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The liteide x5 version for golang. LiteIDE is a simple, open source,cross-platform IDE. 

Version:        x5 v0.78125 

    Plugins Extension System 
    File Based Build System 
    Multi Build Environment System 
    Kate Syntax And Style Scheme 
    WordApi Completer Helper 
    Golang AstView Code Doc Plugin 

    WIN32 / Linux32 / Linux64 / MacOSX10.6 

Update logs:  2011.7.6 Ver x5 0.78125 
* add CodeSearch plugin : Editor Search and Replace 
* add GolangDoc plugin : Golang Package Find 
* add Search and Replace Regex: (Colo)(u)(r) -> \1\3 
* add FileBorwser top dir setup 
* add LiteEditor Copy Syntax Color support (HTML mimedata) 
* add LiteEditor ReadOnly 
* add MainWindow all DockWidget saveState 
* add EditorManager CTRL+TAB switch 
* update tools/gopromake to r58 
* update tools/goexec to r58 
* update tools/goastview to r58 
* fix filebrowser rename show oldname 
* fix ENV c:/go/bin;%PATH% order, GOBIN is priority 
* fix FileBrowser sort incorrect on MACOSX 
* fix GoFmt reload editor display pos keep 
* fix Editor Close Ask BUG ret==SaveAll 
* fix Editor word writed ,compelter only one match auto hide

posted on 2011-07-11 18:39 visualfc 阅读(1908) 评论(0)  编辑 收藏 引用 所属分类: C++Qtgo

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