Posted on 2008-05-09 15:32
RichardHe 阅读(176)
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class CEGUIEXPORT DragContainer : public Window
static const String WidgetTypeName; //!< Type name for DragContainer.
static const String EventNamespace; //!< Namespace for global events
static const String EventDragStarted; //!< Name of the event fired when the user begins dragging the thumb.
static const String EventDragEnded; //!< Name of the event fired when the user releases the thumb.
static const String EventDragPositionChanged; //!< Event fired when the drag position has changed.
static const String EventDragEnabledChanged; //!< Event fired when dragging is enabled or disabled.
static const String EventDragAlphaChanged; //!< Event fired when the alpha value used when dragging is changed.
static const String EventDragMouseCursorChanged;//!< Event fired when the mouse cursor used when dragging is changed.
static const String EventDragThresholdChanged; //!< Event fired when the drag pixel threshold is changed.
static const String EventDragDropTargetChanged; //!< Event fired when the drop target changes.
Static properties for the Spinner widget
static DragContainerProperties::DragAlpha d_dragAlphaProperty;
static DragContainerProperties::DragCursorImage d_dragCursorImageProperty;
static DragContainerProperties::DraggingEnabled d_dragEnabledProperty;
static DragContainerProperties::DragThreshold d_dragThresholdProperty;