- Linear Algebra
- MTL, the Matrix Template Library. Dense and sparse matrices and vectors; banded, symmetric, triangular matrices; basic algorithms. C++.
- uBLAS, BLAS in C++ with expression templates.
表达式模版形式的 C++中的BLAS ,
- tvmet, a C++ library for "tiny" vectors and matrices with expression templates.
- GMM++, generic C++ template library for sparse, dense and skyline matrices, with solvers from ITL.
- MET, a C++ matrix library with expression templates, which eliminates the overhead of overloaded operators.
- SL++, the Scientific Library project. Will provide matrices, random numbers, complex, quaternions, plotting, and FFTs. C++.
- Seldon, C++ library for linear algebra with BLAS interface. Many matrix types (sparse, symmetric, hermitian, etc.) are supported.
BLAS 线性代数接口,支持 稀疏,对称,共轭矩阵
- ALP, linear and polynomial algebra. Vectors, matrices, polynomials.
- SVMT: E. Robert Tisdale's proposal for a standard C++ Scalar, Vector, Matrix and Tensor Class Library (with implementation). Note: this is a proposal, not an official standard.
- GNUSSL [ftp only], the GNU Scientific Software Library. Linear algebra and arrays. C++.
- CPPLapack, C++ wrapper for BLAS and LAPACK.
- Lapack++, C++ wrapper for BLAS and LAPACK.
- IML++ A C++ template library for numerical iterative methods.
- MV++ Numerical Matrix/Vector Classes in C++
- SparseLib++ A library for sparse matrix computations, including the Sparse BLAS (Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms). C++.
- ISIS++, an object-oriented framework for solving sparse linear systems of equations. C++.
- ARPACK++, a C++ template library for solving large-scale standard and generalized eigenvalue problems.
- The Template Numerical Toolkit (TNT) for linear algebra is a successor to the Lapack++, Sparselib++, IML++, and MV++ packages. Its goal is to integrate these ideas into a generic algorithmic library, supporting generic user-defined data types, and increasing its functionality. C++.
- LinAlg, basic linear algebra and optimization classes. C++.
- CAM C++ Class Library (Matrix, vector, and graphics classes)
- Newmat, a C++ matrix library (docs, download)
- CLHEP includes matrix classes, random number generators for the High Energy Physics (HEP) community. C++.
- BPKIT, Block Preconditioning Toolkit for iterative solution of linear systems. Callable from C++, C, or FORTRAN.
- Arrays and Images
- POOMA II framework for scientific computing on sequential and parallel computers. Provides parallel arrays; fields, meshes, particles to come in version 2.1 (June 1999). C++.
- The Blitz++ class library: Array and Vector classes which rival Fortran's performance. C++.
- The AIPS++ Array and Image Classes (Astronomical Information Processing System). C++.
- Daixtrose, a general-purpose expression template engine.
- PETE, an expression templates library -- add expression templates to your own array class.
- SCTL (BlueSail), C++, arrays, matrics, vectors, sparse, rotations.
- VIGRA, generic computer vision/image processing library.
- CPPIMA A C++ image processing library
- LIMP, Large Image Manipulation Program
- Image Restoration and Inpainting, C++ library for image restoration.
- valarray<Troy> [ftp only], approximation of the valarray<T> class described in Ch. 26 of the ANSI/ISO C++ Standard. Uses expression templates for efficient evaluation.
- Image Understanding Environment (IUE), a DARPA project. C++.
- WAILI, a wavelet transform library in C++.
- Neural Networks, genetic algorithms, machine learning, data mining
- High-Energy Physics and Quantum Chemistry
- 09-5-25 的日记Multiprecision, arbitrary precision data types
- NTL, arbitrary length integers, vectors/matrices/polynomials over integers and over finite fields.
- php">EXTNUM, version of double which has the same number of mantissa bits as IEEE 754, but extends the exponent to have range from 10^-646456993 to 10^646456992.
- CLN, an extensive number library. Arbitrary precision integer, float, rational, polynomials, complex, modular integers, transcendental functions, assembly language kernels for some CPUs.
- MUNTL, Multiprecision unsigned number template library (C++).
- MPFUN++, a multiple precision floating point computation package in C++.
- LiDIA, A library for computational number theory. Provides a collection of highly optimized implementations of various multiprecision data types and time-intensive algorithms.
- Apfloat, a C++ High Performance Arbitrary Precision Arithmetic Package
- hfloat, An arbitrary precision package, optimized for very large (> 1000) (decimal) digit numbers.
- fPoint, a C++ class which helps convert floating-point arithmetic to fixed-point arithmetic by recommending range and precision requirements.
- doubledouble, a quad-precision (approximately 30 decimal place) floating point arithmetic class.
- Differential Equations
- Rheoolef, finite element environment in C++.
- EXPDE, a C++ library for solving partial differential equations on semi-unstructured grids. Parallel.
- PZ, a C++ library for finite elements. 1-3 dimensions with hp-adaptivity, continuous or discontinuous, variety of matrix formats.
- MBDyn, multibody dynamics analysis in C++. Built-in parallelization via MPI/Metis.
- P2MESH, 2D finite volume/finite elements, C++ library designed for fast prototyping of high-performance PDE solvers.
- Femlisp, a Common Lisp framework for Finite Element Methods.
- GETFEM++, a C++ finite element library, generic, arbitrary dimensions.
- MOUSE, a C++ library for finite volume computations on unstructured grids.
- DEAL, a C++ library for adaptive finite elements and error estimation. Supports SMPs.
- ODE++, a class library for ordinary differential equations. Explicit and linear-implicit ODE systems, IVP and BVP parameters, various solvers (Runge-Kutta, multistep, BDF). [English] [Deutsch]
- PETSc, object-oriented software for partial differential equations (programmed in C)
- Diffpack, partial differential equations in C++. ($)
- TIDE: Classes for Ordinary Differential Equations. Provides vectors and matrices, extrapolation integrator for ODEs, sparse matrix classes, eigenvalues, shooting for two point BVPs, nonlinear solver, continuation
- BoxLib/CCSE Applications Suite (docs), a class library supporting adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) schemes for computational fluid dynamics.
- OVERTURE, a C++ class library for solving PDEs in complicated domains. Includes adaptive mesh refinement and overlapping grids.
- FEMLIB (ftp, www) A Finite Element package [ftp only] by Michael Tiller (BROKEN LINK, no longer supported)
- Automatic differentiation and interval arithmetic
- Gaol, C++ library for interval arithmetic. Includes methods for interval constraint solvers.
- FADBAD-TADIFF, a C++ package for automatic differentiation using any arithmetic (double or interval) by operator overloading.
- PROFIL/BIAS [English] [Deutsch], a C++ interval arithmetic class library.
- Visualization
- The Visualization Toolkit (vtk), an extensive, free C++ library for scientific visualization.
- VisAD, a Java library for interactive and collaborative visualization and analysis of numerical data
Java 2D Graph package. Includes contour plots, animation.
- java/ptplot/">Ptplot, a 2D data plotter in Java
- Graph Theory/Combinatorics
- Boost Graph Library, a general purpose, generic C++ library for graph data structures and graph algorithms.
- GTL, the Graph Template Library (C++).
- LEDA, a C++ library for graph theory and combinatorial computing.
- Language interoperability/scripting
- CPPF77 (cppf77.zip), a utility for interfacing C++ and Fortran 77 programs.
- Paul Dubois's code for interfacing Python and C++
- SWIG, generates Perl, Python, Tcl, Java, Eiffel and Guile wrappers for C++ libraries.
- SILOON (Scripting Interface Languages for Object-Oriented Numerics), toolkits and run-time support for building scripting interfaces to existing numerical codes in C, C++, and Fortran. Generates script bindings for Perl, Tcl, and Python.
- Matwrap, a tool which generates C++ wrapper code for matrix-oriented scripting languages such as Matlab 5, Octave, and tela.
- Transforms
- FFTPACK++, a C++ wrapper for FFTPACK complex routines using LAPACK++ Matrix and Vector classes.
- The FXT library of transforms. FFTs, Hartley, Number theoretic, Walsh, others coded in C++.
- Optimization
- COOOL, an object-oriented optimization library
- OptSolve++, a C++ optimization library from Tech-X. (commercial)
- StarFLIP, optimization library for combinatorial problems with fuzzy constraints (C++)
- Javanumeric/index.html">LM (Levenberg-Marquardt) implementation in Java for nonlinear least squares problems.
- Miscellaneous
- Tools
- TAU (Tuning and Analysis Utilities), explicit instrumentation of C++ libraries for profiling and tracing. For both serial and parallel codes.
- Compilers
- KAI C++, an optimizing compiler from Kuck & Associates (now a division of Intel). Unfortunately, this product has been discontinued.
- The free GCC (Gnu Compiler Collection) has a good C++ compiler which can be used under unix or windows (with CygWin).
- Intel's C++ compiler.
- The Portland Group C++ compiler
- The MPC++, a massively parallel, message passing, meta-level processing C++.
- Titanium (free), a dialect of Java for large-scale scientific computing.
- Diffpack, a development framework for multi-physics simulations (C++).
- VectorSpace provides vs.lib (integrable/differentiable objects in C++) and fe.lib (an object-oriented finite element library).
- php">NMath provides vector, matrix, complex numbers and math functions for the .NET platform (e.g. C#)
- macstl, std::valarray implementation using SIMD opcodes (Altivec on PowerPC, SSE/SSE2 on Intel)
- ExacMath library (quad and double-quad precision floating point math), from Floating Point Software.
- Math.h++ and LAPACK.h++ from Rogue Wave Software, Inc (LAPACK.h++ is not the same package as Roldan Pozo's LAPACK++ listed above)
- MtxVec, linear algebra/numerical library for Delphi and C++ Builder.
- Extreme Optimization Library, numerical library for .NET
- MAT<LIB> (Matlab compatible C++ Matrix Class Library)
- C-XSC: A C++ Class Library for Extended Scientific Computing (A C++ interval methods class library)
- Siscat, C++ software for scattered data approximation
- JNL, A numerical language/library proposal for Java from Visual Numerics.
- LIA,GIA,ICE libraries for interval methods in C++ from Delisoft Ltd. Includes interval arithmetic, global optimization, and solving nonlinear equations.
- AMRES, a C++ library for financial analysis. Diffpack, a development framework for multi-physics simulations (C++).
- VectorSpace provides vs.lib (integrable/differentiable objects in C++) and fe.lib (an object-oriented finite element library).
- php">NMath provides vector, matrix, complex numbers and math functions for the .NET platform (e.g. C#)
- macstl, std::valarray implementation using SIMD opcodes (Altivec on PowerPC, SSE/SSE2 on Intel)
- ExacMath library (quad and double-quad precision floating point math), from Floating Point Software.
- Math.h++ and LAPACK.h++ from Rogue Wave Software, Inc (LAPACK.h++ is not the same package as Roldan Pozo's LAPACK++ listed above)
- MtxVec, linear algebra/numerical library for Delphi and C++ Builder.
- Extreme Optimization Library, numerical library for .NET
- MAT<LIB> (Matlab compatible C++ Matrix Class Library)
- C-XSC: A C++ Class Library for Extended Scientific Computing (A C++ interval methods class library)
- Siscat, C++ software for scattered data approximation
- JNL, A numerical language/library proposal for Java from Visual Numerics.
- LIA,GIA,ICE libraries for interval methods in C++ from Delisoft Ltd. Includes interval arithmetic, global optimization, and solving nonlinear equations.
- AMRES, a C++ library for financial analysis.
KAI C++, an optimizing compiler from Kuck & Associates (now a division of Intel). Unfortunately, this product has been discontinued.
The free GCC (Gnu Compiler Collection) has a good C++ compiler which can be used under unix or windows (with CygWin).
Intel's C++ compiler.
The Portland Group C++ compiler
The MPC++, a massively parallel, message passing, meta-level processing C++.
Titanium (free), a dialect of Java for large-scale scientific computing.
- Diffpack, a development framework for multi-physics simulations (C++).
- VectorSpace provides vs.lib (integrable/differentiable objects in C++) and fe.lib (an object-oriented finite element library).
- php">NMath provides vector, matrix, complex numbers and math functions for the .NET platform (e.g. C#)
- macstl, std::valarray implementation using SIMD opcodes (Altivec on PowerPC, SSE/SSE2 on Intel)
- ExacMath library (quad and double-quad precision floating point math), from Floating Point Software.
- Math.h++ and LAPACK.h++ from Rogue Wave Software, Inc (LAPACK.h++ is not the same package as Roldan Pozo's LAPACK++ listed above)
- MtxVec, linear algebra/numerical library for Delphi and C++ Builder.
- Extreme Optimization Library, numerical library for .NET
- MAT<LIB> (Matlab compatible C++ Matrix Class Library)
- C-XSC: A C++ Class Library for Extended Scientific Computing (A C++ interval methods class library)
- Siscat, C++ software for scattered data approximation
- JNL, A numerical language/library proposal for Java from Visual Numerics.
- LIA,GIA,ICE libraries for interval methods in C++ from Delisoft Ltd. Includes interval arithmetic, global optimization, and solving nonlinear equations.
- AMRES, a C++ library for financial analysis.
Diffpack, a development framework for multi-physics simulations (C++).
VectorSpace provides vs.lib (integrable/differentiable objects in C++) and fe.lib (an object-oriented finite element library).
php">NMath provides vector, matrix, complex numbers and math functions for the .NET platform (e.g. C#)
macstl, std::valarray implementation using SIMD opcodes (Altivec on PowerPC, SSE/SSE2 on Intel)
ExacMath library (quad and double-quad precision floating point math), from Floating Point Software.
Math.h++ and LAPACK.h++ from Rogue Wave Software, Inc (LAPACK.h++ is not the same package as Roldan Pozo's LAPACK++ listed above)
MtxVec, linear algebra/numerical library for Delphi and C++ Builder.
Extreme Optimization Library, numerical library for .NET
MAT<LIB> (Matlab compatible C++ Matrix Class Library)
C-XSC: A C++ Class Library for Extended Scientific Computing (A C++ interval methods class library)
Siscat, C++ software for scattered data approximation
JNL, A numerical language/library proposal for Java from Visual Numerics.
LIA,GIA,ICE libraries for interval methods in C++ from Delisoft Ltd. Includes interval arithmetic, global optimization, and solving nonlinear equations.
AMRES, a C++ library for financial analysis.
posted on 2009-05-25 11:04
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