1 你每天都使用IDE进行编码,而IDE有很多快捷键。把他们都学会。。。
专注法则 本章的目的是让你重新找到征服一座山峰后兴奋地头晕的感觉。。。真看不出来。。。
插入一段,刚刚在群上聊到Hash 函数的问题。。提到了两个算法:Bloom Filter算法和 MD5 。。之前的确没有特殊了解过。。
自己对大规模数据处理这部分一直都是个薄弱环节。。需要进一步加强。。。字典树 (tire tree)这个问题一直没有把他归结到代码上。。有些许遗憾啊。。
2 我是开源版本控制系统Subversion的忠实fans,在我看来,它就是强大、简单和易用的完美结合。归根到底,subversion是一个基于命令行的版本控制系统,不过有很多开发者为它开发出来前端工具(我最喜欢的是与Windows资源管理器集成的Tortoise)。尽管如此,subversion 最大的威力还是在命令行。。。
这个subversion 自己还真的不是很了解唉。。而且很多的CVS自己都不是很熟。。至少需要熟悉一个CVS吧。。。唉。。又拖累大家乐。。
3 Yak Shaving 这或许是今天晚上最大的收获吧。。。第一次听说这个名次。。Yak shaving。。或许是我太孤陋寡闻了。。
別讓自動化的努力變成剪牦牛毛(yak shaving)——這是一句在計算機科學界源遠流長的行話,它代表了諸如此類的情況:
- 你打算根據Subversion日誌自動生成一些文檔。
- 你嘗試給Subversion加上一個鉤子,然後發現當前使用的Subversion版本與你的Web服務器不兼容。
- 你開始更新Web服務器的版本,然後又發現這個新版本在操作系統當前的這個補丁級別上不被支持,於是你開始更新操作系統。
- 操作系統的更新包存在一個已知的問題,與用於備份的磁盤陣列不兼容。
- 你下載了尚未正式發布的針對磁盤陣列的操作系統補丁,它應該能用。它確實能用,但又導致顯卡驅動出問題了。
YakShaving 是一件危险的事,因为它会吃掉你大把的时间,始终牢记你要做什么。。如果情况开始失控就及时抽身而出。。。想想我也曾经浪费大把的时间。。惭愧。。在网上追根溯源找到了一篇E文的Blog。。看一下。。
Don't Shave That Yak!
The single best term I've learned this year.
Apparently turned into a computer term by the MIT media lab five years ago, yak shaving was recently referenced by my pal Joi Ito. (Link: Joi Ito's Web: Yak Shaving)
I want to give you the non-technical definition, and as is my wont, broaden it a bit.
Yak Shaving is the last step of a series of steps that occurs when you find something you need to do. "I want to wax the car today."
"Oops, the hose is still broken from the winter. I'll need to buy a new one at Home Depot."
"But Home Depot is on the other side of the Tappan Zee bridge and getting there without my EZPass is miserable because of the tolls."
"But, wait! I could borrow my neighbor's EZPass..."
"Bob won't lend me his EZPass until I return the mooshi pillow my son borrowed, though."
"And we haven't returned it because some of the stuffing fell out and we need to get some yak hair to restuff it."
And the next thing you know, you're at the zoo, shaving a yak, all so you can wax your car.
This yak shaving phenomenon tends to hit some people more than others, but what makes it particularly perverse is when groups of people get involved. It's bad enough when one person gets all up in arms yak shaving, but when you try to get a group of people together, you're just as likely to end up giving the yak a manicure.
Which is why solo entrepreneurs and small organizations are so much more likely to get stuff done. They have fewer yaks to shave.
So, what to do?
Don't go to Home Depot for the hose.
The minute you start walking down a path toward a yak shaving party, it's worth making a compromise.
Doing it well now is much better than doing it perfectly later.