下面的方法只对XCode 3.0有效,对于XCode 4要在系统的Accounts里面修改登陆的名字,并在Address Book里面修改公司信息,这样才能修改。
转:http://iphonedevelopertips.com/xcode/change-company-name-from-within-xcode-on-a-per-project-basis.htmlA common question for most anyone new to Xcode is how to change the Company Name that is added to each new source file. The default information looks similar to the following:
Copyright (c) 2010 MyCompanyName. All rights reserved.
Up until Xcode 3.2 to change this value you had to resort to running a command from a terminal, you can see how this was previously done in this tip: Change Company Name in Xcode.
A welcome change with 3.2+ is that this value can now be managed from within Xcode. Even better, the name can be configured on a project by project basis, which is really nice if you need to maintain multiple copyright statements across projects.
Change Company Name within Xcode
In the Groups and Files window, right click on the project name and select Get Info:
In the General Settings tab, near the bottom you’ll see a field for the Organization Name:
Update this field and the new value will be reflected in each source code file you create in the active project.