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C# versus C++ versus Java performance comparison


The performance comparison of C#, Java and C++ was always a controversial subject. Many people who are unfamiliar with JIT'ed environments claimed anything runs on JIT is too slow compared to C++. On the other hand people who actually use Java and C# usually claimed the otherwise that performance impact is negligable. Here's a nice chart I've found that a friend in freenode IRC server pointed me. These benchmarks are done by Matt R Warren (aka Moridin8 in irc.freenode.net) and his original site is http://www.csharp-architect.com

According to below chart, choosing C++ just for the sake of performance doesn't seem very feasable to me. Remember : Engineers are expensive and servers are not!

posted on 2011-07-13 14:19 杨粼波 阅读(863) 评论(0)  编辑 收藏 引用

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