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用YACC/LEX 设计计算机语言


YACC Yet Another Compiler Compiler) 是1974年在 Unix 下设计出来的一个优秀的计算机语法分析工具。LEX 是相应的词法分析工具。在 Linux 下,也有 YACC/LEX 的实现版本及相关资料。通过这套工具,可以在只编写出计算机语言的语法后,就可以生成自底向上的语法分析程序(词法分析类似),可以大大加快计算机语言的实现速度。

Turbo Pascal/Free Pascal/Delphi 程序员请注意: Pascal 语言下的 YACC/LEX 实现可以在 http://www.musikwissenschaft.uni-mainz.de/~ag/tply/ 地址下找到详细信息。

有关YACC LEX 的语法我们附在后面。这里,我们主要讨论一个具体的语言(如 Basic),如何用 YACC/LEX 编程实现。 代码存放在下载栏目中(c语言,用GCC 编译通过),可以任意使用,其它的源代码和例子也可以在那里找到。


1  首要问题:编译还是解释。如果选择编译,那么生成了目标机器上的可执行代码。如果选择解释,那么在解释过程中(或完成后)执行中间代码。Java.NET 已经混淆了这两方面的区分。

2  数据属性问题:一个普通的编译/解释器必须随时跟踪变量、表达式的数据类型、作用范围等问题。最头疼的就是数据类型了。因为编译/解释器必须自己处理不同数据类型的转换工作,如果有六种数据类型如 CharByteSmallIntWordLongIntDword,就必须处理32种计算方法。所以现在新的的语言如(VBScript 等)都采用了 Variant 数据类型,这样在计算过程中,不需要考虑过多的数据类型转换问题,在执行时才做类型检查。因为我们当时还不知道GCC Lib 中支持 Variant 数据类型,因此自己实现了Variant数据类型。

// Variant 数据类型
#define NOTYPE 0
#define CHARTYPE 1
#define BYTETYPE 2
#define DWORDTYPE 4
#define REALTYPE 5
#define STRINGTYPE 6
#define INFOTYPE 7

/* Variant Structure */
typedef struct {
        int ValueType;
        union {
                Char Character;
                Byte BYTE;
                int Integer;
                DWord DWORD;
                double Real;
                PTString pString;
                void *pInfo;
        } Value;
} TVariant, *PVariant;

// Variant 过程
PVariant VarNew(void);
void VarFree(PVariant p);
int VarGetType(PVariant p);
void VarSetType(PVariant p,int tp);
void VarAssign(PVariant dest,PVariant src);
Char VarGetChar(PVariant p);
Byte VarGetByte(PVariant p);
int VarGetInteger(PVariant p);
DWord VarGetDWord(PVariant p);
double VarGetReal(PVariant p);
Char *VarGetString(PVariant p);
void *VarGetInfo(PVariant p);
void VarSetChar(PVariant p,Char c);
void VarSetByte(PVariant p,Byte b);
void VarSetInteger(PVariant p,int n);
void VarSetDWord(PVariant p,DWord d);
void VarSetReal(PVariant p,double e);
void VarSetString(PVariant p,Char *s);
void VarSetInfo(PVariant p,void *q);
int VarTypeCast(PVariant p,int datatype);
int VarMakeEqual(PVariant a,PVariant b);
void VarStrSetLength(PVariant p,DWord len);
void VarStrCompress(PVariant p);
DWord VarStrlen(PVariant p);
void VarStrToUpper(PVariant p);
void VarStrToLower(PVariant p);
int  VarStrCompare(PVariant p,PVariant q);
int VarStrCompareCase(PVariant p,PVariant q);
void VarStrAssign(PVariant dest,PVariant src);
void VarStrCat(PVariant dest,PVariant src);
void VarStrDelete(PVariant p,DWord begin,DWord len);
void VarStrGetChar(PVariant p,DWord offset);
void VarStrSetChar(PVariant p,DWord offset,Char c);
DWord VarStrLocChar(PVariant p,DWord begin,Char c);
DWord VarStrSubStr(PVariant p,PVariant sub);

3  符号表:符号表用来登记各种常量、变量、函数、过程、结构的有关属性,因为一些数据类型是其它数据类型的导出,所以这里采用二叉数存放、检索信息。为了解决导出类型问题,此二叉数必须穿线。
typedef enum {
} TDefineKey;
typedef enum {
} TRoutineKey;
typedef enum {
} TypeForm;
typedef struct {
        TDefineKey Key;
        union {
                PVariant pValue;
                struct {
                        TRoutineKey Key;
                        int ParamCount;
                        int TotalParamSize;
                        int TotalLocalSize;
                        struct tagTSymbolTable *Params;
                        struct tagTSymbolTable *Locals;
                        struct tagTSymbolTable *LocalSymtab;
                        void *CodeSegment;
                } Routine;
                struct {
                        int Offset;
                        struct tagTSymbolTable *RecordIDP;
                } Data;
} TDefineStruct, *PDefineStruct;

typedef struct tagTypeStruct {
        TypeForm Form;
        int Size;
        struct tagTSymbolTable *TypeIDP;
        union {
                struct {
                        struct TypeStruct *ConstIDP;
                        int Max;
                } Enum;
                struct {
                        struct tagTypeStruct *IndexType,*ElemType;
                        int MinIndex,MaxIndex;
                        int ElemCount;
                } Array;
                struct {
                       struct tagTSymbolTable *FieldSymtab;
                } Record;
        } Info;
} TypeStruct, *PTypeStruct;

typedef struct tagTSymbolTable {
        char *Name;
        struct tagTSymbolTable *Left,*Right,*Next;  //
        char *Info;
        TDefineStruct Define;
        PTypeStruct TypeP;
        int Level;
        int LabelIndex;
} TSymbolTable, *PSymbolTable;

PSymbolTable NewSymtab(char *s);
void InitSymtabRoot(void);
extern TSymbolTable Root;
PSymbolTable SearchSymtab(char *s);
PSymbolTable EnterSymtab(char *s);
DWord GetVar(char *s);
void EnterVar(char *s,DWord index);

4  虚拟计算机:如果生成的代码目标平台无法执行或执行有困难,可以考虑生成虚拟计算机的代码,然后用自己的虚拟计算机执行。我们这里的虚拟计算机采用了栈结构方式。可以使 YACC 在分析过程中同步生成代码。我们的虚拟机器代码和JAVA很相似(JAVA SUN 中的实现,起初肯定是YACC)。这台虚拟计算机连Print 命令都认识。

// 计算机的标志寄存器和控制寄存器
typedef struct tagTFlags {
        Char EQ,NE,LE,LT,GE,GT;
        Char Debug,Trace,Step;
} TFlags;
只有四个寄存器:当前代码地址、堆栈顶部、Stack  Frame Top、标志及控制。
typedef struct tagTCPU {
        DWord EIP;
        DWord ESP;
        DWord EBP;
        TFlags Flags;

// 全局的 CPU 变量
extern TCPU CPU;
// CPU
void Reset(void);
void Start(void);
void DeCode(DWord d);
void SetFlags(double r);
void Print(PVariant p);
void EnterProc(DWord n);
void LeaveProc(void);

void PushChar(Char c);
void PushByte(Byte b);
void PushInteger(int value);
void PushDWord(DWord d);
void PushReal(double r);
void PushString(char *s);
void PushVar(PVariant p);
PVariant PopVar(void);
PVariant GetTosVar(void);

// CPU 认识的指令
#define C_PUSHCHAR 101
#define C_PUSHBYTE 102
#define C_PUSHINTEGER 103
#define C_PUSHDWORD 104
#define C_PUSHREAL 105
#define C_PUSHSTRING 106

#define C_PUSHVAR 110
#define C_POPVAR 120
#define C_POPCMP 121

#define C_RELOP 200
#define C_ADDOP 201
#define C_MULOP 202
#define C_SIGNOP 203

#define C_PRINT_LINE 300
#define C_PRINT_COMMA 301
#define C_PRINT_EXPR 303

#define C_JMP 400
#define C_JEQ 401
#define C_JNE 402

5  词法分析:我们使用LEX来做词法分析,查看LEX的代码后发现,它本身是用YACC生成的,很有意思。

extern YYSTYPE yylval;

int yywrap(void) {
        return 1;

void SetReal(double r) {
void SetInteger(int n) {
void SetDWord(DWord n) {
void SetString(char *s) {

/*         Delete any character in yyrval, normally is
        doublequota in string, etc:
        "AAAAA""aaaaaaa" =>  AAAAA"aaaaaaa
void DeleteChar(char c) {
char *s;
int i,j;
        for(i=0,j=0;*(s+j);i++,j++) {
SPACE         [ \r\n\t\f]
NQUOTE         [^\"\n]
Digit        [0-9]
DecDigit [1-9]
Zero        [0]
OctDigit [0-7]
HexPrev        [x|X]
HexDigit [0-7A-Fa-f]
Char        [ -~]
Letter        [A-Za-z_]
Id        [A-Za-z0-9_]

"=="        { SetInteger(EQUAL);return EQUAL; }
"="        { SetInteger(ASSIGN);return ASSIGN; }
"<"        { SetInteger(LT);return LT; }
"<="        { SetInteger(LE);return LE; }
"<>"        { SetInteger(NE);return NE; }
">="        { SetInteger(GE);return GE; }
">"        { SetInteger(GT);return GT; }
"+"        { SetInteger(PLUS);return PLUS; }
"-"        { SetInteger(MINUS);return MINUS; }
"*"        { SetInteger(STAR);return STAR; }
"/"        { SetInteger(SLASH);return SLASH; }
"%"        { SetInteger(MOD);return MOD; }
"<<"        { SetInteger(SHL);return SHL; }
">>"        { SetInteger(SHR);return SHR; }
"&"        { SetInteger(BITAND);return BITAND; }
"|"        { SetInteger(BITOR);return BITOR; }
"!"        { SetInteger(BITNOT);return BITNOT; }
"("        { SetInteger(LPAREN);return LPAREN; }
")"        { SetInteger(RPAREN);return RPAREN; }
"["        { SetInteger(LBRACKET);return LBRACKET; }
"]"        { SetInteger(RBRACKET);return RBRACKET; }
"{"        { SetInteger(BIGLPAREN);return BIGLPAREN; }
"}"        { SetInteger(BIGRPAREN); return BIGRPAREN; }
","        { SetInteger(COMMA);return COMMA; }
";"        { SetInteger(SEMICOLON);return SEMICOLON; }
":"        { SetInteger(COLON);return COLON; }
"."        { SetInteger(DOT);return DOT;}

"and"        { SetInteger(AND);return AND; }
"not"        { SetInteger(NOT);return NOT; }
"or"        { SetInteger(OR);return OR; }

"dim"        { SetInteger(DIM);return DIM; }
"array" { SetInteger(ARRAY);return ARRAY; }
"as"        { SetInteger(AS);return AS; }
"byval" { SetInteger(BYVAL);return BYVAL;}
"case"  { SetInteger(CASE);return CASE; }
"const" { SetInteger(CONST);return CONST; }
"function" { SetInteger(FUNCTION);return FUNCTION;}
"goto"  { SetInteger(GOTO);return GOTO;}
"label"        { SetInteger(LABEL);return LABEL;}
"procedure" { SetInteger(PROCEDURE);return PROCEDURE;}
"program" { SetInteger(PROGRAM);return PROGRAM; }

"char"          { SetInteger(CHAR);return CHAR; }
"byte"    { SetInteger(BYTE);return BYTE; }
"integer" { SetInteger(INTEGER);return INTEGER; }
"dword"   { SetInteger(DWORD);return DWORD; }
"real"          { SetInteger(REAL);return REAL; }
"string"  { SetInteger(STRING);return STRING; }

"if"        { SetInteger(IF);return IF; }
"then"        { SetInteger(THEN);return THEN; }
"else"        { SetInteger(ELSE);return ELSE; }
"for"         { SetInteger(FOR);return FOR; }
"while" { SetInteger(WHILE);return WHILE; }
"to"        { SetInteger(TO);return TO; }
"downto" { SetInteger(DOWNTO);return DOWNTO; }
"do"        { SetInteger(DO);return DO; }
"of"        { SetInteger(OF);return OF; }
"record" { SetInteger(RECORD);return RECORD; }
"with"  { SetInteger(WITH);return WITH;}

("quit"|"q")  { SetInteger(EXIT);return EXIT; }
("exit"|"e")  { SetInteger(EXIT);return EXIT; }
("print"|"?") {SetInteger(PRINT);return PRINT;}
"run"        { SetInteger(RUN);return RUN;}

{Letter}{Id}*                        {
                                        /* ID */
                                        return ID;
\"({NQUOTE}|\"\")*\"                 {
                                        /* short string */
                                        return SHORTSTRING;
{DecDigit}{Digit}*                        {
                                        /* dec */
{Zero}{OctDigit}*                {        /* oct */
{Zero}{HexPrev}{HexDigit}+        {        /* hex */
{Digit}+"."{Digit}+                {
                                        /* float */
{Digit}+"."{Digit}+[Ee][+-]?{Digit}+        {
                                        /* sce */
"//".*                                ;        { /* line comments */ }
{SPACE}                                ;
.                                |

6  语法分析:使用YACC来生成语法数。这里同时就生成了代码,没有考虑代码优化的问题。

这是 Token 的数据结构
%Union {
        int Integer;
        DWord UnsignedNumber;
        double Real;
        Char *String;
        struct {
                double noused;
                int Type;
        } Info;


%type <Real> REALNUMBER
%type <UnsignedNumber> UNSIGNED_NUMBER
%type <String> SHORTSTRING ID
%type <Integer> RECORD CONST BYVAL
%type <Integer> EXIT PRINT RUN

%type <Integer> relop addop mulop signop datatype logicop
%type <Integer> variable variable_list label
%type <Integer> primary factor term expression simple_expression expr expr_list
%type <Integer> compilation_unit program program_header block
%type <Integer> decl_sect_list decl_sect proc_decl func_decl param_list
%type <Integer> proc_header func_header proc_block fp_list fp_sect_list fp_sect
%type <Integer> compound_statement stmt_list stmt normal_stmt
%type <Integer> dim_statement goto_statement for_statement if_statement
%type <Integer> while_statement with_statement assign_statement proccall_statement
%type <Integer> run_statement
%type <Integer> print_statement print_expr_list print_dot
%right THEN ELSE        //
个别需要右结合的 Token


program:program_header block
program_header: {}
block        :decl_sect_list compound_statement
decl_sect_list: {}
        |decl_sect_list decl_sect
proc_decl:proc_header proc_block
func_decl:func_header proc_block
proc_header:PROCEDURE ID fp_list
func_header:FUNCTION ID fp_list AS datatype
        |LPAREN fp_sect_list RPAREN
        |fp_sect_list SEMICOLON fp_sect
fp_sect:variable_list AS datatype
        |BYVAL variable_list AS datatype
compound_statement:BIGLPAREN stmt_list BIGRPAREN
        |stmt_list SEMICOLON stmt
        |label COLON normal_stmt
normal_stmt:{}        /* empty */
run_statement:RUN {exec();}
        |EXIT {exit(0);}
print_statement:PRINT print_expr_list { WriteCode(C_PRINT_LINE); }
print_expr_list:expr { WriteCode(C_PRINT_EXPR);}
        |print_expr_list print_dot expr {WriteCode(C_PRINT_EXPR);}
print_dot:COMMA {WriteCode(C_PRINT_COMMA);}
        |COLON {WriteCode(C_PRINT_SEMICOLON);}
dim_statement:DIM variable AS datatype  {
PVariant p;
assign_statement:variable ASSIGN expr {
proccall_statement:ID param_list {}
goto_statement:GOTO label {WriteCode2(C_JMP,$2);}
label        :ID {
DWord d;
        if(d==OUTOFSTRINGINDEX) {
if_statement:IF  expr {
} THEN stmt {
while_statement:WHILE {
} expr {
} DO stmt {
for_statement:FOR variable ASSIGN expr {
} TO expr {
DO {
} stmt {
with_statement:WITH variable DO stmt
param_list:        {}/* empty */
        |LPAREN expr_list RPAREN
        |expr_list COMMA expr
        |NOT simple_expression
        |expr logicop simple_expression
        |expression relop expression {WriteCode2(C_RELOP,$2);}
        |expression addop term {WriteCode2(C_ADDOP,$2);}
term        :factor
        |term mulop factor  { WriteCode2(C_MULOP,$2);}
        |BITNOT factor
factor        :signop factor {WriteCode2(C_SIGNOP,$1);}
primary        :variable {WriteCode2(C_PUSHVAR,$1);}
        |UNSIGNED_NUMBER {  WriteCode2(C_PUSHINTEGER,$1);}
        |REALNUMBER        {
        double r;
        DWord *d;
                d=(DWord *)&r;
        |SHORTSTRING         {
        char *s;
        |LPAREN expr RPAREN
        |ID LPAREN expr_list RPAREN {}         /* type cast, function call */
logicop :AND
relop        :EQUAL
addop        :PLUS
mulop        :STAR
signop        :addop
        |variable_list COMMA variable
variable:ID {
PSymbolTable q;
PVariant p;
DWord d;
        if(d==OUTOFSTRINGINDEX) {
        |variable LBRACKET expr_list RBRACKET         /* array */
        |variable DOT ID                        /* record */
        |variable '^'                                  /* pointer */
        |ID LPAREN variable RPAREN {}                /* type cast */
datatype:CHAR {$$=CHARTYPE;}
        |BYTE {$$=BYTETYPE;}
        |STRING {$$=STRINGTYPE;}
        |DWORD {$$=DWORDTYPE;}
        |REAL {$$=REALTYPE;}

void main() {
yyerror(char *s) {
        printf("Error> %s\n",s);
exec() {
/*        ResetIP();*/
W(char *s) {
P(void) {
int i;
                printf("%d:%d  ",i,CodeSegment[i]);


7  内存组织和代码生成:我们的内存中有三个逻辑段:数据、堆栈、代码,数据和堆栈共用同一个物理段,栈顶向下生长,代码段单独分开。在语法分析时,向内存中写入指令和数据,在执行时,再读出来。代码生成时如果遇到不可知跳转(如IfWhileFor等等),就使用预添0技术,先在这个位置填写 Nop,在遇到语句结束后,知道了地址,再在这里添入要跳转的代码。需要注意的是数据/堆栈段的每个内存单元存储的是指向 Variant 数据类型的指针(这台虚拟计算机的每个内存单元都有四个字节大)。


extern DWord CodeSegment[MAXCODESEGMENTSIZE];
extern DWord sIP;
extern PVariant DataSegment[MAXDATASEGMENTSIZE];

void WriteCode(DWord c);
void WriteCode2(DWord c1,DWord c2);
void SetCode(DWord offset,DWord op);
DWord GetIP();
void SetIP(DWord ip);
DWord ReadCode();
void ResetIP(void);

DWord GetFreeDIP();
PVariant GetData(DWord offset);
void SetData(DWord offset,PVariant val);
void InitData(DWord offset,int datatype);
void FreeData(DWord offset);
void InitDataSegment(void);
void ReleaseDataSegment(void);

首先用 Lex 编译 calc.l 生成lex.yy.c ,然后用 yacc 编译 calc.y 生成 y.tab.hy.tab.cy.code.c (如果你没有修改,可省略)。
gcc 编译所有c文件。
执行时缺省从 stdin 读入,解释完成后,如果没有错误,就会执行看到结果,如果要执行文件,请使用重定向。


program aaa;
dim a as integer;
dim b as real;
dim c as string;

? a,b,c;

program aaa;
dim a as Integer;
dim b as Real;
dim ccc as string;
ccc=ccc+"ASDF"" DED";
dim ddd as real;
print a,b,ccc,ddd;

program aaa;
dim a as integer;
while a<10  do {
        print a;

program t5;
dim a as integer;
print a;
if a<10 then goto loop;
print "Done";

program aaa;
dim a as integer;
for a=-2 to 2 do print a*a;


本来想详细写一下如何使用YACC,但我觉得这些应该是已经有的话题,所以这里将 TPLY 4.1 版本的帮助附在后面,它很详细,我没什么可补充的。

自从96.5 第一次遇到 Delphi 1.0 以后,我一直在 Delphi 下编写程序。但我总觉得想做一个合格的 Delphi 程序员,也应该也从其它地方学习,才能有所进步。

      TP Lex and Yacc - The Compiler Writer's Tools for Turbo Pascal

      == === === ==== = === ======== ======== ===== === ===== ======


                     Version 4.1 User Manual

                     ======= === ==== ======


                         Albert Graef

                 Department of Musicinformatics

               Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz




                          April 1998






This document describes the TP Lex and Yacc compiler generator toolset. These

tools are designed especially to help you prepare compilers and similar

programs like text processing utilities and command language interpreters with

the Turbo Pascal (TM) programming language.


TP Lex and Yacc are Turbo Pascal adaptions of the well-known UNIX (TM)

utilities Lex and Yacc, which were written by M.E. Lesk and S.C. Johnson at

Bell Laboratories, and are used with the C programming language. TP Lex and

Yacc are intended to be approximately "compatible" with these programs.

However, they are an independent development of the author, based on the

techniques described in the famous "dragon book" of Aho, Sethi and Ullman

(Aho, Sethi, Ullman: "Compilers : principles, techniques and tools," Reading

(Mass.), Addison-Wesley, 1986).


Version 4.1 of TP Lex and Yacc works with all recent flavours of Turbo/Borland

Pascal, including Delphi, and with the Free Pascal Compiler, a free Turbo

Pascal-compatible compiler which currently runs on DOS and Linux (other ports

are under development). Recent information about TP Lex/Yacc, and the sources

are available from the TPLY homepage:




For information about the Free Pascal Compiler, please refer to:




TP Lex and Yacc, like any other tools of this kind, are not intended for

novices or casual programmers; they require extensive programming experience

as well as a thorough understanding of the principles of parser design and

implementation to be put to work successfully. But if you are a seasoned Turbo

Pascal programmer with some background in compiler design and formal language

theory, you will almost certainly find TP Lex and Yacc to be a powerful

extension of your Turbo Pascal toolset.


This manual tells you how to get started with the TP Lex and Yacc programs and

provides a short description of these programs. Some knowledge about the C

versions of Lex and Yacc will be useful, although not strictly necessary. For

further reading, you may also refer to:


- Aho, Sethi and Ullman: "Compilers : principles, techniques and tools."

  Reading (Mass.), Addison-Wesley, 1986.


- Johnson, S.C.: "Yacc - yet another compiler-compiler." CSTR-32, Bell

  Telephone Laboratories, 1974.


- Lesk, M.E.: "Lex - a lexical analyser generator." CSTR-39, Bell Telephone

  Laboratories, 1975.


- Schreiner, Friedman: "Introduction to compiler construction with UNIX."

  Prentice-Hall, 1985.


- The Unix Programmer's Manual, Sections `Lex' and `Yacc'.






I would like to thank Berend de Boer (berend@pobox.com), who adapted TP Lex

and Yacc to take advantage of the large memory models in Borland Pascal 7.0

and Delphi, and Michael Van Canneyt (Michael.VanCanneyt@fys.kuleuven.ac.be),

the maintainer of the Linux version of the Free Pascal compiler, who is

responsible for the Free Pascal port. And of course thanks are due to the many

TP Lex/Yacc users all over the world for their support and comments which

helped to improve these programs.



Getting Started



Instructions on how to compile and install TP Lex and Yacc on all supported

platforms can be found in the README file contained in the distribution.


Once you have installed TP Lex and Yacc on your system, you can compile your

first TP Lex and Yacc program expr. Expr is a simple desktop calculator

program contained in the distribution, which consists of a lexical analyzer in

the TP Lex source file exprlex.l and the parser and main program in the TP

Yacc source file expr.y. To compile these programs, issue the commands


   lex exprlex

   yacc expr


That's it! You now have the Turbo Pascal sources (exprlex.pas and expr.pas)

for the expr program. Use the Turbo Pascal compiler to compile these programs

as usual:


   tpc expr


(Of course, the precise compilation command depends on the type of compiler

you are using. Thus you may have to replace tpc with bpc, dcc or dcc32,

depending on the version of the Turbo/Borland/Delphi compiler you have, and

with ppc386 for the Free Pascal compiler. If you are using TP Lex and Yacc

with Free Pascal under Linux, the corresponding commands are:


   plex exprlex

   pyacc expr

   ppc386 expr


Note that in the Linux version, the programs are named plex and pyacc to

avoid name clashes with the corresponding UNIX utilities.)


Having compiled expr.pas, you can execute the expr program and type some

expressions to see it work (terminate the program with an empty line). There

is a number of other sample TP Lex and Yacc programs (.l and .y files) in the

distribution, including a TP Yacc cross reference utility and a complete

parser for Standard Pascal.


The TP Lex and Yacc programs recognize some options which may be specified

anywhere on the command line. E.g.,


   lex -o exprlex


runs TP Lex with "DFA optimization" and


   yacc -v expr


runs TP Yacc in "verbose" mode (TP Yacc generates a readable description of

the generated parser).


The TP Lex and Yacc programs use the following default filename extensions:

- .l:   TP Lex input files

- .y:   TP Yacc input files

- .pas: TP Lex and Yacc output files


As usual, you may overwrite default filename extensions by explicitly

specifying suffixes.


If you ever forget how to run TP Lex and Yacc, you can issue the command lex

or yacc (resp. plex or pyacc) without arguments to get a short summary of the

command line syntax.




TP Lex



This section describes the TP Lex lexical analyzer generator.






lex [options] lex-file[.l] [output-file[.pas]]






-v  "Verbose:" Lex generates a readable description of the generated

    lexical analyzer, written to lex-file with new extension `.lst'.


-o  "Optimize:" Lex optimizes DFA tables to produce a minimal DFA.






TP Lex is a program generator that is used to generate the Turbo Pascal source

code for a lexical analyzer subroutine from the specification of an input

language by a regular expression grammar.


TP Lex parses the source grammar contained in lex-file (with default suffix

.l) and writes the constructed lexical analyzer subroutine to the specified

output-file (with default suffix .pas); if no output file is specified, output

goes to lex-file with new suffix .pas. If any errors are found during

compilation, error messages are written to the list file (lex-file with new

suffix .lst).


The generated output file contains a lexical analyzer routine, yylex,

implemented as:


  function yylex : Integer;


This routine has to be called by your main program to execute the lexical

analyzer. The return value of the yylex routine usually denotes the number

of a token recognized by the lexical analyzer (see the return routine in the

LexLib unit). At end-of-file the yylex routine normally returns 0.


The code template for the yylex routine may be found in the yylex.cod

file. This file is needed by TP Lex when it constructs the output file. It

must be present either in the current directory or in the directory from which

TP Lex was executed (TP Lex searches these directories in the indicated

order). (NB: For the Linux/Free Pascal version, the code template is searched

in some directory defined at compile-time instead of the execution path,

usually /usr/lib/fpc/lexyacc.)


The TP Lex library (LexLib) unit is required by programs using Lex-generated

lexical analyzers; you will therefore have to put an appropriate uses clause

into your program or unit that contains the lexical analyzer routine. The

LexLib unit also provides various useful utility routines; see the file

lexlib.pas for further information.



Lex Source



A TP Lex program consists of three sections separated with the %% delimiter:






auxiliary procedures


All sections may be empty. The TP Lex language is line-oriented; definitions

and rules are separated by line breaks. There is no special notation for

comments, but (Turbo Pascal style) comments may be included as Turbo Pascal

fragments (see below).


The definitions section may contain the following elements:


- regular definitions in the format:


     name   substitution


  which serve to abbreviate common subexpressions. The {name} notation

  causes the corresponding substitution from the definitions section to

  be inserted into a regular expression. The name must be a legal

  identifier (letter followed by a sequence of letters and digits;

  the underscore counts as a letter; upper- and lowercase are distinct).

  Regular definitions must be non-recursive.


- start state definitions in the format:


     %start name ...


  which are used in specifying start conditions on rules (described

  below). The %start keyword may also be abbreviated as %s or %S.


- Turbo Pascal declarations enclosed between %{ and %}. These will be

  inserted into the output file (at global scope). Also, any line that

  does not look like a Lex definition (e.g., starts with blank or tab)

  will be treated as Turbo Pascal code. (In particular, this also allows

  you to include Turbo Pascal comments in your Lex program.)


The rules section of a TP Lex program contains the actual specification of

the lexical analyzer routine. It may be thought of as a big CASE statement

discriminating over the different patterns to be matched and listing the

corresponding statements (actions) to be executed. Each rule consists of a

regular expression describing the strings to be matched in the input, and a

corresponding action, a Turbo Pascal statement to be executed when the

expression matches. Expression and statement are delimited with whitespace

(blanks and/or tabs). Thus the format of a Lex grammar rule is:


   expression      statement;


Note that the action must be a single Turbo Pascal statement terminated

with a semicolon (use begin ... end for compound statements). The statement

may span multiple lines if the successor lines are indented with at least

one blank or tab. The action may also be replaced by the | character,

indicating that the action for this rule is the same as that for the next



The TP Lex library unit provides various variables and routines which are

useful in the programming of actions. In particular, the yytext string

variable holds the text of the matched string, and the yyleng Byte variable

its length.


Regular expressions are used to describe the strings to be matched in a

grammar rule. They are built from the usual constructs describing character

classes and sequences, and operators specifying repetitions and alternatives.

The precise format of regular expressions is described in the next section.


The rules section may also start with some Turbo Pascal declarations

(enclosed in %{ %}) which are treated as local declarations of the

actions routine.


Finally, the auxiliary procedures section may contain arbitrary Turbo

Pascal code (such as supporting routines or a main program) which is

simply tacked on to the end of the output file. The auxiliary procedures

section is optional.



Regular Expressions



The following table summarizes the format of the regular expressions

recognized by TP Lex (also compare Aho, Sethi, Ullman 1986, fig. 3.48).

c stands for a single character, s for a string, r for a regular expression,

and n,m for nonnegative integers.


expression   matches                        example

----------   ----------------------------   -------

c            any non-operator character c   a

\c           character c literally          \*

"s"          string s literally             "**"

.            any character but newline      a.*b

^            beginning of line              ^abc

$            end of line                    abc$

[s]          any character in s             [abc]

[^s]         any character not in s         [^abc]

r*           zero or more r's               a*

r+           one or more r's                a+

r?           zero or one r                  a?

r{m,n}       m to n occurrences of r        a{1,5}

r{m}         m occurrences of r             a{5}

r1r2         r1 then r2                     ab

r1|r2        r1 or r2                       a|b

(r)          r                              (a|b)

r1/r2        r1 when followed by r2         a/b

<x>r         r when in start condition x    <x>abc



The operators *, +, ? and {} have highest precedence, followed by

concatenation. The | operator has lowest precedence. Parentheses ()

may be used to group expressions and overwrite default precedences.

The <> and / operators may only occur once in an expression.


The usual C-like escapes are recognized:


\n     denotes newline

\r     denotes carriage return

\t     denotes tab

\b     denotes backspace

\f     denotes form feed

\NNN   denotes character no. NNN in octal base


You can also use the \ character to quote characters which would otherwise

be interpreted as operator symbols. In character classes, you may use

the - character to denote ranges of characters. For instance, [a-z]

denotes the class of all lowercase letters.


The expressions in a TP Lex program may be ambigious, i.e. there may be inputs

which match more than one rule. In such a case, the lexical analyzer prefers

the longest match and, if it still has the choice between different rules,

it picks the first of these. If no rule matches, the lexical analyzer

executes a default action which consists of copying the input character

to the output unchanged. Thus, if the purpose of a lexical analyzer is

to translate some parts of the input, and leave the rest unchanged, you

only have to specify the patterns which have to be treated specially. If,

however, the lexical analyzer has to absorb its whole input, you will have

to provide rules that match everything. E.g., you might use the rules


   .   |

   \n  ;


which match "any other character" (and ignore it).


Sometimes certain patterns have to be analyzed differently depending on some

amount of context in which the pattern appears. In such a case the / operator

is useful. For instance, the expression a/b matches a, but only if followed

by b. Note that the b does not belong to the match; rather, the lexical

analyzer, when matching an a, will look ahead in the input to see whether

it is followed by a b, before it declares that it has matched an a. Such

lookahead may be arbitrarily complex (up to the size of the LexLib input

buffer). E.g., the pattern a/.*b matches an a which is followed by a b

somewhere on the same input line. TP Lex also has a means to specify left

context which is described in the next section.



Start Conditions



TP Lex provides some features which make it possible to handle left context.

The ^ character at the beginning of a regular expression may be used to

denote the beginning of the line. More distant left context can be described

conveniently by using start conditions on rules.


Any rule which is prefixed with the <> construct is only valid if the lexical

analyzer is in the denoted start state. For instance, the expression <x>a

can only be matched if the lexical analyzer is in start state x. You can have

multiple start states in a rule; e.g., <x,y>a can be matched in start states

x or y.


Start states have to be declared in the definitions section by means of

one or more start state definitions (see above). The lexical analyzer enters

a start state through a call to the LexLib routine start. E.g., you may



%start x y


<x>a    start(y);

<y>b    start(x);



  start(x); if yylex=0 then ;



Upon initialization, the lexical analyzer is put into state x. It then

proceeds in state x until it matches an a which puts it into state y.

In state y it may match a b which puts it into state x again, etc.


Start conditions are useful when certain constructs have to be analyzed

differently depending on some left context (such as a special character

at the beginning of the line), and if multiple lexical analyzers have to

work in concert. If a rule is not prefixed with a start condition, it is

valid in all user-defined start states, as well as in the lexical analyzer's

default start state.



Lex Library



The TP Lex library (LexLib) unit provides various variables and routines

which are used by Lex-generated lexical analyzers and application programs.

It provides the input and output streams and other internal data structures

used by the lexical analyzer routine, and supplies some variables and utility

routines which may be used by actions and application programs. Refer to

the file lexlib.pas for a closer description.


You can also modify the Lex library unit (and/or the code template in the

yylex.cod file) to customize TP Lex to your target applications. E.g.,

you might wish to optimize the code of the lexical analyzer for some

special application, make the analyzer read from/write to memory instead

of files, etc.



Implementation Restrictions



Internal table sizes and the main memory available limit the complexity of

source grammars that TP Lex can handle. There is currently no possibility to

change internal table sizes (apart from modifying the sources of TP Lex

itself), but the maximum table sizes provided by TP Lex seem to be large

enough to handle most realistic applications. The actual table sizes depend on

the particular implementation (they are much larger than the defaults if TP

Lex has been compiled with one of the 32 bit compilers such as Delphi 2 or

Free Pascal), and are shown in the statistics printed by TP Lex when a

compilation is finished. The units given there are "p" (positions, i.e. items

in the position table used to construct the DFA), "s" (DFA states) and "t"

(transitions of the generated DFA).


As implemented, the generated DFA table is stored as a typed array constant

which is inserted into the yylex.cod code template. The transitions in each

state are stored in order. Of course it would have been more efficient to

generate a big CASE statement instead, but I found that this may cause

problems with the encoding of large DFA tables because Turbo Pascal has

a quite rigid limit on the code size of individual procedures. I decided to

use a scheme in which transitions on different symbols to the same state are

merged into one single transition (specifying a character set and the

corresponding next state). This keeps the number of transitions in each state

quite small and still allows a fairly efficient access to the transition



The TP Lex program has an option (-o) to optimize DFA tables. This causes a

minimal DFA to be generated, using the algorithm described in Aho, Sethi,

Ullman (1986). Although the absolute limit on the number of DFA states that TP

Lex can handle is at least 300, TP Lex poses an additional restriction (100)

on the number of states in the initial partition of the DFA optimization

algorithm. Thus, you may get a fatal `integer set overflow' message when using

the -o option even when TP Lex is able to generate an unoptimized DFA. In such

cases you will just have to be content with the unoptimized DFA. (Hopefully,

this will be fixed in a future version. Anyhow, using the merged transitions

scheme described above, TP Lex usually constructs unoptimized DFA's which are

not far from being optimal, and thus in most cases DFA optimization won't have

a great impact on DFA table sizes.)



Differences from UNIX Lex



Major differences between TP Lex and UNIX Lex are listed below.


- TP Lex produces output code for Turbo Pascal, rather than for C.


- Character tables (%T) are not supported; neither are any directives

  to determine internal table sizes (%p, %n, etc.).


- Library routines are named differently from the UNIX version (e.g.,

  the `start' routine takes the place of the `BEGIN' macro of UNIX

  Lex), and, of course, all macros of UNIX Lex (ECHO, REJECT, etc.) had

  to be implemented as procedures.


- The TP Lex library unit starts counting line numbers at 0, incrementing

  the count BEFORE a line is read (in contrast, UNIX Lex initializes

  yylineno to 1 and increments it AFTER the line end has been read). This

  is motivated by the way in which TP Lex maintains the current line,

  and will not affect your programs unless you explicitly reset the

  yylineno value (e.g., when opening a new input file). In such a case

  you should set yylineno to 0 rather than 1.





TP Yacc



This section describes the TP Yacc compiler compiler.






yacc [options] yacc-file[.y] [output-file[.pas]]






-v  "Verbose:" TP Yacc generates a readable description of the generated

    parser, written to yacc-file with new extension .lst.


-d  "Debug:" TP Yacc generates parser with debugging output.






TP Yacc is a program that lets you prepare parsers from the description

of input languages by BNF-like grammars. You simply specify the grammar

for your target language, augmented with the Turbo Pascal code necessary

to process the syntactic constructs, and TP Yacc translates your grammar

into the Turbo Pascal code for a corresponding parser subroutine named



TP Yacc parses the source grammar contained in yacc-file (with default

suffix .y) and writes the constructed parser subroutine to the specified

output-file (with default suffix .pas); if no output file is specified,

output goes to yacc-file with new suffix .pas. If any errors are found

during compilation, error messages are written to the list file (yacc-file

with new suffix .lst).


The generated parser routine, yyparse, is declared as:


   function yyparse : Integer;


This routine may be called by your main program to execute the parser.

The return value of the yyparse routine denotes success or failure of

the parser (possible return values: 0 = success, 1 = unrecoverable syntax

error or parse stack overflow).


Similar to TP Lex, the code template for the yyparse routine may be found in

the yyparse.cod file. The rules for locating this file are analogous to those

of TP Lex (see Section `TP Lex').


The TP Yacc library (YaccLib) unit is required by programs using Yacc-

generated parsers; you will therefore have to put an appropriate uses clause

into your program or unit that contains the parser routine. The YaccLib unit

also provides some routines which may be used to control the actions of the

parser. See the file yacclib.pas for further information.



Yacc Source



A TP Yacc program consists of three sections separated with the %% delimiter:






auxiliary procedures



The TP Yacc language is free-format: whitespace (blanks, tabs and newlines)

is ignored, except if it serves as a delimiter. Comments have the C-like

format /* ... */. They are treated as whitespace. Grammar symbols are denoted

by identifiers which have the usual form (letter, including underscore,

followed by a sequence of letters and digits; upper- and lowercase is

distinct). The TP Yacc language also has some keywords which always start

with the % character. Literals are denoted by characters enclosed in single

quotes. The usual C-like escapes are recognized:


\n     denotes newline

\r     denotes carriage return

\t     denotes tab

\b     denotes backspace

\f     denotes form feed

\NNN   denotes character no. NNN in octal base






The first section of a TP Yacc grammar serves to define the symbols used in

the grammar. It may contain the following types of definitions:


- start symbol definition: A definition of the form


     %start symbol


  declares the start nonterminal of the grammar (if this definition is

  omitted, TP Yacc assumes the left-hand side nonterminal of the first

  grammar rule as the start symbol of the grammar).


- terminal definitions: Definitions of the form


     %token symbol ...


  are used to declare the terminal symbols ("tokens") of the target

  language. Any identifier not introduced in a %token definition will

  be treated as a nonterminal symbol.


  As far as TP Yacc is concerned, tokens are atomic symbols which do not

  have an innert structure. A lexical analyzer must be provided which

  takes on the task of tokenizing the input stream and return the

  individual tokens and literals to the parser (see Section `Lexical



- precedence definitions: Operator symbols (terminals) may be associated

  with a precedence by means of a precedence definition which may have

  one of the following forms


     %left symbol ...

     %right symbol ...

     %nonassoc symbol ...


  which are used to declare left-, right- and nonassociative operators,

  respectively. Each precedence definition introduces a new precedence

  level, lowest precedence first. E.g., you may write:


     %nonassoc '<' '>' '=' GEQ LEQ NEQ  /* relational operators */

     %left     '+' '-'  OR              /* addition operators */

     %left     '*' '/' AND              /* multiplication operators */

     %right    NOT UMINUS               /* unary operators */


  A terminal identifier introduced in a precedence definition may, but

  need not, appear in a %token definition as well.


- type definitions: Any (terminal or nonterminal) grammar symbol may be

  associated with a type identifier which is used in the processing of

  semantic values. Type tags of the form <name> may be used in token and

  precedence definitions to declare the type of a terminal symbol, e.g.:


     %token <Real>  NUM

     %left  <AddOp> '+' '-'


  To declare the type of a nonterminal symbol, use a type definition of

  the form:


     %type <name> symbol ...




     %type <Real> expr


  In a %type definition, you may also omit the nonterminals, i.e. you

  may write:


     %type <name>


  This is useful when a given type is only used with type casts (see

  Section `Grammar Rules and Actions'), and is not associated with a

  specific nonterminal.


- Turbo Pascal declarations: You may also include arbitrary Turbo Pascal

  code in the definitions section, enclosed in %{ %}. This code will be

  inserted as global declarations into the output file, unchanged.



Grammar Rules and Actions



The second part of a TP Yacc grammar contains the grammar rules for the

target language. Grammar rules have the format


   name : symbol ... ;


The left-hand side of a rule must be an identifier (which denotes a

nonterminal symbol). The right-hand side may be an arbitrary (possibly

empty) sequence of nonterminal and terminal symbols (including literals

enclosed in single quotes). The terminating semicolon may also be omitted.

Different rules for the same left-hand side symbols may be written using

the | character to separate the different alternatives:


   name : symbol ...

        | symbol ...




For instance, to specify a simple grammar for arithmetic expressions, you

may write:


%left '+' '-'

%left '*' '/'

%token NUM


expr : expr '+' expr

     | expr '-' expr

     | expr '*' expr

     | expr '/' expr

     | '(' expr ')'

     | NUM



(The %left definitions at the beginning of the grammar are needed to specify

the precedence and associativity of the operator symbols. This will be

discussed in more detail in Section `Ambigious Grammars'.)


Grammar rules may contain actions - Turbo Pascal statements enclosed in

{ } - to be executed as the corresponding rules are recognized. Furthermore,

rules may return values, and access values returned by other rules. These

"semantic" values are written as $$ (value of the left-hand side nonterminal)

and $i (value of the ith right-hand side symbol). They are kept on a special

value stack which is maintained automatically by the parser.


Values associated with terminal symbols must be set by the lexical analyzer

(more about this in Section `Lexical Analysis'). Actions of the form $$ := $1

can frequently be omitted, since it is the default action assumed by TP Yacc

for any rule that does not have an explicit action.


By default, the semantic value type provided by Yacc is Integer. You can

also put a declaration like



   type YYSType = Real;



into the definitions section of your Yacc grammar to change the default value

type. However, if you have different value types, the preferred method is to

use type definitions as discussed in Section `Definitions'. When such type

definitions are given, TP Yacc handles all the necessary details of the

YYSType definition and also provides a fair amount of type checking which

makes it easier to find type errors in the grammar.


For instance, we may declare the symbols NUM and expr in the example above

to be of type Real, and then use these values to evaluate an expression as

it is parsed.


%left '+' '-'

%left '*' '/'

%token <Real> NUM

%type  <Real> expr


expr : expr '+' expr   { $$ := $1+$3; }

     | expr '-' expr   { $$ := $1-$3; }

     | expr '*' expr   { $$ := $1*$3; }

     | expr '/' expr   { $$ := $1/$3; }

     | '(' expr ')'    { $$ := $2;    }

     | NUM



(Note that we omitted the action of the last rule. The "copy action"

$$ := $1 required by this rule is automatically added by TP Yacc.)


Actions may not only appear at the end, but also in the middle of a rule

which is useful to perform some processing before a rule is fully parsed.

Such actions inside a rule are treated as special nonterminals which are

associated with an empty right-hand side. Thus, a rule like


   x : y { action; } z


will be treated as:


  x : y $act z

  $act : { action; }


Actions inside a rule may also access values to the left of the action,

and may return values by assigning to the $$ value. The value returned

by such an action can then be accessed by other actions using the usual $i

notation. E.g., we may write:


   x : y { $$ := 2*$1; } z { $$ := $2+$3; }


which has the effect of setting the value of x to


   2*(the value of y)+(the value of z).


Sometimes it is desirable to access values in enclosing rules. This can be

done using the notation $i with i<=0. $0 refers to the first value "to the

left" of the current rule, $-1 to the second, and so on. Note that in this

case the referenced value depends on the actual contents of the parse stack,

so you have to make sure that the requested values are always where you

expect them.


There are some situations in which TP Yacc cannot easily determine the

type of values (when a typed parser is used). This is true, in particular,

for values in enclosing rules and for the $$ value in an action inside a

rule. In such cases you may use a type cast to explicitly specify the type

of a value. The format for such type casts is $<name>$ (for left-hand side

values) and $<name>i (for right-hand side values) where name is a type

identifier (which must occur in a %token, precedence or %type definition).



Auxiliary Procedures



The third section of a TP Yacc program is optional. If it is present, it

may contain any Turbo Pascal code (such as supporting routines or a main

program) which is tacked on to the end of the output file.



Lexical Analysis



For any TP Yacc-generated parser, the programmer must supply a lexical

analyzer routine named yylex which performs the lexical analysis for

the parser. This routine must be declared as


   function yylex : Integer;


The yylex routine may either be prepared by hand, or by using the lexical

analyzer generator TP Lex (see Section `TP Lex').


The lexical analyzer must be included in your main program behind the

parser subroutine (the yyparse code template includes a forward

definition of the yylex routine such that the parser can access the

lexical analyzer). For instance, you may put the lexical analyzer

routine into the auxiliary procedures section of your TP Yacc grammar,

either directly, or by using the the Turbo Pascal include directive



The parser repeatedly calls the yylex routine to tokenize the input

stream and obtain the individual lexical items in the input. For any

literal character, the yylex routine has to return the corresponding

character code. For the other, symbolic, terminals of the input language,

the lexical analyzer must return corresponding Integer codes. These are

assigned automatically by TP Yacc in the order in which token definitions

appear in the definitions section of the source grammar. The lexical

analyzer can access these values through corresponding Integer constants

which are declared by TP Yacc in the output file.


For instance, if


   %token NUM


is the first definition in the Yacc grammar, then TP Yacc will create

a corresponding constant declaration


   const NUM = 257;


in the output file (TP Yacc automatically assigns symbolic token numbers

starting at 257; 1 thru 255 are reserved for character literals, 0 denotes

end-of-file, and 256 is reserved for the special error token which will be

discussed in Section `Error Handling'). This definition may then be used,

e.g., in a corresponding TP Lex program as follows:


   [0-9]+   return(NUM);


You can also explicitly assign token numbers in the grammar. For this

purpose, the first occurrence of a token identifier in the definitions

section may be followed by an unsigned integer. E.g. you may write:


   %token NUM 299


Besides the return value of yylex, the lexical analyzer routine may also

return an additional semantic value for the recognized token. This value

is assigned to a variable named "yylval" and may then be accessed in actions

through the $i notation (see above, Section `Grammar Rules and Actions').

The yylval variable is of type YYSType (the semantic value type, Integer

by default); its declaration may be found in the yyparse.cod file.


For instance, to assign an Integer value to a NUM token in the above

example, we may write:


   [0-9]+   begin

              val(yytext, yylval, code);




This assigns yylval the value of the NUM token (using the Turbo Pascal

standard procedure val).


If a parser uses tokens of different types (via a %token <name> definition),

then the yylval variable will not be of type Integer, but instead of a

corresponding variant record type which is capable of holding all the

different value types declared in the TP Yacc grammar. In this case, the

lexical analyzer must assign a semantic value to the corresponding record

component which is named yy<name> (where <name> stands for the corresponding

type identifier).


E.g., if token NUM is declared Real:


   %token <Real> NUM


then the value for token NUM must be assigned to yylval.yyReal.



How The Parser Works



TP Yacc uses the LALR(1) technique developed by Donald E. Knuth and F.

DeRemer to construct a simple, efficient, non-backtracking bottom-up

parser for the source grammar. The LALR parsing technique is described

in detail in Aho/Sethi/Ullman (1986). It is quite instructive to take a

look at the parser description TP Yacc generates from a small sample

grammar, to get an idea of how the LALR parsing algorithm works. We

consider the following simplified version of the arithmetic expression



%token NUM

%left '+'

%left '*'


expr : expr '+' expr

     | expr '*' expr

     | '(' expr ')'

     | NUM



When run with the -v option on the above grammar, TP Yacc generates the

parser description listed below.


state 0:


    $accept : _ expr $end


    '(' shift 2

    NUM shift 3

    .   error


    expr    goto 1


state 1:


    $accept : expr _ $end

    expr : expr _ '+' expr

    expr : expr _ '*' expr


    $end    accept

    '*' shift 4

    '+' shift 5

    .   error


state 2:


    expr : '(' _ expr ')'


    '(' shift 2

    NUM shift 3

    .   error


    expr    goto 6


state 3:


    expr : NUM _   (4)


    .    reduce 4


state 4:


    expr : expr '*' _ expr


    '(' shift 2

    NUM shift 3

    .   error


    expr    goto 7


state 5:


    expr : expr '+' _ expr


    '(' shift 2

    NUM shift 3

    .   error


    expr    goto 8


state 6:


    expr : '(' expr _ ')'

    expr : expr _ '+' expr

    expr : expr _ '*' expr


    ')' shift 9

    '*' shift 4

    '+' shift 5

    .   error


state 7:


    expr : expr '*' expr _    (2)

    expr : expr _ '+' expr

    expr : expr _ '*' expr


    .    reduce 2


state 8:


    expr : expr '+' expr _    (1)

    expr : expr _ '+' expr

    expr : expr _ '*' expr


    '*' shift 4

    $end    reduce 1

    ')'    reduce 1

    '+'    reduce 1

    .   error


state 9:


    expr : '(' expr ')' _    (3)


    .    reduce 3



Each state of the parser corresponds to a certain prefix of the input

which has already been seen. The parser description lists the grammar

rules wich are parsed in each state, and indicates the portion of each

rule which has already been parsed by an underscore. In state 0, the

start state of the parser, the parsed rule is


    $accept : expr $end


This is not an actual grammar rule, but a starting rule automatically

added by TP Yacc. In general, it has the format


    $accept : X $end


where X is the start nonterminal of the grammar, and $end is a pseudo

token denoting end-of-input (the $end symbol is used by the parser to

determine when it has successfully parsed the input).


The description of the start rule in state 0,


    $accept : _ expr $end


with the underscore positioned before the expr symbol, indicates that

we are at the beginning of the parse and are ready to parse an expression

(nonterminal expr).


The parser maintains a stack to keep track of states visited during the

parse. There are two basic kinds of actions in each state: "shift", which

reads an input symbol and pushes the corresponding next state on top of

the stack, and "reduce" which pops a number of states from the stack

(corresponding to the number of right-hand side symbols of the rule used

in the reduction) and consults the "goto" entries of the uncovered state

to find the transition corresponding to the left-hand side symbol of the

reduced rule.


In each step of the parse, the parser is in a given state (the state on

top of its stack) and may consult the current "lookahead symbol", the

next symbol in the input, to determine the parse action - shift or reduce -

to perform. The parser terminates as soon as it reaches state 1 and reads

in the endmarker, indicated by the "accept" action on $end in state 1.


Sometimes the parser may also carry out an action without inspecting the

current lookahead token. This is the case, e.g., in state 3 where the

only action is reduction by rule 4:


    .    reduce 4


The default action in a state can also be "error" indicating that any

other input represents a syntax error. (In case of such an error the

parser will start syntactic error recovery, as described in Section

`Error Handling'.)


Now let us see how the parser responds to a given input. We consider the

input string 2+5*3 which is presented to the parser as the token sequence:


   NUM + NUM * NUM


The following table traces the corresponding actions of the parser. We also

show the current state in each move, and the remaining states on the stack.


State  Stack         Lookahead  Action

-----  ------------  ---------  --------------------------------------------


0                    NUM        shift state 3


3      0                        reduce rule 4 (pop 1 state, uncovering state

                                0, then goto state 1 on symbol expr)


1      0             +          shift state 5


5      1 0           NUM        shift state 3


3      5 1 0                    reduce rule 4 (pop 1 state, uncovering state

                                5, then goto state 8 on symbol expr)


8      5 1 0         *          shift 4


4      8 5 1 0       NUM        shift 3


3      4 8 5 1 0                reduce rule 4 (pop 1 state, uncovering state

                                4, then goto state 7 on symbol expr)


7      4 8 5 1 0                reduce rule 2 (pop 3 states, uncovering state

                                5, then goto state 8 on symbol expr)


8      5 1 0         $end       reduce rule 1 (pop 3 states, uncovering state

                                0, then goto state 1 on symbol expr)


1      0             $end       accept


It is also instructive to see how the parser responds to illegal inputs.

E.g., you may try to figure out what the parser does when confronted with:


   NUM + )




   ( NUM * NUM


You will find that the parser, sooner or later, will always run into an

error action when confronted with errorneous inputs. An LALR parser will

never shift an invalid symbol and thus will always find syntax errors as

soon as it is possible during a left-to-right scan of the input.


TP Yacc provides a debugging option (-d) that may be used to trace the

actions performed by the parser. When a grammar is compiled with the

-d option, the generated parser will print out the actions as it parses

its input.



Ambigious Grammars



There are situations in which TP Yacc will not produce a valid parser for

a given input language. LALR(1) parsers are restricted to one-symbol

lookahead on which they have to base their parsing decisions. If a

grammar is ambigious, or cannot be parsed unambigiously using one-symbol

lookahead, TP Yacc will generate parsing conflicts when constructing the

parse table. There are two types of such conflicts: shift/reduce conflicts

(when there is both a shift and a reduce action for a given input symbol

in a given state), and reduce/reduce conflicts (if there is more than

one reduce action for a given input symbol in a given state). Note that

there never will be a shift/shift conflict.


When a grammar generates parsing conflicts, TP Yacc prints out the number

of shift/reduce and reduce/reduce conflicts it encountered when constructing

the parse table. However, TP Yacc will still generate the output code for the

parser. To resolve parsing conflicts, TP Yacc uses the following built-in

disambiguating rules:


- in a shift/reduce conflict, TP Yacc chooses the shift action.


- in a reduce/reduce conflict, TP Yacc chooses reduction of the first

  grammar rule.


The shift/reduce disambiguating rule correctly resolves a type of

ambiguity known as the "dangling-else ambiguity" which arises in the

syntax of conditional statements of many programming languages (as in





stmt : IF expr THEN stmt

     | IF expr THEN stmt ELSE stmt



This grammar is ambigious, because a nested construct like


   IF expr-1 THEN IF expr-2 THEN stmt-1 ELSE stmt-2


can be parsed two ways, either as:


   IF expr-1 THEN ( IF expr-2 THEN stmt-1 ELSE stmt-2 )


or as:


   IF expr-1 THEN ( IF expr-2 THEN stmt-1 ) ELSE stmt-2


The first interpretation makes an ELSE belong to the last unmatched

IF which also is the interpretation chosen in most programming languages.

This is also the way that a TP Yacc-generated parser will parse the construct

since the shift/reduce disambiguating rule has the effect of neglecting the

reduction of IF expr-2 THEN stmt-1; instead, the parser will shift the ELSE

symbol which eventually leads to the reduction of IF expr-2 THEN stmt-1 ELSE



The reduce/reduce disambiguating rule is used to resolve conflicts that

arise when there is more than one grammar rule matching a given construct.

Such ambiguities are often caused by "special case constructs" which may be

given priority by simply listing the more specific rules ahead of the more

general ones.


For instance, the following is an excerpt from the grammar describing the

input language of the UNIX equation formatter EQN:


%right SUB SUP


expr : expr SUB expr SUP expr

     | expr SUB expr

     | expr SUP expr



Here, the SUB and SUP operator symbols denote sub- and superscript,

respectively. The rationale behind this example is that an expression

involving both sub- and superscript is often set differently from a

superscripted subscripted expression. This special case is therefore

caught by the first rule in the above example which causes a reduce/reduce

conflict with rule 3 in expressions like expr-1 SUB expr-2 SUP expr-3.

The conflict is resolved in favour of the first rule.


In both cases discussed above, the ambiguities could also be eliminated

by rewriting the grammar accordingly (although this yields more complicated

and less readable grammars). This may not always be the case. Often

ambiguities are also caused by design errors in the grammar. Hence, if

TP Yacc reports any parsing conflicts when constructing the parser, you

should use the -v option to generate the parser description (.lst file)

and check whether TP Yacc resolved the conflicts correctly.


There is one type of syntactic constructs for which one often deliberately

uses an ambigious grammar as a more concise representation for a language

that could also be specified unambigiously: the syntax of expressions.

For instance, the following is an unambigious grammar for simple arithmetic



%token NUM




expr    : term

    | expr '+' term



term    : factor

    | term '*' factor



factor  : '(' expr ')'

    | NUM



You may check yourself that this grammar gives * a higher precedence than

+ and makes both operators left-associative. The same effect can be achieved

with the following ambigious grammar using precedence definitions:


%token NUM

%left '+'

%left '*'


expr : expr '+' expr

     | expr '*' expr

     | '(' expr ')'

     | NUM



Without the precedence definitions, this is an ambigious grammar causing

a number of shift/reduce conflicts. The precedence definitions are used

to correctly resolve these conflicts (conflicts resolved using precedence

will not be reported by TP Yacc).


Each precedence definition introduces a new precedence level (lowest

precedence first) and specifies whether the corresponding operators

should be left-, right- or nonassociative (nonassociative operators

cannot be combined at all; example: relational operators in Pascal).


TP Yacc uses precedence information to resolve shift/reduce conflicts as

follows. Precedences are associated with each terminal occuring in a

precedence definition. Furthermore, each grammar rule is given the

precedence of its rightmost terminal (this default choice can be

overwritten using a %prec tag; see below). To resolve a shift/reduce

conflict using precedence, both the symbol and the rule involved must

have been assigned precedences. TP Yacc then chooses the parse action

as follows:


- If the symbol has higher precedence than the rule: shift.


- If the rule has higher precedence than the symbol: reduce.


- If symbol and rule have the same precedence, the associativity of the

  symbol determines the parse action: if the symbol is left-associative:

  reduce; if the symbol is right-associative: shift; if the symbol is

  non-associative: error.


To give you an idea of how this works, let us consider our ambigious

arithmetic expression grammar (without precedences):


%token NUM


expr : expr '+' expr

     | expr '*' expr

     | '(' expr ')'

     | NUM



This grammar generates four shift/reduce conflicts. The description

of state 8 reads as follows:


state 8:


    *** conflicts:


    shift 4, reduce 1 on '*'

    shift 5, reduce 1 on '+'


    expr : expr '+' expr _    (1)

    expr : expr _ '+' expr

    expr : expr _ '*' expr


    '*' shift 4

    '+' shift 5

    $end    reduce 1

    ')'    reduce 1

    .   error


In this state, we have successfully parsed a + expression (rule 1). When

the next symbol is + or *, we have the choice between the reduction and

shifting the symbol. Using the default shift/reduce disambiguating rule,

TP Yacc has resolved these conflicts in favour of shift.


Now let us assume the above precedence definition:


   %left '+'

   %left '*'


which gives * higher precedence than + and makes both operators left-

associative. The rightmost terminal in rule 1 is +. Hence, given these

precedence definitions, the first conflict will be resolved in favour

of shift (* has higher precedence than +), while the second one is resolved

in favour of reduce (+ is left-associative).


Similar conflicts arise in state 7:


state 7:


    *** conflicts:


    shift 4, reduce 2 on '*'

    shift 5, reduce 2 on '+'


    expr : expr '*' expr _    (2)

    expr : expr _ '+' expr

    expr : expr _ '*' expr


    '*' shift 4

    '+' shift 5

    $end    reduce 2

    ')'    reduce 2

    .   error


Here, we have successfully parsed a * expression which may be followed

by another + or * operator. Since * is left-associative and has higher

precedence than +, both conflicts will be resolved in favour of reduce.


Of course, you can also have different operators on the same precedence

level. For instance, consider the following extended version of the

arithmetic expression grammar:


%token NUM

%left '+' '-'

%left '*' '/'


expr    : expr '+' expr

    | expr '-' expr

        | expr '*' expr

        | expr '/' expr

        | '(' expr ')'

        | NUM



This puts all "addition" operators on the first and all "multiplication"

operators on the second precedence level. All operators are left-associative;

for instance, 5+3-2 will be parsed as (5+3)-2.


By default, TP Yacc assigns each rule the precedence of its rightmost

terminal. This is a sensible decision in most cases. Occasionally, it

may be necessary to overwrite this default choice and explicitly assign

a precedence to a rule. This can be done by putting a precedence tag

of the form


   %prec symbol


at the end of the corresponding rule which gives the rule the precedence

of the specified symbol. For instance, to extend the expression grammar

with a unary minus operator, giving it highest precedence, you may write:


%token NUM

%left '+' '-'

%left '*' '/'

%right UMINUS


expr    : expr '+' expr

    | expr '-' expr

        | expr '*' expr

        | expr '/' expr

        | '-' expr      %prec UMINUS

        | '(' expr ')'

        | NUM



Note the use of the UMINUS token which is not an actual input symbol but

whose sole purpose it is to give unary minus its proper precedence. If

we omitted the precedence tag, both unary and binary minus would have the

same precedence because they are represented by the same input symbol.



Error Handling



Syntactic error handling is a difficult area in the design of user-friendly

parsers. Usually, you will not like to have the parser give up upon the

first occurrence of an errorneous input symbol. Instead, the parser should

recover from a syntax error, that is, it should try to find a place in the

input where it can resume the parse.


TP Yacc provides a general mechanism to implement parsers with error

recovery. A special predefined "error" token may be used in grammar rules

to indicate positions where syntax errors might occur. When the parser runs

into an error action (i.e., reads an errorneous input symbol) it prints out

an error message and starts error recovery by popping its stack until it

uncovers a state in which there is a shift action on the error token. If

there is no such state, the parser terminates with return value 1, indicating

an unrecoverable syntax error. If there is such a state, the parser takes the

shift on the error token (pretending it has seen an imaginary error token in

the input), and resumes parsing in a special "error mode."


While in error mode, the parser quietly skips symbols until it can again

perform a legal shift action. To prevent a cascade of error messages, the

parser returns to its normal mode of operation only after it has seen

and shifted three legal input symbols. Any additional error found after

the first shifted symbol restarts error recovery, but no error message

is printed. The TP Yacc library routine yyerrok may be used to reset the

parser to its normal mode of operation explicitly.


For a simple example, consider the rule


stmt    : error ';' { yyerrok; }


and assume a syntax error occurs while a statement (nonterminal stmt) is

parsed. The parser prints an error message, then pops its stack until it

can shift the token error of the error rule. Proceeding in error mode, it

will skip symbols until it finds a semicolon, then reduces by the error

rule. The call to yyerrok tells the parser that we have recovered from

the error and that it should proceed with the normal parse. This kind of

"panic mode" error recovery scheme works well when statements are always

terminated with a semicolon. The parser simply skips the "bad" statement

and then resumes the parse.


Implementing a good error recovery scheme can be a difficult task; see

Aho/Sethi/Ullman (1986) for a more comprehensive treatment of this topic.

Schreiner and Friedman have developed a systematic technique to implement

error recovery with Yacc which I found quite useful (I used it myself

to implement error recovery in the TP Yacc parser); see Schreiner/Friedman




Yacc Library



The TP Yacc library (YaccLib) unit provides some global declarations used

by the parser routine yyparse, and some variables and utility routines

which may be used to control the actions of the parser and to implement

error recovery. See the file yacclib.pas for a description of these

variables and routines.


You can also modify the Yacc library unit (and/or the code template in the

yyparse.cod file) to customize TP Yacc to your target applications.



Other Features



TP Yacc supports all additional language elements entitled as "Old Features

Supported But not Encouraged" in the UNIX manual, which are provided for

backward compatibility with older versions of (UNIX) Yacc:


- literals delimited by double quotes.


- multiple-character literals. Note that these are not treated as character

  sequences but represent single tokens which are given a symbolic integer

  code just like any other token identifier. However, they will not be

  declared in the output file, so you have to make sure yourself that

  the lexical analyzer returns the correct codes for these symbols. E.g.,

  you might explicitly assign token numbers by using a definition like


     %token ':=' 257


  at the beginning of the Yacc grammar.


- \ may be used instead of %, i.e. \\ means %%, \left is the same as %left,



- other synonyms:

  %<             for %left

  %>             for %right

  %binary or %2  for %nonassoc

  %term or %0    for %token

  %=             for %prec


- actions may also be written as = { ... } or = single-statement;


- Turbo Pascal declarations (%{ ... %}) may be put at the beginning of the

  rules section. They will be treated as local declarations of the actions




Implementation Restrictions



As with TP Lex, internal table sizes and the main memory available limit the

complexity of source grammars that TP Yacc can handle. However, the maximum

table sizes provided by TP Yacc are large enough to handle quite complex

grammars (such as the Pascal grammar in the TP Yacc distribution). The actual

table sizes are shown in the statistics printed by TP Yacc when a compilation

is finished. The given figures are "s" (states), "i" (LR0 kernel items), "t"

(shift and goto transitions) and "r" (reductions).


The default stack size of the generated parsers is yymaxdepth = 1024, as

declared in the TP Yacc library unit. This should be sufficient for any

average application, but you can change the stack size by including a

corresponding declaration in the definitions part of the Yacc grammar

(or change the value in the YaccLib unit). Note that right-recursive

grammar rules may increase stack space requirements, so it is a good

idea to use left-recursive rules wherever possible.



Differences from UNIX Yacc



Major differences between TP Yacc and UNIX Yacc are listed below.


- TP Yacc produces output code for Turbo Pascal, rather than for C.


- TP Yacc does not support %union definitions. Instead, a value type is

  declared by specifying the type identifier itself as the tag of a %token

  or %type definition. TP Yacc will automatically generate an appropriate

  variant record type (YYSType) which is capable of holding values of any

  of the types used in %token and %type.


  Type checking is very strict. If you use type definitions, then

  any symbol referred to in an action must have a type introduced

  in a type definition. Either the symbol must have been assigned a

  type in the definitions section, or the $<type-identifier> notation

  must be used. The syntax of the %type definition has been changed

  slightly to allow definitions of the form

     %type <type-identifier>

  (omitting the nonterminals) which may be used to declare types which

  are not assigned to any grammar symbol, but are used with the

  $<...> construct.


- The parse tables constructed by this Yacc version are slightly greater

  than those constructed by UNIX Yacc, since a reduce action will only be

  chosen as the default action if it is the only action in the state.

  In difference, UNIX Yacc chooses a reduce action as the default action

  whenever it is the only reduce action of the state (even if there are

  other shift actions).


  This solves a bug in UNIX Yacc that makes the generated parser start

  error recovery too late with certain types of error productions (see

  also Schreiner/Friedman, "Introduction to compiler construction with

  UNIX," 1985). Also, errors will be caught sooner in most cases where

  UNIX Yacc would carry out an additional (default) reduction before

  detecting the error.


- Library routines are named differently from the UNIX version (e.g.,

  the `yyerrlab' routine takes the place of the `YYERROR' macro of UNIX

  Yacc), and, of course, all macros of UNIX Yacc (YYERROR, YYACCEPT, etc.)

  had to be implemented as procedures.


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