
void RetrieveEmailFromPage(const string& page, const string& url)
int posCur = 0, posStart, posAt, posEnd, posTmp;
string email;
string tags = "._-" "abcdefg" "hijklmn" "opqrst" "uvwxyz"
while (true) {
if ((posAt = page.find('@', posCur)) != string::npos) {
posStart = page.find_last_not_of(tags, posAt - 1) + 1;
posEnd = page.find_first_not_of(tags, posAt + 1);
posTmp = page.find('.', posAt + 1); // domain has at least one dot "xxx.yy"
if (posTmp != string::npos && posTmp < posEnd - 1 && posStart != posAt && posEnd != posAt + 1) {
email = page.substr(posStart, posEnd - posStart);
AddEmail(email, url); // add the email to special data struct
posCur = posEnd;
} else {