Posted on 2009-10-08 06:07
S.l.e!ep.¢% 阅读(286)
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004011F1 /$ A1 60214000 mov eax, dword ptr [402160]
004011F6 |. 8B1D 64214000 mov ebx, dword ptr [402164]
004011FC |. 3305 71214000 xor eax, dword ptr [402171]
00401202 |. 331D 75214000 xor ebx, dword ptr [402175]
00401208 |. 25 0F1F3F7F and eax, 7F3F1F0F
0040120D |. 81E3 00010307 and ebx, 7030100
00401213 |. 33C9 xor ecx, ecx
00401215 |> 8BF0 /mov esi, eax
00401217 |. 8BFB |mov edi, ebx
00401219 |. D3E6 |shl esi, cl
0040121B |. D3E7 |shl edi, cl
0040121D |. 81E6 80808080 |and esi, 80808080
00401223 |. 81E7 80808080 |and edi, 80808080
00401229 |. 8BD6 |mov edx, esi
0040122B |. C0EE 07 |shr dh, 7
0040122E |. 66:C1E2 07 |shl dx, 7
00401232 |. C1EA 08 |shr edx, 8
00401235 |. C0EE 07 |shr dh, 7
00401238 |. 66:C1E2 07 |shl dx, 7
0040123C |. C1EA 08 |shr edx, 8
0040123F |. C0EE 07 |shr dh, 7
00401242 |. 66:D1EA |shr dx, 1
00401245 |. 8BF2 |mov esi, edx
00401247 |. 8BD7 |mov edx, edi
00401249 |. C0EE 07 |shr dh, 7
0040124C |. 66:C1E2 07 |shl dx, 7
00401250 |. C1EA 08 |shr edx, 8
00401253 |. C0EE 07 |shr dh, 7
00401256 |. 66:C1E2 07 |shl dx, 7
0040125A |. C1EA 08 |shr edx, 8
0040125D |. C0EE 07 |shr dh, 7
00401260 |. 66:C1EA 05 |shr dx, 5
00401264 |. 8BFA |mov edi, edx
00401266 |. 33FE |xor edi, esi
00401268 |. 8BD7 |mov edx, edi
0040126A |. 81E2 FF000000 |and edx, 0FF
00401270 |. 51 |push ecx
00401271 |. 52 |push edx
00401272 |. BA 08000000 |mov edx, 8
00401277 |. 91 |xchg eax, ecx
00401278 |. 83F8 03 |cmp eax, 3
0040127B |. 7F 0F |jg short 0040128C
0040127D |. F6E2 |mul dl
0040127F |. 5A |pop edx
00401280 |. 83C0 08 |add eax, 8
00401283 |. 91 |xchg eax, ecx
00401284 |. D3C0 |rol eax, cl
00401286 |. 33C2 |xor eax, edx
00401288 |. D3C8 |ror eax, cl
0040128A |. EB 0D |jmp short 00401299
0040128C |> 83E8 03 |sub eax, 3
0040128F |. F6E2 |mul dl
00401291 |. 5A |pop edx
00401292 |. 91 |xchg eax, ecx
00401293 |. D3C3 |rol ebx, cl
00401295 |. 33DA |xor ebx, edx
00401297 |. D3CB |ror ebx, cl
00401299 |> 59 |pop ecx
0040129A |. 41 |inc ecx
0040129B |. 83F9 08 |cmp ecx, 8
0040129E |.^ 0F85 71FFFFFF \jnz 00401215
004012A4 \. C3 retn