2010年02月21日星期日.sgu177 平面四叉树
This is my first problem solving report in English,sorry for my poor English.
sgu177: I know 3 ways to solve this problem.
1.quad tree of plane :this is a good and straight forward solution
2.segment trees covers segment trees :less efficient than quadtree,but easy to implement
3.with the special characteristic of this problem,we can dye the plane with opposite
order of the input,and if one grid is colored it cannot be colored again.
The 1st solution can be used extensively.
Quite a lot of the plane query problem can be solve by it.And it also have more
applications in real, such as 3D game programming,computational geometry.
So if you don't know it,I suggest you look the code below.It will be helpful
Though the solution is quite slow in this problem....
The 3rd solution is very smart,you can look here
for a complete code.
I think the original intention of this problem is to practice quadtree,the memory is
just OK when I used quadtree.
2 const int N = 1001;
3 struct node {
4 short ux, uy, dx, dy;
5 char c;
6 node *pt[4];
7 } pool[N * N * 2], *root;
9 int top, n, m;
10 void build(node * root, short ux, short uy, short dx, short dy)
11 {
12 //root->c = 0;
13 root->ux = ux;
14 root->uy = uy;
15 root->dx = dx;
16 root->dy = dy;
17 if (ux == dx && uy == dy) { return; }
19 short mx =(ux + dx) >> 1;
20 short my =(uy + dy) >> 1;
21 build(root->pt[0] = &pool[top++], ux, uy, mx, my);
22 if (uy != dy) { build(root->pt[1] = &pool[top++], ux, my + 1, mx, dy); }
23 if (ux != dx) { build(root->pt[2] = &pool[top++], mx + 1, uy, dx, my); }
24 if (ux != dx && uy != dy) {
25 build(root->pt[3] = &pool[top++], mx + 1, my + 1, dx, dy);
26 }
27 }
29 char color;
30 int x0,x1,y0,y1;
31 const int NEG = 2;
32 void dye(node * root)
33 {
34 if (root == 0) { return; }
35 if (x0 > root->dx || x1 < root->ux ||
36 y0 > root->dy || y1 < root->uy) { //fast exclude
37 return;
38 }
39 if (x0 <= root->ux && x1 >= root->dx &&
40 y0 <= root->uy && y1 >= root->dy) { //complete cover
41 root->c = color;
42 return;
43 }
44 for (int i = 0;i < 4;i++) { //half cover
45 if (root->pt[i]) {
46 /* I think it is the fatal statement which is used to expand the root color
47 * to the desendants */
48 if (root->c != NEG) {
49 root->pt[i]->c = root->c;
50 }
51 dye(root->pt[i]);
52 }
53 }
54 if (root->c != NEG) {
55 root->c = NEG;
56 }
57 }
59 int statics(node * root)
60 {
61 if (root) {
62 int res = 0;
63 if (root->c == NEG) {
64 for (int i = 0;i < 4;i++) {
65 res += statics(root->pt[i]);
66 }
67 }else if (root->c == 0) {
68 res = (root->dy - root->uy + 1) * (root->dx - root->ux + 1);
69 }
70 return res;
71 }
72 return 0;
73 }
75 int main()
76 {
77 int i, j, k, ux,uy,dx,dy;
78 char c;
79 scanf("%d%d", &n, &m);
80 root = &pool[top++], build(root, 1, 1, n, n);
81 while (m--) {
82 scanf("%d %d %d %d %c",&ux,&uy,&dx,&dy,&c);
83 color = (c == 'b');
84 x0 = min(ux,dx), x1 = max(ux,dx);
85 y0 = min(uy,dy), y1 = max(uy,dy);
86 dye(root);
87 }
88 printf("%d\n",statics(root));
89 return 0;
90 }