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Destroying Window Objects(销毁窗口对象)


TN017: Destroying Window Objects










l         调用CWnd::DestroyWindowWindows API ::DestroyWindow.

l         利用delete操作符来进行明确的删除工作。


Auto Cleanup with CWnd::PostNcDestroy

When destroying a Windows window, the last Windows message sent to the window is WM_NCDESTROY. The default CWnd handler for that message (CWnd::OnNcDestroy) will detach the HWND from the C++ object and call the virtual function PostNcDestroy. Some classes override this function to delete the C++ object.



The default implementation of CWnd::PostNcDestroy does nothing which is appropriate for window objects allocated on the stack frame or embedded in other objects. This is not appropriate for window objects that are designed to be allocated by themselves on the heap (not embedded in other C++ object).


Those classes that are designed to be allocated by themselves on the heap override the PostNcDestroymember function to perform a "delete this". This statement will free any C++ memory associated with the C++ object. Even though the default CWnd destructor calls DestroyWindow if m_hWnd is non-NULL, this does not lead to infinite recursion since the handle will be detached and NULL during the cleanup phase.

那些设计来分配在堆上的类可以重载成员函数PostNcDestroy以执行“delete this”操作。它将会释放任何与此C++对象相关的C++内存。尽管缺省的CWnd析构函数会在m_hWnd不为空的情况下调用DestoryWindow,但这不会导致无穷递归,因为此句柄在清除阶段将会处于分离状态并为空。

Note   CWnd::PostNcDestroy is normally called after the Windows WM_NCDESTROY message is processed, as part of window destruction, and the HWND and the C++ window object are no longer attached. CWnd::PostNcDestroy will also be called in the implementation of most Create calls if failure occurs (see below for auto cleanup rules).



Auto Cleanup Classes

The following classes are not designed for auto-cleanup. They are normally embedded in other C++ object or on the stack:

  • All the standard Windows controls (CStaticCEditCListBox, and so on).
  • Any child windows derived directly from CWnd (for example, custom controls)
  • Splitter windows (CSplitterWnd)
  • Default control bars (classes derived from CControlBar, see Technical Note 31 for enabling auto-delete for control bar objects)
  • Dialogs (CDialog) - designed for modal dialogs on the stack frame
  • All the standard dialogs except CFindReplaceDialog
  • The default dialogs created by ClassWizard



l         所有的标准Windows控件(CStaticCEditClistBox

l         所有从CWnd直接派生来的子窗口(比例,自定义控件)

l         拆分窗口(CSplitterWnd

l         缺省控制条(从CcontrolBar派生的类,查看TN31来了解能够自动删除的控制条对象)

l         对话框(CDialog)设计来在堆栈上创建模态对话框

l         所有的标准对话框,除了CfindReplaceDialog

l         ClassWizard创建的缺省对话框

The following classes are designed for auto-cleanup. They are normally allocated by themselves on the heap:

  • Main frame windows (derived directly or indirectly from CFrameWnd)
  • View windows (derived directly or indirectly from CView)


l         主框架窗口(直接或间接派生于CFrameWnd

l         视图窗口(直接或间接派生于CView

If you wish to break any of these rules, you must override the PostNcDestroy member function in your derived class. To add auto-cleanup to your class, simply call your base class and then do a delete this. To remove auto-cleanup from your class, call CWnd::PostNcDestroy directly instead of thePostNcDestroy member in your direct base class.

如果你想打破任何一条规则,你就必须在你的派生类中重载PostNcDestroy成员函数。为了增加自动清理到你的类,只需要调用你的基类并做delete this操作。为了将自动清理从你的类中移出,直接调用CWnd::PostNcDestroy来代替你基类的成员函数PostNcDestory.

The most common use of the above is to create a modeless dialog that can be allocated on the heap.


When to Call 'delete'

The recommended way to destroy a Windows object is to call DestroyWindow, either the C++ member function or the global ::DestroyWindow API.


销毁一个窗口最好是调用DestoryWindow,不管是C++的成员函数还是全局的::DestoryWindow API.

Do not call the global ::DestroyWindow API to destroy an MDI Child window, use the virtual member function CWnd::DestroyWindow instead.

不要调用全局的API ::DestroyWindow来销毁一个MDI子窗口,使用虚拟成员函数CWnd::DestroyWindow来代替它。

For C++ Window objects that don't perform auto-cleanup, using DestroyWindow instead of delete avoids problems of having to call DestroyWindow in the CWnd::~CWnd destructor where the VTBL is not pointing to the correctly derived class. This can lead to subtle bugs so the diagnostic (debug) version of MFC will warn you with

Warning: calling DestroyWindow in CWnd::~CWnd

   OnDestroy or PostNcDestroy in derived class will not be called


Warning: calling DestroyWindow in CWnd::~CWnd

   OnDestroy or PostNcDestroy in derived class will not be called

In the case of C++ Windows objects that do perform auto-cleanup, you must call DestroyWindow. If you use operator delete directly, the MFC diagnostic memory allocator will alert you that you are freeing memory twice (the first call to delete as well as the indirect call to "delete this" in the auto-cleanup implementation of PostNcDestroy).

对于执行自动清理工作的C++Windows对象,你必须调用DestroyWindow。如果你直接使用操作符deleteMFC的诊断内存分配算符将会警告你:你正在第二次释放内存(第一次调用delete,还有在PostNcDestroy的自动清理执行过程中调用delete this)。

After calling DestroyWindow on a non-auto-cleanup object, the C++ object will still be around, butm_hWnd will be NULL. After calling DestroyWindow on an auto-cleanup object, the C++ object will be gone, freed by the C++ delete operator in the auto-cleanup implementation of PostNcDestroy..


posted on 2010-11-06 14:26 杨粼波 阅读(1241) 评论(0)  编辑 收藏 引用

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