Posted on 2008-12-30 16:48
Prayer 阅读(1791)
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/ * The rtrim() function removes trailing spaces from a string. * /.
char * rtrim(char * str)
int n = strlen(str)-1; / * Start at the character BEFORE
the null character (\0). * /
while (n>0) / * Make sure we don’t go out of hounds. . . * /
if ( * (str + n) 1 =’ ’) / * If we find a nonspace character: * /
* (str+n+1) = ’\0’ ; / * Put the null character at one
character past our current
position. * /
break ; / * Break out of the loop. * /
else / * Otherwise , keep moving backward in the string. * /.
return str; /*Return a pointer to the string*/