(1) void glutInit(int *argc, char **argv);
这个函数用来初始化GLUT库.这个函数从main函数获取其两个参数.对应main函数的形式应是:int main(int argc,char* argv[]);
(2) void glutInitDisplayMode(unsigned int mode);
(3) void glutInitWindowPosition(int x, int y);
(4) void glutInitWindowSize(int width, int height);
(5) void glutMainLoop(void);
(6) void glutInitDisplayString(const char *string);
通过一个字符串初始化display mode
参数:string:display mode的描述字符串
这个描述字符串用在创建顶级窗口,子窗口和重叠层时,给将要被创建的窗口或重叠层设置display mode.
glutInitDisplayString("stencil~2 rgb double depth>=16 samples");
= 等号
!= 不等号
< 小于号(越小越好)
> 大于号(越大越好)
<= 小于等于(越小越好)
>= 大于等于(尽可能选择大的数值,主要用于颜色缓存或深度缓存等对位数要求高的参数设置)
~ 大于等于(但尽可能选择小的数值,有效利用资源,主要用于模板缓存等)
alpha : alpaha缓存精度, 默认值>=1,即大于等于1位;
acca : red, green, blue, 和alpha累积缓存精度, 默认值>=1
acc : red, green, blue累积缓存精度, 默认值>=1,alpha累积缓存精度为0;
blue : blue颜色缓存精度, 默认值>=1;
buffer: 颜色索引缓存精度, 默认值>=1;
conformant :布尔值,指示帧缓存配置是否一致,该值基于GLX的EXT_visual_rationg扩展的支持,若不支持,则默认为一致, 默认值=1;
depth : 深度缓存精度, 默认值>=12;
double: 布尔值,指示颜色缓存是否是双倍缓存. 默认值=1;
green : green颜色缓存精度,默认值>=1;
index : 布尔值,指示是否为颜色索引,true表示是颜色索引, 默认值>=1;
num : 专用名词,指示数值表示的第n个帧缓存配置与这个描述字符串相符合的地方,当没有指定,则glutInitDisplayString也返回初始(最佳符合)配置.
red : red颜色缓存精度, 默认值>=1;
rgba : rgba模式,颜色缓存精度默认值>=1;
rgb : rgb模式,颜色缓存精度默认值>=1,alpha精度=0;
luminance: 设置red颜色缓存精度,默认值>=1,其他颜色缓存精度=0(alpha没有指定);
stencil: 模板缓存精度
single: 布尔值,指示颜色缓存是否为单缓存, 默认值=1;
stereo :布尔值,标示颜色缓存支持OpenGL的三维系统,默认值=1;
samples: 标示multisamples的值,这个值是基于GLX的SGIS_multisample的扩展.默认值<=4.这个默认值表示如果支持的话可以在glutInitDisplayString中添加描述参数让glut请求multipsampling;
slow : 布尔值,标示帧缓存配置是否是slow的.对于X11对glut的执行,slow信息是基于GLX的EXT_visual_rating扩展的支持,如果不支持,就认为是fast;对于win32对glut的执行,slow是基于像素格式描述(pixel format Descriptor即PFD)被标记为"generic"并且未被标记为"accelerated",这说明Microsoft关于slow的OpenGL执行只用在PFD中.这个参数的作用是帮助程序避免对于当前机器的帧缓存配置越来越慢.默认值>=0,表示slow visuals优先于fast visuals,但fast visuals仍然被允许.
win32pdf : 只在win32系统中识别glut的请求,这个参数与win32中的像素格式(pixel format)相匹配,它的值是个数字
xvisual: 只在X Window系统中识别glut的请求,这个参数与X visual ID相匹配,它的值是个数字
xstaticgray: 只在X Window系统中识别glut请求,是个布尔值,标示帧缓存配置的X visual是否是StaticGray. 默认值=1
xgrayscale : 只在X Window系统中识别glut的请求,是个布尔值,标示帧缓存配置的X visual是否是GrayScale. 默认值=1;
xstaticcolor: 只在X Window系统中识别glut的请求,是个布尔值,标示帧缓存配置的X visual是否是StaticColor. 默认值=1;
xpseudocolor : 只在X Window系统中识别glut的请求,是个布尔值,标示帧缓存配置的X visual是否是PsuedoColor. 默认值=1;
xtruecolor : 只在X Window系统中识别glut的请求,是个布尔值,标示帧缓存配置的X visual是否是TrueColor. 默认值=1;
xdirectcolor : 只在X Window系统中识别glut的请求,是个布尔值,标示帧缓存配置的X visual是否是DirectColor. 默认值=1;
网上没有搜到关于glut的完整资料,于是下狠心自己花时间整理了一下.这里只是glut初始化的API,其中void glutInitDisplayString(const char *string);在国内网站上没搜到具体解释,是从国外网站上翻译过来的,本人英文水平有限,可能有错误,下面贴上英文原文,望达人指点.(其他API 会在以后分类后陆续给出).
void glutInitDisplayString(const char *string) - sets the initial display mode via a string.
string:Display mode description string, see below.
The initial display mode description string is
used when creating top-level windows,subwindows,
and overlays to determine the OpenGL display mode
for the to-be-created window or overlay.
The string is a list of zero or more capability
descriptions separated by spaces and tabs.Each
capability description is a capability name that
is optionally followed by a comparator and a
numeric value.For example,"double" and "depth>=12"
are both valid criteria.
The capability descriptions are translated into
a set of criteria used to select the appropriate
frame buffer configuration.
The criteria are matched in strict left to right
order of precdence.That is,the first specified
criteria(leftmost) takes precedence over the later
criteria for nonexact criteria (greater than,less
than,etc.comparators).Exact criteria (equal, not
equal compartors) must match exactly so precedence
is not relevant.
The numeric value is an integer that is parsed
according to ANSI C's strtol(str,strptr,0) behavior.
This means that decimal,octal(leading 0),and
hexidecimal values(leading 0x) are accepeted.
The valid compartors are:
= Equal.
!= Not equal.
< Less than and preferring larger difference
(theleast is best).
> Greater than and preferring larger differences
(the most is best).
<= Less than or equal and preferring larger
difference(the least is best).
>= Greater than or equal and preferring more
instead of less. This comparator is useful for
allocating resources like color precsion or
depth buffer precision where the maximum
precison is generally preferred.Contrast with
the tilde (~) comprator.
~ Greater than or equal but preferring less
instead of more.This compartor is useful for
allocating resources such as stencil bits or
auxillary color buffers where you would rather
not over allocate.
When the compartor and numeric value are not
specified,each capability name has a different
default(one default is to require a compartor
and numeric value).
The valid capability names are:
alpha:Alpha color buffer precision in bits.Default
is ">=1".
acca:Red,green,blue,and alpha accumulation buffer
precision in bits.Default is ">=1" for red,
green,blue,and alpha capabilities.
acc:Red,green,and green accumulation buffer
precision in bits and zero bits of alpha
accumulation buffer precision.Default is ">=1"
for red,green,and blue capabilities,and "~0"
for the alpha capability.
blue:Blue color buffer precision in bits.Default
is ">=1".
buffer:Number of bits in the color index color
buffer.Default is ">=1".
Boolean indicating if the frame buffer
configuration is conformant or not.
Conformance information is based on GLX's
EXT_visual_rating extension if supported.
If the extension is not supported,all
visuals are assumed conformat.Default is
depth:Number of bits of precsion in the depth
buffer.Default is ">=12".
double:Boolean indicating if the color buffer is
double buffered.Default is "=1".
green:Green color buffer precision in bits.Default
is ">=1".
index:Boolean if the color model is color index or
not.True is color index.Default is ">=1".
num:A special capability name indicating where the
value represents the Nth frame buffer
configuration matching the description string.
When not specified,glutInitDisplayString also
returns the first(best matching) configuration.
num requires a compartor and numeric value.
red;Red color buffer precision in bits.Default is
rgba:Number of bits of red,green,blue,and alpha
in the RGBA color buffer.Default is ">=1"
for red,green,blue,and alpha capabilities,
and "=1" for the RGBA color model capability.
rgb:Number of bits of red,green,and blue in the
RGBA color buffer and zero bits of alpha color
buffer precision.Default is ">=1" for the red,
green,and blue capabilities,and "~0" for alpha
capability,and "=1" for the RGBA color model
Number of bits of red in the RGBA and zero
bits of green,blue(alpha not specified) of
color buffer precision.Default is ">=1"
for the red capabilitis,and "=0" for the green
and blue capabilities,and "=1" for the RGBA
color model capability,and,for X11,"=1" for the
StaticGray ("xstaticgray")capability.SGI
InfiniteReality(and other future machines)
support a 16-bit luminance (single channel)
display mode(an additional 16-bit alpha channel
can also be requested).The red channel maps to
gray scale and green and blue channels are not
available.A 16-bit precision luminance display
mode is often appropriate for medical imaging
applications.Do not expect many machines to
support extended precision luminance display
stencil:Number of bits in the stencil buffer.
single:Boolean indicate the color buffer is single
buffered.Double buffer capability "=1".
stereo:Boolean indicating the color buffer is
supports OpenGL-style stereo.Default is "=1".
samples:Indicates the number of multisamples to use
based on GLX's SGIS_multisample extension(for
antialiasing).Default is "<=4". This default
means that a GLUT application can request
multipsampling if available by simply
specifying "samples".
slow:Boolean indicating if the frame buffer
configuration is slow or not.For the X11
implementation of GLUT,slowness information is
based on GLX's EXT_visual_rating extension if
supported.If the EXT_visual_rating extension is
not supported,all visuals are assumed fast.For
the Win32 implementation of GLUT,slowness is
based on if the underlying Pixel Format Descriptor
(PFD)is marked "generic" and not "accelerated".
This implies that Microsoft's relatively slow
software OpenGL implementation is used by this
PFD.Note that slowness is a relative designation
relative to other frame buffer configurations
available.The intent of the slow capability is to
help programs avoid frame buffer configurations
that are slower(but perhaps higher precision) for
the current machine.Default is ">=0" if not
comparator and numeric value are provided.This
default means that slow visuals are used in
preference to fast visuals,but fast visuals will
still be allowed.
Only recognized on GLUT implementations for Win32,
this capability name matches the Win32 Pixel For-
mat Descriptor by numer. win32pfd requires a com-
partor and numeric value.
xvisual:Only recongized on GLUT implementations for the
X Window System,this capability name matches
the X visual ID by number.xvisual requires a
compartor and numeric value.
Only recongized on GLUT implementations for the
X Window System,boolean indicating if the frame
buffer configuration's X visual is of type Stat-
icGray.Default is "=1".
Only recongized on GLUT implementations for the
X Window System,boolean indicating if the frame
buffer configuration's X visual is of type
GrayScale.Default is "=1".
Only recongized on GLUT implementations for the
X Window System,boolean indicating if the frame
buffer configuration's X visual is of type
StaticColor.Default is "=1".
Only recongized on GLUT implementations for the
X Window System,boolean indicating if the frame
buffer configuration's X visual is of type
PsuedoColor.Default is "=1".
Only recongized on GLUT implementations for the
X Window System,boolean indicating if the frame
buffer configuration's X visual is of type
TrueColor.Default is "=1".
Only recongized on GLUT implementations for the
X Window System,boolean indicating if the frame
buffer configuration's X visual is of type
DirectColor.Default is "=1".
Unspecifed capability descriptions will result in
unspecified criteria being generated.These unspecified
criteria help glutInitDisplayString behave sensibly
with terse display mode description strings.For
example,if no "slow" capability description is provided,
fast frame buffer configurations will be choosen in
preference to slow frame buffer configurations,but slow
frame buffer configurations will still be choosen if
no better fast frame buffer configuration is available.
Here is an examples using glutInitDisplayString:
glutInitDisplayString("stencil~2 rgb double depth>=16 samples");
The above call requests a window with an RGBA color
model(but requesting no bits of alpha),a depth buffer
with at least 16 bits of precsion but preferring more,
mutlisampling if available,and at least 2 bits of
stencil(favoring less stencil to more as long as 2 bits
are available).