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01 2016 档案

     摘要: 关键部分的UV偏移算法:参数自己调吧
OUT.texcoord1 = half2(IN.texcoord.x - fmod(_Time.x * 5, 1) + 0.5, IN.texcoord.y);  阅读全文

posted @ 2016-01-22 14:13 l1989 阅读(3145) | 评论 (0)  编辑

[Unity3D]timestamaps 出错解决方法
     摘要: 解决UNITY报错:
Timestamps (*) and assets (*) maps out of sync.
Asset 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Unity/Editor/Data/UnityExtensions/Unity/GUISystem/4.6.0/UnityEngine.UI.dll' is in timestamps but is not known in guidmapper...
Asset 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Unity/Editor/Data/UnityExtensions/Unity/GUISystem/4.6.0/Editor/UnityEngine.UI.dll' is in timestamps but is not known in guidmapper...

posted @ 2016-01-05 09:44 l1989 阅读(1652) | 评论 (0)  编辑