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     摘要: They have exported C++ classes from their dll, rather than C-functions. The difference is, c++ functions are always exported with names in a mangled form that is specific to a particular version of the compiler.
Their dll is usable by msvc only in that form, and will probably not even work between different versions of msvc, as Microsoft have changed their mangling scheme before.
If you have any leverage, you need to get them to change their evil ways. Otherwise you will need to use MSVC  阅读全文

posted @ 2011-01-04 16:58 seahouse 阅读(2277) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

qthread QNetworkAccessManager QEventLoop

     摘要: 当主进程开辟线程来执行http请求时,会出现程序运行崩溃、没有执行http请求任务等情况。
1 线程中的run函数返回后线程即结束,根本无法等到reply的finished信号。因此需要加入QEventLoop来挂起线程。

2 通过connect设置信号槽,需要QObject的支持,因此在构造函数里与头文件中需要修改代码。  阅读全文

posted @ 2011-01-04 09:28 seahouse 阅读(3654) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏