Posted on 2009-05-29 21:55
S.l.e!ep.¢% 阅读(844)
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if (SI->BytesRECV > SI->BytesSEND)
// Post another WSASend() request.
// Since WSASend() is not gauranteed to send all of the bytes requested,
// continue posting WSASend() calls until all received bytes are sent.
ZeroMemory(&(SI->Overlapped), sizeof(WSAOVERLAPPED));
SI->DataBuf.buf = SI->Buffer + SI->BytesSEND;
SI->DataBuf.len = SI->BytesRECV - SI->BytesSEND;
if (WSASend(SI->Socket, &(SI->DataBuf), 1, &SendBytes, 0,
&(SI->Overlapped), WorkerRoutine) == SOCKET_ERROR)
if (WSAGetLastError() != WSA_IO_PENDING)
printf("WSASend() failed with error %d\n", WSAGetLastError());