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Here you have two choices. You can download the stable release in a zip file, or you can use SVN to check out the current development state. Either way the instructions for setting it up and building are the same.

Stable Release

SVN Head
For Ogre 1.2 Dagon
svn co
https://svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/ogreal/trunk/OgreAL OgreAL

For Ogre 1.4 Eihort
svn co
https://svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/ogreal/trunk/OgreAL-Eihort OgreAL

There are a few steps to this setup, but there's nothing too difficult.
    * First of all, I am assuming that you have Ogre installed somewhere. If you don't then you should check out either Installing the SDK or Building from Source. If you are using the current CVS Head of Ogre then you should already have the CVS version of OIS built and laying somewhere on your computer, if not you'll need to download it and build it. Instructions for how to do this can be found on the Wrecked Labs Wiki
    * Now you need to go to OpenAL Download Page and download the OpenAL SDK installer and the freealut Binary package.
    * Run the SDK installer and unzip the freealut package. You can put them where ever you like on your system since we'll reference them later with system variables.
    * The next step is to create three environment variables.
      1. OGRE_SRC - This needs to point at your ogrenew directory. If you are using the OgreSDK, you can skip this one as the Ogre installer will set up the system variables for you.
      2. OPENAL_SDK - This should point to where ever you chose to install the SDK.
      3. ALUT_BIN - This should point to where ever you unzipped the freealut package
      4. OIS_SRC - You only need this environment variable if you are using the CVS version of Ogre with OIS. In that case it needs to point to the root OIS directory.
    * Next we need to download libogg and libvorbis. You can download them from the xiph.org download page.
    * Unzip these right next to OgreAL. I'm not sure why they do it this way, but in order to get these bad boys to build you need to rename the libogg-1.1.3 folder to ogg and the libvorbis-1.1.2 folder to vorbis. When you have all this done it should look like this:
* Now go into the ogg folder and build both the release and debug builds by double clicking on the ogg/win32ogg.dsw workspace. It'll open up in Visual Studio and you just need to build it.
* Then do the same thing with the vorbis/win32/vorbis.dsw
* After all that you can open the OgreAL solution and build it and it should go off without a hitch!

The API Documentation for the current stabel release can be found at This Page,
or This Page for the SVN head version of OgreAL.

posted on 2007-01-28 20:26 杨粼波 阅读(817) 评论(0)  编辑 收藏 引用

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