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perl 脚本,检查内存状态,自动KILL进程

Posted on 2010-12-27 20:43 S.l.e!ep.¢% 阅读(1077) 评论(0)  编辑 收藏 引用 所属分类: Unix

 use strict;

 # 打印此脚本使用信息和输出说明。

 # Output the usage of this perl script
 sub usage
    print "memmonitor: Monitor system memory usage\n";
    print "1. if used memory is more than 75% of total memory, memmonitor\n";
    print "will output one warning message per minites.\n";
    print "2. if used memory is more than 90% of total momory, memmonitor\n";
    print "will kill the processes that occupied the most memory untill\n";
    print "used memory is less than 75% of total memory.\n\n";

    return 0;


 my $total_mem;
 my $used_mem;
 my $next_line = 0;
 my @rc;
 my $rate;

 # $total_mem 和 $used_mem 变量分别代表了总计实际内存大小和已经使用的内存大小
 rc = `vmstat`;
 foreach ( @rc ) {
    if ( $next_line ) {
      my @value = split /\s+/, $_;
         $used_mem = @value[3] * 4;
         $next_line = 0;
     } elsif ( /^.*mem=(\d+)MB$/ ) {
         $total_mem = $1 * 1024;
     } elsif ( /^.*avm.*$/ ) {
         $next_line = 1;

 # 这段代码使用了 vmstat 命令得到系统内存状态信息,并对结果进行逐行解析,得到各个字段的数据。

 if ( $total_mem ) {
    $rate = $used_mem / $total_mem;

 # 计算得到了当前全局内存使用率

 if ( $rate > 0.75 ) {
    print "Warning: Memory is not enough\n";

 # 如果内存使用率大于 0.75, 将打印出警告信息。

 if ( $rate > 0.9 ) {
    my $line_count = 0;
    my @output = `ps aux | head -1;ps aux | sort -rn +5`;
    foreach ( @output ) {
        if ( $line_count ) {
            my @killed_process = split /\s+/,$_;
            print "Warning: Out of memory. Kill process: @killed_process[1]\n";
            # 发送警告信息给 root 用户,保存程序运行记录。
`echo "Process @killed_process[1] has been killed because of unlimited memory \
allocation" | mail -s "Out of memory" root`

            `kill -11 @killed_process[1]`;
        $line_count = $line_count + 1;

 # 如果内存使用率大于 0.9,脚本将调用 ps 命令并且找出内存使用率最高的进程,打印出将要杀掉进程的警告信息,
 #杀掉内存使用率最高的进程。 此过程将循环进行知道内存占用率低于 0.9

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