A C++ compiler will most likely accept this program without any problems,but the linker will probably report an error, implying that there is no definition of the function print_typeof().
In order for a template to be  instantiated, the compiler must know which definition should be instantiated and for what template arguments it should be instantiated. Unfortunately, these two pieces of information are in files that are compiled separatedly. Therefore, when our compiler sees the call to print_typeof() but has no definition in sight to instantiate this function for double, it just assumes that such a definition is provided elsewhere and creates a reference(for the linker to resolve,linker) to that definition. On the other hand, when the compiler processes the file myfirst.cpp, it has no indication at that point that it must instantiate the template definition it contains for specific arguments.

The Inclusion Model
Rewrite the header-file, including template definition.


// declaration of template
template <typename T> 
void print_typeof (T const&

// implementation/definition of template

template <typename T>
void print_typeof (T const& x)
<< typeid(x).name() <<

#endif // MYFIRST_HPP
disadvantage: the cost is not the result of size of the template definition itself, but the result of the fact that we must also include the header used by the definition of our template-in the case <iostream> and <typeinfo>.\

Explicit Instantiation
To avoid above linker error we can add the following file to our program:
#include "myfirst.cpp"

// explicitly instantiate print_typeof() for type double
template void print_typeof<double>(double const&);
disadvantage: We must carefully keep track of which entities to instantiate. For large projects this quickly becomes an excessive burden.
the instantiation can be tuned to the needs of the program.
The overhead of large header is avoided.
The source code of template definition can be kept hidden, but then no additional instantiations can be created by a client program.
Finally, for some applications it can be useful to control the exact location(that is, the object file)of a template instance.

Separation model

2. Usually you should use the inclusion model
3. By separating template code into different header files for declarations and definitions, you can more easily switch between the inclusion model and explicit instantiation
4. The C++ standard defines a separate compilation model for templates(using the keyword export). It is not yet widely available, however.
5. To take advantage of precompiled headers, be sure to keep the same order for #include directives.
6. Debuggin code with templates can be challenging
7. Template instances may have very long names

posted @ 2006-12-03 12:38 ningfangli 阅读(171) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


防火墙就用ZoneAlarm:  (还是不用的好,这个好麻烦,总要你确认是否允许联网,就用xp的防火墙吧)


卡巴和ZoneAlarm同时安装时,记得在卡巴的实时保护设置里,把那个禁止网络攻击保护打上钩!!!!!!不然会冲突!!! 切记!!!(如果只安装卡巴的话就不用这样做了)

posted @ 2006-12-02 01:30 ningfangli 阅读(177) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


今天晚上,已经是我两周以来第二次恢复笔记本的系统了,好在有true image啊!。原因都是一样:在上网找一些软件时,不幸中招。

posted @ 2006-12-02 00:46 ningfangli 阅读(97) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

"C++Templates The Complete Guide"读书笔记----Chapter 5

     摘要: 1. To access a type name that depends on a template parameter, you have to qualify(޸修改,修饰) the name with a leading typename// print elements of an STL containertemplate <typename T>void printcol...  阅读全文

posted @ 2006-12-01 15:41 ningfangli 阅读(159) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

"C++Templates The Complete Guide"读书笔记----Chapter 4

Chapter 4 Nontype Template Parameters
1. Templates can have template parameters that are values rather than types
With this class, user of the stack could specify this size of the array as the maximum size needed for stack elements
template <typename T, int MAXSIZE>
class Stack {
    T elems[MAXSIZE];        
// elements
    int numElems;            // current number of elements

// constructor
    void push(T const&);      // push element
    void pop();               // pop element
    T top() const;            // return top element
    bool empty() const {      // return whether the stack is empty
        return numElems == 0;

bool full() const {       // return whether the stack is full
        return numElems == MAXSIZE;


// constructor
template <typename T, int MAXSIZE>
<T,MAXSIZE>::Stack ()
  : numElems(
0)               // start with no elements
// nothing else to do

<typename T, int MAXSIZE>
void Stack<T,MAXSIZE>::push (T const& elem)
if (numElems == MAXSIZE) {
throw std::out_of_range("Stack<>::push(): stack is full");

= elem;   // append element
    ++numElems;               // increment number of elements

<typename T, int MAXSIZE>
void Stack<T,MAXSIZE>::pop ()
if (numElems <= 0{
throw std::out_of_range("Stack<>::pop(): empty stack");

--numElems;               // decrement number of elements

<typename T, int MAXSIZE>
T Stack
<T,MAXSIZE>::top () const
if (numElems <= 0{
throw std::out_of_range("Stack<>::top(): empty stack");

return elems[numElems-1];  // return last element
2. You can also define nontype parameters for function templates.
template <typename T, int VAL>
T addValue (T 
const& x)
return x + VAL;
However, according to the current standard, sets of overloaded functions cannot  be used for template parameter deduction. Thus, you have to cast to the exact type of the function template argument:
std::transform(source.begin(),source.end(),// start and end of source
               dest.begin(),// start of destination
               (int(*)(int const&))addValue<int,5>);//operation
There is a proposal for the standard to fix this behavior so that the cast isn't necessary.
2. You cannot use floating-point numbers, class-type objects, and objects with internal linkage(such as string literals) as arguments for nontype template parameters

posted @ 2006-11-26 19:50 ningfangli 阅读(135) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


posted @ 2006-11-26 17:02 ningfangli 阅读(121) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

"C++Templates The Complete Guide"读书笔记----Chapter 3

Chapter 3 Class Templates
1. A clas template is a class that is implemented with one or more type parameters left open
#include <vector>

<typename T>
class Stack {
<T> elems;     // elements

void push(T const&);      // push element
    void pop();               // pop element
    T top() const;            // return top element
    bool empty() const {      // return whether the stack is empty
        return elems.empty();


<typename T>
void Stack<T>::push (T const& elem)
// append copy of passed elem

<typename T>
void Stack<T>::pop ()
if (elems.empty()) {
throw std::out_of_range("Stack<>::pop(): empty stack");

// remove last element

<typename T>
T Stack
<T>::top () const
if (elems.empty()) {
throw std::out_of_range("Stack<>::top(): empty stack");

return elems.back();      // return copy of last element
2. To use a class template, you pass the open types as template arguments. The class template is the instantiated(and compiled) for these types
3. For class templates, only those menber funcitons that are called are instantiated
This , of course, saves time and space. It has the additional benefit that you can instantiate a class even for those types that cannot perform all the operations of all the menber functions, as long as these member functions are not called.
Note that you have to put whitespace between the two closing  template brackets. If you don't do this, you are using operator>>,which results in a syntax error:
Stack<Stack<int>> intStackStack; //ERROR:>>is not allowed
4. You can specialize calss templates for certain types
class Stack<std::string> {
<std::string> elems;  // elements

void push(std::string const&);  // push element
    void pop();                     // pop element
    std::string top() const;        // return top element
    bool empty() const {            // return whether the stack is empty
        return elems.empty();


void Stack<std::string>::push (std::string const& elem)
// append copy of passed elem

void Stack<std::string>::pop ()
if (elems.empty()) {
throw std::out_of_range
"Stack<std::string>::pop(): empty stack");

// remove last element

string Stack<std::string>::top () const
if (elems.empty()) {
throw std::out_of_range
"Stack<std::string>::top(): empty stack");

return elems.back();      // return copy of last element

5. You can partially specialize class templates for certain types
If more than one partial specilalization matches equally well, the declaration is ambiguous
6. You can define default values for class template parameters.These may refer to previous template parameters

posted @ 2006-11-26 16:15 ningfangli 阅读(163) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

"C++Templates The Complete Guide"读书笔记----Chapter 2

这段时间在通过"C++Templates The Complete Guide"这本书学习Templates。发现这本书确实不错:语言简明,内容翔实。特别是每章后面的Summery总结得很好。这份读书笔记就已这个Summery为基础写的。

书前面的Prefece和Chapter 1就跳过了。既然来学习Templates就已经知道它的重要性了。

                                Chapter 2 FunctionTemplates
1. Function templates define a family of functions for different template arguments;

template  < typename T >
inline T 
const &  max (T  const &  a, T  const &  b)
//  if a < b then use b else use a
     return   a  <  b  ?  b : a;

2. When you pass template arguments, function templates are instantiated for these argument types.
The process of replacing templates parameters by concrete types is called instantiatin.(at compiled time)
3. You can explicitly qualify the template parameters

//  because no automatic type conversion if allowed in templates,so
max(static_cast < double > ( 4 ), 4.2 ) // cast the arguments so that they both match
max < double > ( 4 , 4.2 ) //  specify explicitly the type of T

4. You can overload funciton templates

inline  int   const &  max ( int   const &  a,  int   const &  b) 
return   a  <  b  ?  b : a;

//  maximum of two values of any type
template  < typename T >
inline T 
const &  max (T  const &  a, T  const &  b)
return   a  <  b  ?  b : a;

//  maximum of three values of any type
template  < typename T >
inline T 
const &  max (T  const &  a, T  const &  b, T  const &  c)
return  ::max (::max(a,b), c);

int  main()
7 42 68 );      //  calls the template for three arguments
    ::max( 7.0 42.0 );      //  calls max<double> (by argument deduction)
    ::max( ' a ' ' b ' );       //  calls max<char> (by argument deduction)
    ::max( 7 42 );          //  calls the nontemplate for two ints
    ::max <> ( 7 42 );        //  calls max<int> (by argument deduction)
    ::max < double > ( 7 42 );  //  calls max<double> (no argument deduction)
    ::max( ' a ' 42.7 );      //  calls the nontemplate for two ints

ps: the overload resolution process normally prefers this nontemplate over one generated from the template. the fourth call falls under this rule.
5. When you overload function templates, limit your changes to specifying template parameters explicitly

<> ( 7 , 42 ); // call max<int> (by argument deduction)

6. Make sure you see all overloaded versions of funciton templates before you call them

template  < typename T >
inline T 
const &  max (T  const &  a, T  const &  b)
return   a  <  b  ?  b : a;

//  maximum of three values of any type
template  < typename T >
inline T 
const &  max (T  const &  a, T  const &  b, T  const &  c)
return  max (max(a,b), c);   //  uses the template version even for ints
                               //  because the following declaration comes
//  too late:
//  maximum of two int values
inline  int   const &  max ( int   const &  a,  int   const &  b) 
return   a  <  b  ?  b : a;


posted @ 2006-11-26 15:24 ningfangli 阅读(176) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏



posted @ 2006-11-23 10:51 ningfangli 阅读(112) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

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