Where would we be without visibility determination? I'm not sure.
Actually, yes, I am sure; we'd be stuck at 5 fps on an empty server.
And we certainly wouldn't want that.
"So, what is this
visibility determination thing, anyway?" you say. Well, it's the
process that every single 3D game under the sun (and over it) goes
through. It's the process that determines what is visible, and what is
not, and therefore whether to spend time sending all the polygonal data
to the renderer. There's no point sending a 1,000 triangle object to
the renderer if the object is off the screen, and won't be visible
anyway, so why waste the time doing it?
This article will talk
you through the processes Half-Life goes through every frame to
determine what is visible, and what is not. Note that it will not tell
you how the VIS process works; there have been hundreds of white papers
published on efficient methods of BSP tree leaf visibility
determination, and it would take ages to describe how Half-Life does
it! I will, however, give a basic overview of what VIS actually does,
for the purposes of understanding just what the heck I'm on about later
on in this article.
When compiling a map, it is first split up
into a Binary Space Partition tree, or BSP tree for short. This is
basically a method of splitting the world up into manageable chunks
which can then be dealt with individually, and are vital in speeding up
collision detection, lighting calculations and doing visibility
determination. Essentially, the map is first of all split into two
parts (figure 1, stage 1) by placing a 3D plane to split the world in
half. One side is called the positive side, or the front side, the
other the negative side, or the back side. Then, the process happens
again, except this time it is done on each of the two new segments
treating each segment like a different map, rather than doing it across
the entire map (figure 1, stage 2). This keeps happening until the
world is split up enough (determined by the compiler) and you end up
with your BSP tree. If you keep a track of what was split up from what,
you can create a tree of what encloses what, and so do some major
speed-ups (figure 2).
programmers will probably lynch me for this woefully inadequate
description of a BSP tree, but it will suffice for this article. (If
you want to learn more about BSP trees, you can try
the BSP tree FAQ.)
what does this have to do with visibility determination? Well, when the
world has been split into a BSP tree, it's in collections of polygons.
Each collection of polygon is called a "BSP leaf", and it's with these
that VIS does its work. For each leaf, it generates a list of every
other leaf in the world, which simply contains whether that leaf could
be seen if you were within the current leaf - this list is called the
Potentially Visible Set, or PVS. As you can appreciate, this is a
complex process, which is why VIS takes a long time in compilation with
complicated maps.
So, after VIS, we've already got some very
important visibility determination done, and we're not even into the
per-frame loop yet. However, after this, we progress into the heart of
the game, and see exactly what it does each frame.
Every frame,
the game loops through the BSP leaves to find out which leaf the player
is currently standing in. Once it's found it, it uses the PVS to find
out what leaves might be seen from where the player currently is, and
tosses out the leaves that can't be seen under any circumstance. This
is a very crude, but very effective, form of visibility determination.
Now that the game is only dealing with the leaves that could be seen
from the current viewpoint, it moves onto the second type of visibility
determination - frustum culling.
The view frustum is basically
the volume in which the player can see. Anything outside of this volume
cannot be seen by the player. In 3D, it looks like a pyramid with the
top chopped off (with the new surface being the screen, and the base of
the pyramid the far clipping plane). However, we don't have 3D
monitors, so I'll take the 2D analogy - an isoceles triangle with the
top corner chopped off. What the game does is to find out whether, out
of the potentially visible leaves, any of them are outside of the view
frustum; if they are, they get tossed out too. Figure 3 has an example
of this in 2D.
3 - The black blob is the player. Objects 1 and 4 are within the view
frustum and therefore visible, but objects 2 and 3 cannot be seen by
the player. |
After this simple but
effective visibility determination method, there isn't very much left
that isn't totally invisible to the player from his/her current
position and orientation. However, one more, much finer, process is
applied to the triangles making up each visible leaf - backface culling.
3D, every triangle has a 'normal' vector - this represents the
direction that the triangle is facing. All that backface culling does
is simply remove every triangle that is facing away from the viewer, as
they probably wouldn't (and shouldn't) be visible anyway. This can
sometimes chop the amount of triangles to draw by as much as 50%, which
is a dramatic decrease.
After these 3 methods are applied -
usage of the PVS, frustum culling, and backface culling - the remaining
triangles can be rendered by the graphics API (OpenGL, Direct3D or
software) with a minimal amount of polygons being drawn that are not
visible. You can see what an effect not being able to do the first
stage has when you have a large map with a leak - VIS cannot calculate
its PVS, and so it is assumed that ALL leaves are visible before the
2nd and 3rd stages are applied.
This concludes our whizz tour of
how Half-Life does visibility determination in-game. Hopefully this may
give you some ideas as to how to improve your maps' frame-rate
performance, or encourage you to read further about the above methods - has some great tutorials should you want to read more. If you have any questions, then feel free to contact me about them.