Lexer and Parser Generators- Bison++ and Flex++- Visual Parse++ 4.0- Visual BNF- A Compact Guide to Lex and Yacc- LRGen- ClearParse- The SYNTAX System- Language semantics- PRECC - A PREttier Compiler-Compiler- CppCC (C++ Compiler Compiler)- The LEMON Parser Generator- YooLex (Yet another Object-Oriente...- Grammatica- The LEX & YACC Page- Yacc++(R) and the Language Objects...- LLgen parser generator- Oolex (object-oriented lexer)- TextTransformer- ProGrammar- Re2c lexer generator- Pattern matching- Jay- Lex/YACC (actually Flex and Bison)- Soul- GNU Flex- Coco/R compiler generator- VLDesk (Visual Language Desk)- Spirit C++ Parser Framework- Rie- LLOOP- YAY - Yet Another YACC- Turbo Pascal Lex/Yacc- Ragel State Machine Compiler- The SYNTAX System- Hapy- Oops- Elkhound: A GLR Parser Generator- GradSoft YaYacc- The RDP parser generator- PCCTS Resources and- GOLD Parser- EAG- GnuWin32- Kelbt: Backtracking LR Parsing- AnaGram- Iburg, A Tree Parser Generator- The SLK Parser Generator- Toy Parser Generator for Python- Lapg- JB2CSharp- Meta-S Adaptive Context-Sensitive ...- Happy- Lex and Yacc for Delphi 3- GNU Bison- JS/CC Parser Generator- IParse- Depot4 homepage- BtYacc: BackTracking Yacc- Styx- SGLR: a Scannerless Generalized LR...- BtYacc patches: BackTracking YaccGNU Compiler Collection- PL/1 for GCC- Linux C and C++ Compilers- G++ FAQ- GNU ARM- Optimizing GCC- Optimization in GCC
GNU Compiler Collection (part 2)- D Front End for GCC- An Introduction to GCC- GNUDE: GNU Development Environment- GHDL- DaLSoft- OpenCOBOL- GCC XML Node Introspector Project- GCC Myths and Facts- GNU C Compiler Internals Wikibook- Building and Testing gcc/glibc cro...- Distcc- GCC for the 6809- Writing a GCC Front End- Making and using libraries- MinGW: Minimalist GNU for Windows- Migrating to gcc-3.4- GCC: GNU Compiler Collection- GCC Wiki- ACOVEA (Analysis of Compiler Optio...- LWN: GCC gets a new Optimizer Fram...- Pentium Compiler Group- First Annual GCC Developers Summit- RHIDE- GCC & GNU Toolchain Developers...- Pinapa- GNU Objective-C runtime features- EGCS: Experimental GNU Compiler System- SIGPLAN: Programming Languages- The comp.compilers Newsgroup- Free Compilers and Interpreters- Free Programming Compilers and Int...- Lets Build a Compiler- Compilers.net- The Compiler Connection- Catalog of Free Compilers, Interpr...- Programming Language and Compiler ...- Dmitry Smaghins site- Compiler Jobs- Bloodshed Software: Compilers Reso...- Turbo Pascal 3.0 compiler and code...- Links and Selected Readings for Co...- Architectures and Compilers to Sup...- Deadly Sins- Theory of Computation- Researchers in Programming Languag...- Tasking- Zngr L compoiler- Tools for compiling- Softpanorama Bookshelf / Compiler ...- Nullstone Corp.- Context- Architectural Neutral Distribution...Companies- Compiler Consulting Resources- Edison Design Group- Ansasoft- DDC-I- Bloodshed Software- Absoft- Digital Mars C and C++ Compilers- Green Hills Software- CodeScape- Excelsior, LLC- CodePlay- Temporal Wave LLC- Avocet Systems- Pennington Systems Incorporated- HP InfoTech S.R.L.- Vendor of 8051 development tools- Semantic Designs- Micro-Processor Services, Inc.- ProFactor Software- J.M.K S.F. Software TechnologiesCompiler Construction Kits ANTLR- Compiler Construction with ANTLR a...- COMS W4115 Programming Languages a...- ANTLR v3 Resources & Grammars- ANTLR Studio- ANTLR 3 Eclipse Plugin- Implementing a scripting language ...- ParseView- The Definitive ANTLR Reference- Mantra- AntlrEclipse- ANTLR Parser Generator- How to use ANTLR with C++- CSCE 425/825 - Compiler Construction- ANTLRWorks
Compiler Construction Kits ANTLR (part 2)- ANTLR v2- Terence Parr Introduces ANTLR 3.0Compiler Construction Kits- Relational Meta-Language (RML)- Free Compiler Construction Tools- Catalog of Compiler Construction Tools- Eli: An Integrated Toolset for Com...- PFX- CoSy- Cetus- Gentle- LLVM- SUIF- Irony- Mozart- ZephyrTransformation Tools- Stratego (Strategies for Program T...- The Dynamo Project- Trimaran- Spoon: Program Processing, Analysi...- TXL Source Transformation System- CCured source-to-source C translator- DMS Software Reengineering Toolkit- Cross Module Inliner- Tom- AlmaBooks and Tutorials- Creating A Language- FreeTechBooks - Compiler Design an...- Basics of Compiler Design- Compilers and Compiler Generators- Compilers Construction- Deadly Sins- Programming Language Research LinksCross Compilers- ASxxxx Cross Assemblers- TML2- SCORE- SjASMPlus- Amsterdam Compiler Kit (ACK)- GCC Toolchain for MSP430- WinAVR- Quetzalcoatl- 6502 Cross-Development Languages a...- GameBoy Developers Kit (GBDK)Code Generator Kits- ExpertCoder- FroofyJIT- JBurg: a Bottom-Up Rewrite Machine...- New Jersey Machine-Code Toolkit- Vcode- BEG - a Back End Generator- Dynamically Targetable Tools Frame...Attribute Grammar Systems- The Fnc-2 Attribute Grammar System- Ox Grammar System- The Fnc-2 Attribute Grammar System- The AGFL Grammar Work Lab- The lrc attribute grammar system- Micro Attribute Grammar SystemObject-Oriented- Vortex
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