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Posted on 2007-01-09 12:29 tiger 阅读(2807) 评论(0)  编辑 收藏 引用

#if !defined(AFX_INPLACEEDIT_H__175AEDFF_731E_4721_8399_DE406A465861__INCLUDED_)
#define AFX_INPLACEEDIT_H__175AEDFF_731E_4721_8399_DE406A465861__INCLUDED_

#if _MSC_VER > 1000
#pragma once
#endif // _MSC_VER > 1000

class CInPlaceEdit : public CEdit

// Implementation
 // Returns the instance of the class
 static CInPlaceEdit* GetInstance();

 // Deletes the instance of the class
 static void DeleteInstance();

 // Creates the Windows edit control and attaches it to the object
 // Shows the edit ctrl
 BOOL ShowEditCtrl(DWORD dwStyle, const RECT& rCellRect, CWnd* pParentWnd,
       UINT uiResourceID, int iRowIndex, int iColumnIndex,
       CString& strValidChars, CString& rstrCurSelection);

// Overrides
 // ClassWizard generated virtual function overrides
 virtual BOOL PreTranslateMessage(MSG* pMsg);

// Attributes
 // afx_msg void OnPaste(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);

 // Generated message map functions
 afx_msg void OnKillFocus(CWnd* pNewWnd);
 afx_msg void OnChar(UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags);
 afx_msg int OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct);



// Implementation

 // Constructor

 // Hide the copy constructor and operator =
 CInPlaceEdit (CInPlaceEdit&) {}

 operator = (CInPlaceEdit) {}
 // Destructor
 virtual ~CInPlaceEdit();

// Attributes

 // Index of the item in the list control
 int m_iRowIndex;

 // Index of the subitem in the list control
 int m_iColumnIndex;

 // To indicate whether ESC key was pressed
 // Valid characters
 CString m_strValidChars;

 // Singleton instance
 static CInPlaceEdit* m_pInPlaceEdit;

 // Previous string value in the edit control
 CString m_strWindowText;


// Microsoft Visual C++ will insert additional declarations immediately before the previous line.

#endif // !defined(AFX_INPLACEEDIT_H__175AEDFF_731E_4721_8399_DE406A465861__INCLUDED_)

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "InPlaceEdit.h"

#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;

#define CTRL_C 0x3
#define CTRL_V 0x16
#define CTRL_X 0x18

// CInPlaceEdit

CInPlaceEdit* CInPlaceEdit::m_pInPlaceEdit = NULL; 

 m_iRowIndex= -1;
 m_iColumnIndex = -1;
 m_bESC = FALSE;



// CInPlaceEdit message handlers
void CInPlaceEdit::OnPaste(WPARAM , LPARAM )
 if (m_strValidChars.IsEmpty())

    CString strFromClipboard;

 // get the text from clipboard
 if(OpenClipboard()) {
  HANDLE l_hData = GetClipboardData(CF_TEXT);
  if(NULL == l_hData) {
  char *l_pBuffer = (char*)GlobalLock(l_hData);
  if(NULL != l_pBuffer) {
   strFromClipboard = l_pBuffer;


 // Validate the characters before pasting
 for(int iCounter_ = 0; iCounter_ < strFromClipboard.GetLength(); iCounter_++)
  if (-1 == m_strValidChars.Find(strFromClipboard.GetAt(iCounter_)))
 //let the individual control handle other processing

void CInPlaceEdit::OnKillFocus(CWnd* pNewWnd)
 // TODO: Add your message handler code here

 // Get the text in the edit ctrl
 CString strEdit;

 // Send Notification to parent of edit ctrl
 LV_DISPINFO dispinfo;
 dispinfo.hdr.hwndFrom = GetParent()->m_hWnd;
 dispinfo.hdr.idFrom = GetDlgCtrlID();
 dispinfo.hdr.code = LVN_ENDLABELEDIT;

 dispinfo.item.mask = LVIF_TEXT;
 dispinfo.item.iItem = m_iRowIndex;
 dispinfo.item.iSubItem = m_iColumnIndex;
 dispinfo.item.pszText = m_bESC ? LPTSTR((LPCTSTR)m_strWindowText) : LPTSTR((LPCTSTR)strEdit);
 dispinfo.item.cchTextMax = m_bESC ? m_strWindowText.GetLength() : strEdit.GetLength();
 GetParent()->SendMessage(WM_NOTIFY, GetParent()->GetDlgCtrlID(), (LPARAM)&dispinfo);


void CInPlaceEdit::OnChar(UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags)
 // TODO: Add your message handler code here and/or call default

  if ((m_strValidChars.IsEmpty()) || ((-1 != m_strValidChars.Find(static_cast<TCHAR> (nChar))) ||
  (nChar == VK_BACK) || (nChar == CTRL_C) || (nChar == CTRL_V) || (nChar == CTRL_X)))
  CEdit::OnChar(nChar, nRepCnt, nFlags);

BOOL CInPlaceEdit::PreTranslateMessage(MSG* pMsg)
 // TODO: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class
 if (WM_KEYDOWN == pMsg->message && (VK_ESCAPE == pMsg->wParam || VK_RETURN == pMsg->wParam))
  if (VK_ESCAPE == pMsg->wParam)
   m_bESC = TRUE;

  return TRUE;

 return CEdit::PreTranslateMessage(pMsg);

int CInPlaceEdit::OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct)
 if (CEdit::OnCreate(lpCreateStruct) == -1)
  return -1;
 // TODO: Add your specialized creation code here
 // Set the proper font
 CFont* pFont = GetParent()->GetFont();

 SetSel(0, -1);
 return 0;

CInPlaceEdit* CInPlaceEdit::GetInstance()
 if(m_pInPlaceEdit == NULL)
  m_pInPlaceEdit = new CInPlaceEdit;
 return m_pInPlaceEdit;

void CInPlaceEdit::DeleteInstance()
 delete m_pInPlaceEdit;
 m_pInPlaceEdit = NULL;

BOOL CInPlaceEdit::ShowEditCtrl(DWORD dwStyle, const RECT &rCellRect, CWnd* pParentWnd,
        UINT uiResourceID, int iRowIndex, int iColumnIndex,
        CString& strValidChars, CString& rstrCurSelection)
 m_iRowIndex = iRowIndex;
 m_iColumnIndex = iColumnIndex;
 m_strValidChars = strValidChars;
 m_strWindowText = rstrCurSelection;
 m_bESC = FALSE;

 if (NULL == m_pInPlaceEdit->m_hWnd)
  return m_pInPlaceEdit->Create(dwStyle, rCellRect, pParentWnd, uiResourceID);

 return TRUE;

#if !defined(AFX_COMBOLISTCTRL_H__9089600F_374F_4BFC_9482_DEAC0E7133E8__INCLUDED_)
#define AFX_COMBOLISTCTRL_H__9089600F_374F_4BFC_9482_DEAC0E7133E8__INCLUDED_

#if _MSC_VER > 1000
#pragma once
#endif // _MSC_VER > 1000

//the max listCtrl columns

#include <afxtempl.h>

class CInPlaceEdit;

// User define message
// This message is posted to the parent
// The message can be handled to make the necessary validations, if any

// User define message
// This message is posted to the parent
// The message should be handled to spcify the items to the added to the combo

class CComboListCtrl : public CListCtrl
// Implementation

 // Constructor

 // Destructor
 virtual ~CComboListCtrl();

 // Sets/Resets the column which support the in place combo box
 // Sets/Resets the column which support the in place edit control
 void SetReadOnlyColumns(int iColumnIndex, bool bSet = true);

 // Sets the valid characters for the edit ctrl
 void SetValidEditCtrlCharacters(CString& rstrValidCharacters);

 // Sets the vertical scroll

 // Sets the horizontal scroll

 //insert column
 int CComboListCtrl::InsertColumn(int nCol,LPCTSTR lpszColumnHeading,int nFormat = LVCFMT_LEFT,int nWidth = -1,int nSubItem = -1);

 //Get column counts
 int GetColumnCounts();

 //delete all column
 void DeleteAllColumn();

 //set column Valid char string
 void SetColumnValidEditCtrlCharacters(CString &rstrValidCharacters,int column = -1);

// Overrides
 // ClassWizard generated virtual function overrides


// Methods
 // Generated message map functions
 afx_msg void OnHScroll(UINT nSBCode, UINT nPos, CScrollBar* pScrollBar);
 afx_msg void OnVScroll(UINT nSBCode, UINT nPos, CScrollBar* pScrollBar);
 afx_msg void OnLButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point);
 afx_msg void OnEndLabelEdit(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult);
 afx_msg void OnBeginLabelEdit(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult);


// Implementation

 // Returns the row & column index of the column on which mouse click event has occured
 bool HitTestEx(CPoint& rHitPoint, int* pRowIndex, int* pColumnIndex) const;

 // Creates and displays the in place combo box

 // Creates and displays the in place edit control
 CInPlaceEdit* ShowInPlaceEdit(int iRowIndex, int iColumnIndex, CString& rstrCurSelection);

 // Calculates the cell rect
 void CalculateCellRect(int iColumnIndex, int iRowIndex, CRect& robCellRect);

 // Checks whether column supports in place combo box

 // Checks whether column is read only
 bool IsReadOnly(int iColumnIndex);

 // Scrolls the list ctrl to bring the in place ctrl to the view
 void ScrollToView(int iColumnIndex, /*int iOffSet, */CRect& obCellRect);

// Attributes

 // List of columns that are read only
 CList<int, int> m_ReadOnlyColumnsList;

 // Valid characters
 CString m_strValidEditCtrlChars;

 // The window style of the in place edit ctrl
 DWORD m_dwEditCtrlStyle;

 int m_iColumnCounts;

 //column types

 CString m_strValidChars[MAX_LISTCTRL_COLUMNS];
 //int m_


// Microsoft Visual C++ will insert additional declarations immediately before the previous line.

#endif // !defined(AFX_COMBOLISTCTRL_H__9089600F_374F_4BFC_9482_DEAC0E7133E8__INCLUDED_)

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "ComboListCtrl.h"
#include "InPlaceEdit.h"

#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;

#define FIRST_COLUMN    0
#define MIN_COLUMN_WIDTH   10

// CComboListCtrl

 m_iColumnCounts = 0;


BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CComboListCtrl, CListCtrl)

// CComboListCtrl message handlers

CInPlaceEdit* CComboListCtrl::ShowInPlaceEdit(int iRowIndex, int iColumnIndex, CString& rstrCurSelection)
 // Create an in-place edit control
 CInPlaceEdit* pInPlaceEdit = CInPlaceEdit::GetInstance();
 CRect obCellRect(0, 0, 0, 0);
 CalculateCellRect(iColumnIndex, iRowIndex, obCellRect);
 pInPlaceEdit->ShowEditCtrl(m_dwEditCtrlStyle, obCellRect, this, 0,
          iRowIndex, iColumnIndex,
          m_strValidChars[iColumnIndex], rstrCurSelection);

 return pInPlaceEdit;

void CComboListCtrl::OnHScroll(UINT iSBCode, UINT iPos, CScrollBar* pScrollBar)
 // TODO: Add your message handler code here and/or call default

 if (GetFocus() != this)

 CListCtrl::OnHScroll(iSBCode, iPos, pScrollBar);

void CComboListCtrl::OnVScroll(UINT iSBCode, UINT iPos, CScrollBar* pScrollBar)
 // TODO: Add your message handler code here and/or call default

 if (GetFocus() != this)

 CListCtrl::OnVScroll(iSBCode, iPos, pScrollBar);

void CComboListCtrl::OnLButtonDown(UINT iFlags, CPoint obPoint)
 // TODO: Add your message handler code here and/or call default

 int iColumnIndex = -1;
 int iRowIndex = -1;

 // Get the current column and row
 if (!HitTestEx(obPoint, &iRowIndex, &iColumnIndex))

 CListCtrl::OnLButtonDown(iFlags, obPoint);
 // If column is not read only then
 // If the SHIFT or CTRL key is down call the base class
 // Check the high bit of GetKeyState to determine whether SHIFT or CTRL key is down
 if ((GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) & 0x80) || (GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL) & 0x80))

 // Get the current selection before creating the in place combo box
 CString strCurSelection = GetItemText(iRowIndex, iColumnIndex);
 if (-1 != iRowIndex)
  if ((GetItemState(iRowIndex, flag ) & flag) == flag)
   // Add check for LVS_EDITLABELS
   if (GetWindowLong(m_hWnd, GWL_STYLE) & LVS_EDITLABELS)
    if (!IsReadOnly(iColumnIndex))
     CInPlaceEdit* pInPlaceEdit = ShowInPlaceEdit(iRowIndex, iColumnIndex, strCurSelection);

bool CComboListCtrl::HitTestEx(CPoint &obPoint, int* pRowIndex, int* pColumnIndex) const
 if (!pRowIndex || !pColumnIndex)
  return false;

 // Get the row index
 *pRowIndex = HitTest(obPoint, NULL);

 if (pColumnIndex)
  *pColumnIndex = 0;

 // Make sure that the ListView is in LVS_REPORT
 if ((GetWindowLong(m_hWnd, GWL_STYLE) & LVS_TYPEMASK) != LVS_REPORT)
  return false;

 // Get the number of columns
 CHeaderCtrl* pHeader = (CHeaderCtrl*)GetDlgItem(0);

 int iColumnCount = pHeader->GetItemCount();

 // Get bounding rect of item and check whether obPoint falls in it.
 CRect obCellRect;
 GetItemRect(*pRowIndex, &obCellRect, LVIR_BOUNDS);
 if (obCellRect.PtInRect(obPoint))
  // Now find the column
  for (*pColumnIndex = 0; *pColumnIndex < iColumnCount; (*pColumnIndex)++)
   int iColWidth = GetColumnWidth(*pColumnIndex);
   if (obPoint.x >= obCellRect.left && obPoint.x <= (obCellRect.left + iColWidth))
    return true;
   obCellRect.left += iColWidth;
 return false;

void CComboListCtrl::SetReadOnlyColumns(int iColumnIndex, bool bSet /*= true*/)
 // If the Column Index is not present && Set flag is false
 // Then do nothing
 // If the Column Index is present && Set flag is true
 // Then do nothing
 POSITION Pos = m_ReadOnlyColumnsList.Find(iColumnIndex);

 // If the Column Index is not present && Set flag is true
 // Then Add to list
 if ((NULL == Pos) && bSet)

 // If the Column Index is present && Set flag is false
 // Then Remove from list
 if ((NULL != Pos) && !bSet)

bool CComboListCtrl::IsReadOnly(int iColumnIndex)
 if (m_ReadOnlyColumnsList.Find(iColumnIndex))
  return true;
 return false;

void CComboListCtrl::CalculateCellRect(int iColumnIndex, int iRowIndex, CRect& robCellRect)
 GetItemRect(iRowIndex, &robCellRect, LVIR_BOUNDS);
 CRect rcClient;

 if (robCellRect.right > rcClient.right)
  robCellRect.right = rcClient.right;

 ScrollToView(iColumnIndex, robCellRect);

void CComboListCtrl::OnEndLabelEdit(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult)
 // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
 // Update the item text with the new text
 SetItemText(pDispInfo->item.iItem, pDispInfo->item.iSubItem, pDispInfo->item.pszText);

 GetParent()->SendMessage(WM_VALIDATE, GetDlgCtrlID(), (LPARAM)pDispInfo);
 *pResult = 0;

void CComboListCtrl::SetValidEditCtrlCharacters(CString &rstrValidCharacters)
 m_strValidEditCtrlChars = rstrValidCharacters;

void CComboListCtrl::SetColumnValidEditCtrlCharacters(CString &rstrValidCharacters,int column)
 if(column == -1)
  for(int i=0;i<MAX_LISTCTRL_COLUMNS;i++)
   m_strValidChars[i] = rstrValidCharacters;
  m_strValidChars[column] = rstrValidCharacters;

void CComboListCtrl::ScrollToView(int iColumnIndex, /*int iOffSet, */CRect& robCellRect)
 // Now scroll if we need to expose the column
 CRect rcClient;

 int iColumnWidth = GetColumnWidth(iColumnIndex);

 // Get the column iOffset
 int iOffSet = 0;
 for (int iIndex_ = 0; iIndex_ < iColumnIndex; iIndex_++)
  iOffSet += GetColumnWidth(iIndex_);

 // If x1 of cell rect is < x1 of ctrl rect or
 // If x1 of cell rect is > x1 of ctrl rect or **Should not ideally happen**
 // If the width of the cell extends beyond x2 of ctrl rect then
 // Scroll

 CSize obScrollSize(0, 0);

 if (((iOffSet + robCellRect.left) < rcClient.left) ||
  ((iOffSet + robCellRect.left) > rcClient.right))
  obScrollSize.cx = iOffSet + robCellRect.left;
 else if ((iOffSet + robCellRect.left + iColumnWidth) > rcClient.right)
  obScrollSize.cx = iOffSet + robCellRect.left + iColumnWidth - rcClient.right;

 robCellRect.left -= obScrollSize.cx;
 // Set the width to the column width
 robCellRect.left += iOffSet;
 robCellRect.right = robCellRect.left + iColumnWidth;

void CComboListCtrl::OnBeginLabelEdit(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult)
 // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
 if (IsReadOnly(pDispInfo->item.iSubItem))
  *pResult = 1;

 *pResult = 0;

int CComboListCtrl::InsertColumn(int nCol,LPCTSTR lpszColumnHeading,int nFormat ,int nWidth,int nSubItem)
 return CListCtrl::InsertColumn( nCol, lpszColumnHeading, nFormat, nWidth, nSubItem);

int CComboListCtrl::GetColumnCounts()
 return m_iColumnCounts;

void CComboListCtrl::DeleteAllColumn()
 for(int i=0;i<m_iColumnCounts;i++)

CComboListCtrl m_CtrlList;

m_CtrlList.InsertColumn(0, _T("编号"), LVCFMT_CENTER, 50);
 m_CtrlList.InsertColumn(1, _T("姓名"), LVCFMT_CENTER, 80);
 m_CtrlList.InsertColumn(2, _T("学号"), LVCFMT_CENTER, 80);
 m_CtrlList.InsertColumn(3, _T("性别"), LVCFMT_CENTER, 80);

 CString strValidChars;// 
 m_CtrlList.SetReadOnlyColumns(0);//read only

 strValidChars = _T("");
 m_CtrlList.SetColumnValidEditCtrlCharacters(strValidChars,1);//none control edit
 strValidChars = _T("0123456789.");
 m_CtrlList.SetColumnValidEditCtrlCharacters(strValidChars,2);//digital only edit
 m_CtrlList.SetReadOnlyColumns(3);//read only
 CFont font;
    20,                        // nHeight
    0,                         // nWidth
    0,                         // nEscapement
    0,                         // nOrientation
    FW_NORMAL,                 // nWeight
    FALSE,                     // bItalic
    FALSE,                     // bUnderline
    0,                         // cStrikeOut
    ANSI_CHARSET,              // nCharSet
    OUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS,        // nOutPrecision
    CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS,       // nClipPrecision
    DEFAULT_QUALITY,           // nQuality
    DEFAULT_PITCH | FF_SWISS,  // nPitchAndFamily

 CString str;
 for(int i=0;i<30;i++)
  str.Format(_T("%d"), i+1);
  m_CtrlList.InsertItem(i, str);
  m_CtrlList.SetItemText(i, 1, _T("张三"));
  m_CtrlList.SetItemText(i, 2, _T("1234"));
  m_CtrlList.SetItemText(i, 3, _T("男"));

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