

 例子:FMUSIC_MODULE *mod = 0;//初始化


mod = FMUSIC_LoadSong("canyon.mid");//加载音乐


 FMUSIC_PlaySong(mod);   //播放




Starts a song playing.

signed char F_API FMUSIC_PlaySong(


modPointer to the song to be played.

Return Value

TRUE song succeeded playing
FALSE song failed playing



例子:FSOUND_SAMPLE * notre_son;//初始化


   notre_son = FSOUND_Sample_Load(FSOUND_FREE, "sound\\bgsound.mp3", FSOUND_NORMAL, 0, 0);//加载


  FSOUND_PlaySound(0, notre_son);//播放




Plays a sample in a specified channel, using the sample's default frequency, volume
and pan settings.

int F_API FSOUND_PlaySound(
int channel,



The absolute channel number in the channel pool.

Remember software channels come first, followed by hardware channels.

You cannot play a software sample on a hardware channel and vice versa.

Chooses a free channel to play in.


If all channels are used then it
selects a channel with a sample playing that has an EQUAL or LOWER priority
than the sample to be played.

//如果所有通道都被使用,则会选择一个有EQUAL(平等) 或 LOWER(更低)优先权的通道来播放。
Passing this will cause ALL channels to play. (note this will make things
VERY noisy!)

If FSOUND_ALL is used the last channel success flag will be returned.
//如果使用的是FSOUND_ALL ,返回的会是最后一个通道的成功标志。

sptrPointer to the sample to be played.

Return Value

On success, the channel handle that was selected is returned.
On failure, -1 is returned.


If you play a FSOUND_HW3D declared sample with this function, then the position and velocity
are set to those of the listener.


Other attributes such as volume, frequency and pan are taken
from the sample's default volume, frequency, pan etc.

The channel handle :
The return value is reference counted. This stops the user from updating a stolen channel.
Basically it means the only sound you can change the attributes (ie volume/pan/frequency/3d position) for are the one you specifically called playsound for. If another sound steals that channel, and you keep trying to change its attributes (ie volume/pan/frequency/3d position), it will do nothing.
This is great if you have sounds being updated from tasks and you just forget about it.
You can keep updating the sound attributes and if another task steals that channel, your original task wont change the attributes of the new sound!!!
The lower 12 bits contain the channel number. (yes this means a 4096 channel limit for FMOD :)
The upper 19 bits contain the reference count.
The top 1 bit is the sign bit.
Remember if not using FSOUND_FREE, then the channel pool is split up into software and hardware channels.

Software channels occupy the first n indicies specified by the value passed into FSOUND_Init.
Hardware channels occupy the next n indicies after this, and can be a variable amount, depending on the hardware.

//软通道占据用FSOUND_Init指定的N个 indicies 。硬通道分到之后N个 indicies ,可以有个有效量,取决于硬件
Use FSOUND_GetNumHardwareChannels to query how many channels are available in hardware.

//可以使用FSOUND_GetNumHardwareChannels 去质问有多少通道在硬件中有效。




channel = FSOUND_PlaySoundEx(FSOUND_FREE, samp2, NULL, TRUE);




Extended featured version of FSOUND_PlaySound.

New functionality includes the ability to start the sound paused.

This allows attributes of a channel to be set freely before the sound actually starts playing, until FSOUND_SetPaused(FALSE) is used.

Also added is the ability to associate the channel to a specified DSP unit.


This allows the user to 'group' channels into seperate DSP units, which allows effects to be inserted between these 'groups', and allow various things like having one group affected by reverb (wet mix) and another group of channels unaffected (dry).

//允许用户把 'group' 通道分到可以把效果插入这些'group' 中的DSP单元中,允许像有一组湿声和另一组干声明通道的各种方式。

This is useful to seperate things like music from being affected by DSP effects, while other sound effects are.

int F_API FSOUND_PlaySoundEx(
int channel,
signed char startpaused


The absolute channel number in the channel pool.
Remember software channels come first, followed by hardware channels.
You cannot play a software sample on a hardware channel and vice versa.
Chooses a free channel to play in. If all channels are used then it
selects a channel with a sample playing that has an EQUAL or LOWER priority
than the sample to be played.
Plays the sound on all channels.
sptrPointer to the sample to be played.
dspunitOptional. NULL by default. Pointer to a dsp unit to attach the channel to for channel grouping. Only attach a sound to a user created DSP unit, and not a system DSP unit.
pausedStart the sound paused or not. Pausing the sound allows attributes to be set before the sound starts.

Return Value

On success, the channel handle that was selected is returned.
On failure, -1 is returned.


FSOUND_ALL is supported. Passing this will cause ALL channels to play. (note this could make things VERY noisy!)//同上
If FSOUND_ALL is used the last channel success flag will be returned. This return value is not useful in most circumstances.//如果是使用FSOUND_ALL ,返回的是最后通道值。返回值在大多情况下都没有用。
The channel handle :
The return value is reference counted. This stops the user from updating a stolen channel.
This means the only sound you can change the attributes (ie volume/pan/frequency/3d position) for are the
one you specifically called playsound for. If another sound steals that channel, and you keep trying to
change its attributes (ie volume/pan/frequency/3d position), it will do nothing.
This is great if you have sounds being updated from tasks and you just forget about it.
You can keep updating the sound attributes and if another task steals that channel, your original task
wont change the attributes of the new sound!!!
The lower 12 bits contain the channel number. (yes this means a 4096 channel limit for FMOD :)
The upper 19 bits contain the reference count.
The top 1 bit is the sign bit.
Remember if not using FSOUND_FREE, then the channel pool is split up into software and hardware channels.
Software channels occupy the first n indicies specified by the value passed into FSOUND_Init.
Hardware channels occupy the next n indicies after this, and can be a variable amount, depending on the hardware.
Use FSOUND_GetNumHardwareChannels to query how many channels are available in hardware.

If you attach a sound to a DSP unit (for grouping purposes), the callback for the DSP unit will be overwritten with fmod's internal mixer callback, so the callback the user supplied is rendered obsolete and is not called.
Also, do not attach sounds to system DSP units, the assignment will be ignored if you do.




例子:FSOUND_Stream_Play(FSOUND_FREE, stream)




Starts a pre-opened stream playing.

int F_API FSOUND_Stream_Play(
int channel,


channel0+ The channel index in the channel pool. This must not exceed the maximum number of channels allocated with FSOUND_Init
Chooses a free channel to play in. If all channels are used then it
selects a channel with a sample playing that has a lower priority than the
sample to be played.
streamPointer to the already opened stream to be played.

Return Value

On success, the channel handle the stream is playing in is returned.
On failure, -1 is returned.


When a stream starts to play, it inherits a special high priority (256).

It cannot be rejected by other sound effect channels in the normal fashion as the user can never set a priority above 255 normally.

If the stream has been opened with FSOUND_NONBLOCKING, this function will not succeed until the stream is ready.
FSB streaming is not supported if the format from FSBank is 'Retain original format'. On PC platforms, only PCM and ADPCM FSB files are allowed.

FSOUND_STEREOPAN is recommended for stereo streams if you call FSOUND_SetPan. This puts the left and right channel to full volume.

Otherwise a normal pan will give half volume for left and right. See FSOUND_SetPan for more information on this.

//相反一个正常pan会带一半音量给左和右。查看FSOUND_SetPan 去了解更多信息。
You can use normal channel based commands (such as FSOUND_SetVolume etc) on the return handle, as it is a channel handle.



例如:  channel = FSOUND_Stream_PlayEx(FSOUND_FREE, stream, NULL, TRUE);




Extended featured version of FSOUND_Stream_Play.
Added functionality includes the ability to start the stream paused. This allows attributes
of a stream channel to be set freely before the stream actually starts playing, until FSOUND_SetPaused(FALSE) is used.
Also added is the ability to associate the stream channel to a specified DSP unit. This allows
the user to 'group' channels into seperate DSP units, which allows effects to be inserted
between these 'groups', and allow various things like having one group affected by reverb (wet mix) and another group of
channels unaffected (dry). This is useful to seperate things like music from being affected
by DSP effects, while other sound effects are.

int F_API FSOUND_Stream_PlayEx(
int channel,
signed char paused


The absolute channel number in the channel pool.
Remember software channels come first, followed by hardware channels.
You cannot play a software sample on a hardware channel and vice versa.
Chooses a free channel to play in. If all channels are used then it
selects a channel with a sample playing that has an EQUAL or LOWER priority
than the sample to be played.
streamPointer to the already opened stream to be played.
dspunitPointer to a dsp unit to attach the channel to.
pausedStart the stream paused or not. Pausing the stream channel allows attributes to be set before it is unpaused.

Return Value

On success, a channel handle the stream is playing in is returned.
On failure, -1 is returned.


When a stream starts to play, it inherits a special high priority (256).

It cannot be rejected by other sound effect channels in the normal fashion as the user can never set a priority above 255 normally.

FSOUND_STEREOPAN is recommended for stereo streams if you call FSOUND_SetPan. This puts the left and right channel to full volume.
Otherwise a normal pan will give half volume for left and right. See FSOUND_SetPan for more information on this.

You can use normal channel based commands (such as FSOUND_SetVolume etc) on the return handle, as it is a channel handle.
