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Introduction to OpenCV and FFmpeg

Posted on 2013-08-30 17:25 kongkongzi 阅读(427) 评论(0)  编辑 收藏 引用 所属分类: Security and protection

  • opencv
    • The Open Source Computer Vision Library has >2500 algorithms, extensive documentation and sample code for real-time computer vision.
    • libs after compiled
      • opencv_calib3d241.dll       -> Camera calibration and 3D reconstruction
      • opencv_contrib241.dll
      • opencv_core241.dll       -> The Core Functionality
      • opencv_features2d241.dll  -> 2D Features framework
      • opencv_ffmpeg241.dll
      • opencv_flann241.dll
      • opencv_gpu241.dll           -> GPU-Accelerated Computer Vision
      • opencv_highgui241.dll  -> High Level GUI and Media
      • opencv_imgproc241.dll -> Image Processing
      • opencv_legacy241.dll
      • opencv_ml241.dll             -> Machine Learning
      • opencv_nonfree241.dll
      • opencv_objdetect241.dll   -> Object Detection
      • opencv_photo241.dll
      • opencv_stitching241.dll
      • opencv_ts241.dll
      • opencv_video241.dll        -> Video analysis
      • opencv_videostab241.dll
    • Reference
  • ffmpeg
    • FFmpeg is the leading multimedia framework, able to decode, encode, transcode, mux, demux, stream, filter and play pretty much anything that humans and machines have created.
    • libs after compiled
      • avcodec-54.dll  -> FFmpeg encoders and decoders (codecs)
      • avdevice-54.dll
      • avfilter-2.dll
      • avformat-54.dll -> FFmpeg muxers and demuxers (formats)
      • avutil-51.dll       -> FFmpeg utilities
      • pthreadGC2.dll
      • postproc-52.dll
      • swresample-0.dll
      • swscale-2.dll      -> FFmpeg video scaling and pixel format converter
      • xvidcore.dll
    • Reference

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