Posted on 2012-11-06 23:52
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map/reduce的combiner到底在什么时候运行? 在网上大多数资料中,都是说combiner在map端运行,发生在map输出数据之后,经过combiner再传递给reducer。但是之前在工作中出现的一个问题导致我发现原来combiner居然也会在reducer端运行,并且会多次运行。
Changed policy for running combiner. The combiner may be run multiple times as the map's output is sorted and merged. Additionally, it may be run on the reduce side as data is merged. The old semantics are available in Hadoop 0.18 if the user calls: job.setCombineOnlyOnce(true)。
1) 在mapper端的spill阶段,在缓存中的记录超过阈值时会进行combine
if (spstart != spindex) {
combineAndSpill(kvIter, combineInputCounter);
2) 在mapper端的merge阶段,进行merge的spill文件数目>=3时会进行combine
if (null == combinerClass || numSpills < minSpillsForCombine) {
Merger.writeFile(kvIter, writer, reporter);
} else {
combineAndSpill(kvIter, combineInputCounter);
3) 在reducer端,一定会进行combine