Posted on 2010-01-27 15:59
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db2diag –help 查看命令的帮助。
2009-11-04- I6355A414 LEVEL: Event
PID : 176316 TID : 258 PROC : db2sysc 2
INSTANCE: db2inst1 NODE : 002
EDUID : 258 EDUNAME: db2sysc 2
FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, fast comm manager, sqlkf_init_allocate_shared, probe:500
START : FCM infrastructure started
FCM running in shared mode; FCM parallelism degree: 1; comm protocol: TCP/IPv4
- -pid - find all records for a list of process IDs
- -tid - find all records for a list of thread IDs
- -eduid - find all records for a list of EDU IDs
- -node , -n - find all records for a list of nodes
- -error , -e - find all records for a list of errors
- -level , -l - find all records for a list of severity levels
db2diag is a tool for filtering and formatting the db2diag.log file
Authorization: None
Command syntax:
.------------. .--------------.
V | V |
| | | |
--option-- --filename--
Command parameters:
-filter <fieldPatternList> or -g <fieldPatternList>
- -g: 搜索符合搜索一系列“<列标志>=<列值>”条件的诊断日志记录,条件中间使用逗号分开。搜索区分大小写。
- -gi: 功能等同于-g,搜索不区分大小写。
- -gv: 搜索不符合一系列“<列标志>=<列值>”条件的诊断日志记录,条件中间使用逗号分开。搜索区分大小写。
- -gvi:功能等同于-gv,搜索不区分大小写。
= 全字精确匹配查询
:= 部分匹配模糊查询
!= 查找不符合全字精确匹配查询条件的记录
!:= 查找不符合部分匹配模糊查询条件的记录
^= 选择查找列中以后面的查找条件开头的记录
!^= 选择查找列中不以后面的查找条件开头的记录
- To display all severe error messages produced by the process with the process ID (PID) 952356, enter:
db2diag -g level=Severe,pid=952356
- To display all severe error messages produced by the process with the process ID (PID) 952356 and on node 1, 2 or 3, enter:
db2diag -g level=Severe,pid=952356 -n 1,2,3
- To display all messages logged after the one with time stamp 2003-03-03- inclusively, enter:
db2diag -time 2003-03-03-
- To display severe errors logged for the last 3 days, enter:
db2diag -gi "level=severe" -H 3d